I bought an electric paint sprayer from Naaptol.com, apparently a product branded VOX, which seems to be a knock-off of Paint-zoom. To my agony, on usage I realized that, the product leaks paint through it spray handle, at a rate of 10-20% in volume, there by messing up completely the whole paint project.
The complaint was logged in detailed to Naaptol and they promptly directed to ship it back for repair/replacement. After nearly 6 weeks wait, I received the shipment back from naaptol, which to my dismay was the same piece damaged further. Apparently they punched a whole in the paint drum about 2cm wide, that it could not hold the paint anymore.
The complaint was followed up by another request to ship it for repair/replacement, and a further 7 weeks later the shipment was received, with the defective paint drum replaced, but the original paint leakage from the paint gun still in place, BUT a a higher rate.
I am now out of hope that Naaptol genuinely intends to fix this issue,as even after two iterations they seem to ship the item in defective stage Was this information helpful? |
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