i totally disagree infact everybody knows that MR SUDESH KUMAR SHARMA has done a fraud of worth of 10 crores from Nodai seeds india pvt ltd and has opened his own company with that money in the name of SIGNET SEEDS . Infact he should be given life impriosonment for such type of act. He has cheated other companies such as BAYER AND BIOSEEDS.He is forcing me to work with me also and i dont have any other option please help.
As a HR person of Nodai Seeds India Private Limited, I totally disagree the mail given by the name of Mr. Tomar. I had worked with Dr. Sudesh Kumar Sharma during January 2008 to September 2008. He was the Chief Executive Officer of the company at that time. Dr. Sudesh is a smiling & unique personality in the seed industry. As I know, Mr. Ved Prakash Tomar is a Business Development Manager in Signet Crop Sciences India Private Limited and working hard to establish the company. Dr. Sudesh Sharma is a good team leader and majority of staff from Nodai Seeds India Private Limited has been shifted to Signet Seeds. As I know, Nodai Seeds is not clearing his dues even salary of July-Sept-08 also pending with the company. He has joined his relatives company as Additional Director on October 01, 2008 and now management has appointed him as Managing Director of Signet Crop Sciences India Private Limited. He has long experiance to work with MNCs and developed excellent network at National and International level. I certainly hope that Dr. Sudesh Kumar Sharma will proved his worth in Signet also. God always helps those who helps themself.
I definitely agreed with the comments of Mr. Akhilesh Kumar Gupta. Dr. Sudesh Kumar Sharma was the CEO of Nodai Seeds India Private Limited since November 2005 to September 2008. He is very young and versatile personality in Indian Seeds Industry. I met Dr. Sharma in Nodai Seeds India Private Limited and supplied desired seeds from my company Synergene Crop Innovations, Hyderabad. I had supplied hybrid paddy and vegetables seeds to the company and Rs. 1 cr and 5 lakh is still pending with Nodai Seeds. I had complete signed documents from the chairman of the company and his logistic manager Mr. Neeraj Gulati. After resignation of Dr. Sudesh Sharma, he has not not cleared single rupee in my accounts. I am facing very hard financial crises due to non payment from Nodai Seeds India Private Limited. Please help me in this regards.
Now, Dr. Sudesh Kumar Sharma has joined Signet Crop Sciences India Private limited and running his business very smoothly. I am very much impressed with his accounting policies in Signet Seeds. Cash withdran from company account in totaly banned in his company. Our country required visionary, loyal and hard working personalities like Dr. Sudesh Sharma. He has established Signet Crop Sciences Indai Private Limited at National and International level with in a very short span. He is actively involved in APSA, IFSSA, ICAR, IARI, CRRI for promoting public bred hybrids to the farming community.
I beleive that he will do wonders in the seed industry as we all growers and traders ready to support him at every level.
Now, Dr. Sudesh Kumar Sharma has joined Signet Crop Sciences India Private limited and running his business very smoothly. I am very much impressed with his accounting policies in Signet Seeds. Cash withdran from company account in totaly banned in his company. Our country required visionary, loyal and hard working personalities like Dr. Sudesh Sharma. He has established Signet Crop Sciences Indai Private Limited at National and International level with in a very short span. He is actively involved in APSA, IFSSA, ICAR, IARI, CRRI for promoting public bred hybrids to the farming community.
I beleive that he will do wonders in the seed industry as we all growers and traders ready to support him at every level.
I, Ved Prakash Tomar- Manager Business Development in Signet Crop Sciences India is totally agreed with the comments of Mr. Akhilesh Kumar Gupta and Mr. Sreenivasa Rao. We are enjoiying with working under the leadership of Dr. Sudesh Kumar Sharma, Managing Director of Signet Crop Sciences India Private Limited. He has the capabilities to establish new organizations in the country. Considering long term planning a team of four technocrates has launched research company with the name of Signet Biotech Research India Private Limited headed by Dr. Sushil Kumar Pandey as Director Research. On April 30, 2009 a great launching program was conducted with the blessings of Director and Vice Chancellor, NDRI, Karnal, Haryana, Deputy Director Agriculture in the presence of our special guest from China Dr. Li Rongbai and Dr. Wei Yangping from Guangxi Academy of Agriculture. Our industry required young and positive thinking personalities like Dr. Sudesh Kumar Sharma.
I have seen the complaint of not issuing the form 16 as well as the comments from different persons which are not related to the complaint given by Sudesh Kumar Sharma. I am well known to the Dr. Sudesh as well as Prof. Ishwar Singh, Chairman of the Nodai Seeds India Private Limited. I do not understand whether the same matter discussed between Nodai's chairman and Sudesh? According to my experiance of working with MNCs there should not be any issue to provide the TDS certificate/ Form 16 from the employeer to the employee. TDS has to be deducted from the salary of the employee and same should be deposited in the income tax department latest by the 7th day of every month and same should be refelected in regular income tax returns of the company. As i know, employee can take the tax deposited details from his PAN card through income tax department authorised advocates/ CAs. In case tax has been deducted from the employee and same sown in salary slips given to the employee but that amount not credited in employee's PAN card in that case employee have the option to write the complaint to Income Tax department and ministry of corporate afairs alongwith PAN card details, bank statement of salary accounts, salary slip and appointment letter. I would like to advise both of them not to waste their time in such small issues. Give full attention in your business and create friendly atmosphere with dealing in employee/employer relationship. I wish Prof. Ishwar Singh and Dr. Sudesh Sharma, both to achieve the new heights in their seed business as both of them are hard working, sincere, energetic and target oriented personalities.
i totally disagree with comments from Gude Sreenivas Rao. He is the partner of Dr Sudesh Sharma in Signet Seeds. Infact Dr Sudesh Sharma and Gude Sreenivas Rao has taken material from the market of Nodai Seeds worth Rs 1 crore.I am working with Dr Sudesh and i know what all he has done in Nodai Seeds. He is very guilty of the fact that he has done so wrong as a employee working in nodai seeds. As far as system is concerned SIGNET SEEDS doesnt have any system of cash. cash is always taken from the parties and staff is always resigning . i dont know what is the future of this company.
Myself Neeraj Gulati working in Nodai Seeds India Private Limited is totally disagreed with the comments given with the name of Mr. Thirupal. It is the culture of Nodai Seeds to collect the funds through senior officers from their relatives and friends in the form of cash or cheques. I would like to request to Nodai Management to give this case to income tax and take actual figures of Nodai working. I do not have any fear of my job in Nodai as company is going to be closed with in very short span. Our chairman has taken Rs. 16 lakh from Dr. J.P.Mishra (MD of Nodai Seeds) to clear the dues of Mr. Rama Krishana, Karim Nagar and now-a-days Dr. Mishra is asking his money from Nodai and company is planning to fire him very shortly and they are also going to deduct his paid salary and taxi charges from his loan of Rs. 16 lakh. In a recent development Mr. H.R.Shukla is likely to be joining to Nodai and going to be in great problem as per my previous experiance. I am well known to Dr. Sudesh Sharma as we have worked together in Shriram Bioseed as well as in Nodai seeds India Private Limited. I think there is no need to blame each other and all should concentrate on their work.
I am a retired IAS officer from Punjab and trying to start seed business along with my friend at Delhi. I have been regularly reading the publications of APSA, IFSSA and National Seed Association of India. I have recently seen a article of Dr. Sudesh Sharma, MD, Signet Seeds with title High Lights on Hybrid Rice in India and Quality Foundation Seed Production of Parental lines which really encouraged me to search something more about such great personalities in India. I was searching Signet Seeds through Google and seen the complaint of form 16 given by Dr. Sudesh Sharma. Mojoriety of peoples has given very nice comments. It is my experiance that every one try to blame a shining star, I do beleive that we need young, energetic and efficient persons to take the seed sector towards new heights. I met with Dr. Wayne H. Freeman and he too told me about his discussion with Dr. Sudesh Sharma. According Dr. Freeman Sudesh is a really visionary seed man from India and definitely become a big man in this industry. I personally would like to meet him for discussion about progress of seed industry in north India. I beleive in hard work, sincerety and loyality. Dr. Sudesh, if you read this please contact me and I will also try for the same. You are just my son do not waste your energy here and there be focused on your work because sussess is waiting...God Luck
I worked in Nodai Seeds company for more than two year, I can say That, Dr. Sudesh Sharma is very good person as well as good Boss, Under his leadership, growth rate of the said company become very high. I dont know, what is the matter regarding form 16 and others, I think, there is no need of blame on each other, every one doing his business separately . I wish to both of them .
I am working with Mr. Sudesh Sharma .I know Sudesh sharma is a big thief .I am informed to Mr Iswar singh in this matterbut he was not taken any action.As a result he loose 10 crore.