Address: South West Delhi, Delhi |
Sub : Compliant against, disturbance and noise-pollution, Nuisance caused due to Illegal business activity in our residential area
Respected Sir,
I , Mrs. S.D. Sharma, Senior Citizen (Age 74years), retired from Indian Air force, resident of house no.107, Street no.2, Sarika Vihar, Dindarpur, Najafgarh, New Delhi, hereby wish to bring in to your notice that we are facing a massive disturbance & nuisance, due to Illegal business activity in our residential area, this is caused by two tent-house runners by the name of Soni Halwai and Pappu Halwai. Soni operates the tent house activities from the front of our house and Pappu operates the tent house activities from the back of our house. Huge disturbance is caused due to the movement of trucks loading and unloading tent-house material, in the day time and night time, due to loading and unloading of material which causes loud noice while moving the material in and out from the respective godowns. Disturbance is caused due to labors/workers shouting and yelling on top of their voice, using abusive languages no matter its day time or mid-night time.
My son, Raj Kishore Sharma, has tried to request both Pappu and Soni to understand the disturbance caused by both of them, and make some alternative arrangements to operate their godowns and spare us from the disturbance caused due to their business activity. But, they haven’t taken any action on this, rather they threatened to beat him, if he logs any complaint with MCD or, police authorities.
Their tent house activities have caused scratches on our car, parked outside our house. We have several time brought this in the notice of Soni Halwai, he would always, reluctantly laugh at it and say “agar tum gadi yahan park karoge to scratches to lagenge hi”, where as the car is always parked at our side of the house-area and should not be touched by anyone, knowingly/un-knowingly.
I am a senior citizen, undergoing several medical treatments, such a huge disturbance is making my health condition more worse and unbearable.
Therefore, I would request you to investigate in to the matter and arrange to stop this public disturbance and noise-pollution due to Illegal business activity in our residential area.
Looking forward to the cooperation of Delhi Police department. I shall be highly obliged for the same
Thanks & Regards
Mrs. S.D. Sharma
Rtd. Indian Airforce
House no.107, Street no.2,
Sarika Vihar, Dindarpur,
Najafgarh, New Delhi( Tel : +91-[protected])
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