SUBHOJIT SADHUKHAN Is A Big Chetter. He Chitting All over WEST BENGAL.
yes, he is big chetter. he is chetting by net. be ware this froud man.
Hello I'm Subhojit Sadhukhan Director of N-Tel Cellular Multi Services. who was wrote this command he/she is totally wrong and mentally disbalance. My Company top multi recharge services proviter in india.we Have 2 Branch in this city. my question :
How r you?. What is your cellphone number?.
Please Contact me & erase your wrong command.
Our Company have 30 DISTRIBUTOR in all over india
My Contact Number is :[protected]/[protected]/[protected] my E-mail Id is : subhojit.[protected] or [protected]
Please E-mail Your Details.
How r you?. What is your cellphone number?.
Please Contact me & erase your wrong command.
Our Company have 30 DISTRIBUTOR in all over india
My Contact Number is :[protected]/[protected]/[protected] my E-mail Id is : subhojit.[protected] or [protected]
Please E-mail Your Details.
This is only scandal.
where is your branch in kolkatta? where is distributor in india? give the detail. what is profile of your company ? write here all answear the question .
at first told me who r u? send me your details.
what is your name and address and contact number?
then also told you all information.
otherwise we taken legal action.
what is your name and address and contact number?
then also told you all information.
otherwise we taken legal action.
Subhojit Sadhukhan is a big chitter in multy recharge Industry. He chetting all over india. He is no company. He is only one man army. He was arrested by jadabpur police station for chitting. In the lock-up he was stay 30 days. "Hello I'm Subhojit Sadhukhan Director of N-Tel Cellular Multi Services", "he/she is totally wrong and mentally disbalance", "My Company top multi recharge services proviter in india", "we Have 2 Branch", "Our Company have 30 DISTRIBUTOR in all over india", "This is only scandal", "we taken legal action" = VERY GOOD COMMENTS. Please cheak his web site profile in that site = And his profile please call any multy recharge company all over india. Thank you subhojit, see you again ( in police station ? ).
Subhojit Sadhukhan's new company is APNA EASY. Website is & TAKE SAFE DISTANCE FROM SUBHOJIT SADHUKHAN. >>>>>
N-Tel Cellular Multi Services now collaparated with Matrix Multi Services .Head Office
Matrix Multi Services
Lunkad Skymax, Office No.405, 4th Floor, Near Dutta Mandir, Viman Nagar, Pune 411014
Off No.[protected] : Cell +91
Website :
Are you interested for demo service
so please contact [protected].
Matrix Multi Services
Lunkad Skymax, Office No.405, 4th Floor, Near Dutta Mandir, Viman Nagar, Pune 411014
Off No.[protected] : Cell +91
Website :
Are you interested for demo service
so please contact [protected].
How r You Please Contact Me.
Please e-mail Your Details Mail Id Is subhojit.[protected]
Thank You...
Please e-mail Your Details Mail Id Is subhojit.[protected]
Thank You...
this suvojit sadkhan also taken money from me and not doing anything now i also think he is a cheater
now his mobile is also switched off
now his mobile is also switched off
how r you Please give your Phone No,
My Office Phone No Is[protected]
my email Is Is subhojit.[protected]
My Office Phone No Is[protected]
my email Is Is subhojit.[protected]
this is too he is a big chitter
subhajit sandhukha have cheated many people as a name of ntel celluler(1 sim all recharge).now he opened new cheat company name APNA EASY. KEEP SAFE DISTANCE FROM THIS COMPANY
I Am A Distributor of Apna Easy. Apnaeasy give me Proper services i hope u r wrong/any mistake please contact apna easy.
This Complains Is 100% Ranges Please Removing This. OR Send Remove Process
Apna Easy Is A God Malty Recharge Services Provider In India
What Is NTEL?. I Hove N TEL And Apnaeasy Is A Difference Company. Do Not Involve Subhojit Sir Or Apna Easy.
COMPAK GROUP is the most cheater company in india beaware of it. You can ask any big company in india they will admit it.
Contact Information SIM in all reacharge)
File a Complaint