Subject: Complaint for non receipt of shares in IPO
Ref. : IPO of ONGC Ltd.- year -2004
I am a retired person of 64 years. I had applied for 50 shares in IPO of ONGC Ltd. On 13.03.2004. till not received allots shares/ bonus shares issued thereafter and dividends declared thereon after a period of 5 years has already passed.
I give hereby details of my application and correspondence exchanged between registrar to issue.
1) Application Form No.[protected] dtd. 13.03.04
2) Cheque no. 210705 for Rs. 35, 625/- of Allahabad Bank, Ahmedabad cleared on 17.03.04 through Kotak Mahindra Bank, Ahmedabad.
3) Complaint registrar with M/s. MCS Ltd., Mumbai through their Ahmedabad Office.
4) Letter Ref. No. 226. KIH No. 117311, Bank Sr. No. B01023614 of M/s. MCS Ltd., Mumbai received by me informing certain details before 10.06.04
5) I had furnished all required information vide my Registered AD Letter dtd. 03.06.2004 received by MCS Ltd., Mumbai on 05.06.04
Thereafter a long time has been passed and I had not received any reply. I had visited several times at Ahmedabad Office of MCS Ltd. but not satisfactory reply was received.
6) M/s. Karvy, Hyderabad was entrusted the work by SEBI for IPO of ONGC Ltd.
7) I had received one letter Ref. No. ONGC/20162/A/B/C from karvy, Hyderabad to give certain details in respect of my pending complaints with MCS Ltd.
8) All required information with Xerox copies were submitted by me in person at ahmedabad office of M/s. Karvy vide their query form no. 370 dtd. 27.04.07. but not receive any reply for a long time of one year.
9) I had further approached in Ahmedabad Office of Karvy on 04.04.2008 in person and as requested by the desk staff. I had submitted all copies of documents vide their query form no. 41344 dtd. 04.04.2008, as they had assured to solve my problem.
Hence, request you to take up the matter with concerned registrar to the issue at the earliest and help me to solve the long pending problem.
A line of acknowledgement is highly appreciated.
Bharat Shah
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