nokia5130c-2 — mobile lost i want you lock it
Sir,I am Himalay Dewangan have lost my nokia mobile on[protected] some where, requesting you to lock the phone and terraced where it is as soon as possible .
Mobile details :
Model : nokia 5130c-2
Serial / IMEI : [protected]
Date of purchase :[protected]
Purchased From : MOBILE BAR Nawapara Rajim
Thanking you
Date :[protected]
Request By:
Himalay Dewangan
Gandhi Chowk Nawapara Rajim
( C.G. ) INDIA
Phone : [protected] [protected]
nokia 5130-2c w.silver — lost
sir,i have lost my nokia 5130-2c w.silver mobile phone ...
its IMEI no is: [protected]
item: 002L832
please track it or if not found lock it.. i have already reported a FIR.... i will be thankful for this kind deed of yours..
my number was [protected].
nokia 5130c -2 Silver — lost
I have lost my mobile at afzal gunj during when i was travelling suddenly i lost my mobile,I purchased this mobile on 3 november 2010 and mobile IMEI Num is [protected]
Please help me out to find my mobile my optional number is [protected], [protected]
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+91 12 4483 3000
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+91 33 4006 2264
SP Infocity, Industrial Plot no. 243, Udyog Vihar, Phase 1, Dundahera, Haryana, India - 122016
Nokia 5130C- 2 W.Silver — Nokia 5130C Mobile Phone Lost
Dear All,Please helpme to find out my Mobile Phone.
IMEI No : [protected]
Date Of Purchase :- 09.09.2009 8.01 PM
Date Of Lost :- 01.11.2009 3.00 PM