Address: Ahmedabad, Gujarat |
It is now quite known to everyone in the country that the Honourable Supreme Court has restricted the use of plastic in packing of Panmasala and Tobacco products and issued an Order to use Paper/Non Plastic material instead of that.
It has been noticed everywhere that the dealers/agents/wholesellers/retailers of the product Parag Panmasala Premium, are selling the said product at double or higher rates than the printed or original price on the pouch. On asking, they contend that the manufacturer and the company itself are instructing the dealers/agents/wholesellers/retailers to sell their products at double or higher rates as the packing cost of paper/non-plastic pouches is costing more to them as compared to Plastic Pouches.
It should be noted that the said product is manufactured by Montage Regn A/F and is sold under the name of Pan Parag India Limited, Kanpur and the printed price of the said product is Re 1.00 per pouch and Rs 10.00 per zipper pouch. However these are sold at minimum Rs 2.00 per pouch and minimum Rs 12 per zipper pouch in the market everywhere.
It has been observed that nowadays similar companies are issuing Public Notice regarding the original sale prices of their products as against such malpractice in the market. The above manufacturer company is also requested to issue such Public Notice in the interest of the consumers. If same practice is continued by them and no steps taken against this, the retailers and all will be looting the consumers openly.
It should be seen that the consumers are the ultimate sufferers.
Looking to above situation, it is seriously requested to investigate in the same issue and take some strict and corrective steps against such malpractice followed by above parties in the market.
It is expected that putting up complaints here will prove the fruitfull and positive and satisfactory impact of such problem.
Thanks and Regards
Arpan Was this information helpful? |
pan masala cigarettes — pan masala cigarettes sales
pan masala cigarettes are sold freely in platforms, compartments and everywhere in rail area. Then why to pass the law to prevent it? And the law enforcing agencies are doing what? Tanking public money as salary and not performing the jobs, and the senior officers are blind on these issues? Are they taking bribe and allowing al these to happen?