i have also bought nokia X2 & i'm facing same problems. there is no use of flash in night, the photos comes whitish at the side of flash. also battery requires more time to charge.
did u remove the cover sticker on camera and flash...may u didnt
me toooo faced same prob of whitish pics, , , , b4 i removed the cover...
I have also purchased the X2 phone and it is hanging since the very first day. I would suggest to users not to buy this phone... You can get a better option in Samsung or LG...
hey my X2 is working pretty fine. sound clarity n display quality z good. D nly prblm z with d camera flash that makes the image brighter.. else z fine.. Afterall a cell cant b compared to ny 5mp camera.. U cant xpect mr than 2 days battery backup in a cell wid 5mp camera n so much f other mulimedia stuffs aftrall.. I wud definitely suggest to go for this phone.. ;)
I have purchased this phone before Diwali and have not faced any probs like hanging and all. I have only two discomforts with this phone. The first one is I can add only 20 members to one group and the next is camera. Even a 2 MP camera is better than this 5 MP camera. Audio quality is good. I don't know abt internet.
hey i just bought dis fone 4 days b4...till date i have'nt faced any problems xcept for da flash dominating the pics...but 2day i removed da cover frm da camera nd picture quality has improved a lot nd da flash is also workin good...dis is a really gud fone...i wud 100% suggest any1 2 buy dis fone...:D
That is obviously a manufacturing defect. Some x2s come with black covering to the camera lens. But some of them came withe transparent cover that is the problem. at least the partition between the flash and camera should have been opaque. I bought one but returned it within 48 hours.
I have purchased a nokia-x2.Initially there was no problem with the camera, but suddenly there appeared i red horizontal line whenever I want to capture any photo.And can anyone help about what is imgcache?
Agree with you. I faced :
- It is 5 MP camera, but camera quality is worst.
- Flash is of no use as photo becomes brighter (we can see 2 shades, upper side whiter and no effect @ lower side)
- It takes more time to charge full battery
- Also battery discharge is very fast.
- It is 5 MP camera, but camera quality is worst.
- Flash is of no use as photo becomes brighter (we can see 2 shades, upper side whiter and no effect @ lower side)
- It takes more time to charge full battery
- Also battery discharge is very fast.
i have also bought nokia X2 and I am Facing battary low is very fast.
i have purchased this phone one month before am also have all these problems(poor camera quality, quick battery discharge, requires more time to charge, whitish picture etc) but sound quality is not too bad
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