[Resolved]  Pcda Allahabad — not giving disability pension yet

From : No.1078819A Ex Dfr Pratap singh
VPO –Aurenya Mandan
Disstt- Mainpuri (U.P)

10 Feb 2010
Armoured Corps Records,
Ahmednagar (MR)
PIN 900476
c/o 56 APO



1. Please refer to your letter No. 1078819/DP/Pen dated 27 Aug 2009.

2. Second appeal against rejection of my disability pension claim is forwarded in triplicate for your further necessary action please.

3. Kindly acknowledge the receipt of above.

Yours Faithfully

(Ex Dfr Pratap Singh)


Addressed to:-
The Chairmain
Defence Ministers Appelete
Govt of India Min of Defence
New Delhi

Records Armoured Corps
PIN 900476
c/o 56 APO

Armoured corps records letter No. 1078819/DP/Pen dated 27 Aug 2009.

(a) Armoured Corps Records letter No. 1078819/DP/Pen dated 25 Jul 2006.
(b) Integrated HQ of MOD (army) letter No. B/40502/015/09/AG/PS-4 (imp -II) dated 17 Jul 2009.
(c) Copy of discharge book.
(d) Copies of two judgement of Hon’able High Court o[censored]ttar Pradesh Allahabad; published in leading Hindi news paper.

1. I was enrolled in Army as Driver cum Gunner in Armoured Corps on 26 Oct 1983 and after serving for 21 years and 4 months I was envicted from service prematurely on 28 Feb 2006 . I was in low medical category S1 H1 A1 P-3 (Permanent) E1 Due to “GENERALIGED SEIZURE” and my release medical board was held at Military Hospital Suratgarh(Rajasthan).

2. My claim for grant for disability pension has rejected by PCDA (Pension) Allahabad by their rejection memo No. G-3/SI/ 106/406. As per this memo the disability caused to me has been treated as not related to military service and of constitutional disorder . As this decision of PCDA was purely illegal and unjust being against existing rules and various orders ,I submitted first humble appeal against rejection to Integrated HQ of MOD (Army) through Records Armoured Corps but my first appeal has also been rejected vide their letter No. B/40502/015/09/AG/PS-4 (imp-II) dated 17 Jul 2009. But I am not satisfied with this decision because the disability caused to me While on Temporary Duty and was admitted in military hospital while returning from this duty. I , therefore submit this humble request through Second Appeal seeking legal and appropriate decision from your honour.

3. As stated above I was enrolled in army as tank driver cum gunner . The duties of this trade are very hard and require bearing extra stress and strain of military service. The tank generally operates in border area of Rajasthan & Punjab, with an aim to keep ourselves fit, Regular Practice of operational tasks in these area are needed. Thus we generally operate in day/night in the desert of Rajasthan and wet area of Punjab.

4. I have served at Sangroor, Babina, Ambala again at Babina and Suratgarh with an operational tasks at Indo-Pak border. Besides my trade work I also performed sentry duties during Day/Night and thus bear extra strain and stress of service. I was very honest , hard working and disciplined soldier . My performance of military duties was always appreciated by my commanders , equal and subordinates. Therefore I retired with exemplary character.

5. At the time of enrollment I was physically tough and mentally alert Therefore , I was selected for driver cum gunner trade in Armoured Corps . When I was Posted at Ambala , I was detailed on escorts duty of ammunition in COD Kirkee, we were travelling in military vehicles. Enroute I faced an attack of confusun and I was evacuated to military hospital. After long treatment and prescribed precaution I was cured and became fit in category SHAPE-1.

6. During the year 2004 I was posted on ERE with Bengal Bn Ncc (Boys). Commanding officer of this Bn was posted from NCC to Secunderabad . His family was moving to new unit by train but he sent his luggage by road by truck. I was detailed to escort this truck from Calcutta to secunderabad . From Secunderabad to Calcutta return journey I was issued the railway warrant . I left the truck and catched the train for Calcutta.

7. I do not remember the correct date ; however it was sure the last week of june 2004. When my train reach Kanpur junction suddenly I faced an attack of onset tonic clonic movement of aal 4 limbs associated frosting/ tongue bite followed by post ictal confusun. Railway authorities reported my case to military movement control officer available at station. I was boarded of the train in unconscious condition Perhaps my identity was checked an phone number of my sister in law who is residing at Kanpur was revealed. The information about my serious condition was given to her on telephone by MCO. By th way my wife was also present there who came there to attend a party. They along with other members rushed to station and evacuated me to 7 air force hospital Kanpur.I was admitted to hospital as a case of “GENERALISED TONIC CLONIC SEIZURE MECHANICAL LBA “ . After treatment I was referred to command hospital Lucknow. Since then inspite of continous treatment in various military hospitals I could not be cured and placed in low medical category S1 H1 A1 P-3 (TEMPORARY) E1 and later this category was converted into permanent P-3.Even in low medical category I keep performing my duties and thus my disability aggravated by military service and bearing of stress and strain of duties.

8. As stated above above constant vigilance and hard work during day and night is needed in Armoured Corps , because we have talented tasks on border. My Commander thinking that I was unable to perform my duties properly as per requirements ,decided to evict me from army service. Thus my final Release Medical Board was held at Suratgarh . My Commanding officer assessed my disability as attributable to and aggravated by military service and recommende for grant of disability pension . Accordingly my case was submitted to PCDA (P). The decision of Medical board of treating my disability as neither attributable to nor aggravated by military service is purely illegal & unjust it caused to me while on Temporary duty (T.D).

9. Due to low medical category I lost many promotions in the army and I was evicted from service before completion of normal service limit. I became unfit for any re-employment in civil or anywhere . It is , therefore proved that disability caused to me is is purely attributable to military service .

10. I am enclosing two judjements of hon’able High Court o[censored]P Allahabad published in leading hindi newspaper . As per these judgements any disability caused to a soldier will invariably be tyreated as attributable to military service and soldier will surely be granted disability pension . In support of my claim I submit the following point:-

(a) I was physically tough and mentally alert at the time of enrolment and evicted from army service as a patient in low medical category after the service of 21 years .
(b) I was fallen sick twice while on escort duties involving long journey by road or by rail. First time I was cured and second time my illness caused my eviction from the service .
(c) I was not on any kind of leave or otherwise off duties.
(d) I lost army service , promotions and re-employment.
(e) My commanding officer treated my disability as attributable to military service and recommended for grant of disability pension .
(f) As per judgements passed by Hon’able High court o[censored]ttar Pradesh Allahabad my disability is purely attributable to military service.

11. IT is now established /proved that disability caused to me is purely attributable to military service .
Rejection of my case of grant of disability pension is illegal /unjust.The decision passed by Release medical board and Inegrated HQ MOD (Army)are required to be revised being illegal /unjust.


In the view of above it is most humbly requested that the disability caused to me “GENERALIESED SEIZURE” caused to me while on Temporary duty may be please treated as attributable to Military Service and I may please be granted disability pension as para 7.2 of Govt. of India Ministry of Defence letter No. 1(2)/97/D(Pen-c) dated 31 Jan 2001. For this act of kindness I shall ever remain grateful to your honourand will pray for your prosperity.

Dated: 10 Feb 2010 (Ex DFR Pratap Singh)
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Aug 14, 2020
Complaint marked as Resolved 


15357780A Ex Hav Jiwan Ram
V.P.O. Mirkan, Distt Hissar (Haryana) (Phone-[protected])
Pin 125005
Date 17 Sep 2011
Email: [protected]@yahoo.com

PCDA Allahabad (Pension)


Respected Sir,
With due respect I wish to write down the following few lines for your kind consideration and favorable action please.
1. Kindly refer to my previous email three months before.
2. Reply still waited.
3. Kindly Refer to my service Pension P.P.O. No. S/073042/2003/Army and disability PPO No DE/12069/2004/Army.
4. Now my Pension distributing agency i.e. SBI, Main Branch Hissar Code 0652 A/c No. [protected] credit the pension in my account is Rs 7809/- for the month of Aug. 11 (service and medical) +51% D.A. but I think they have not yet given One Rank One Pension Benefits. My total service time period is 16 years and 323 days.
5. I contact many times to dealing clerk but no satisfied answer given to me he says there is nothing in our hands all payment will be made by CPPC Chandigarh.
6. Kindly issue a fresh PPO to my PDA and info to me what is actual pension as on date without commutation.
7. You are requested to direct my PDA to pay me One Rank One Pension Benefits (If above pension is incorrect)

Thanking you in anticipation.

Yours faithfully,

(No 15357780A Ex Hav Jiwan Ram
No : EX 15357203N
Rank : CHM (Hony Nb/Sub)
Name : Harold Wilson V
Trade : Operator Cipher Cl -I
Vill : Chruthazham
Post : Vilayancode
Via : Mandoor
Dist : Kannur
State : Kerala
Pin : 670501


Respected Sir ;
With due respect I lay down the following few lines for your kind consideration and favourable action please.

1. Completion nine months of my retirement PAO (OR) Corps of Signanls has not yet been adjusted my second and third finacial upgradation
till as per the 6 CPC orders.
2. SRO part II orders of the second and third financial up gradations are as under :-
(a) 01/0768/0062/2010 dt 07/08 2010 Scale Naib Subedar wef 01/09/2008.
(b) 01/1239/0025/2010 dt 27/12/2010 Scale Subedar wef 22/12/2010.
3. Further requested that you may instruct my last unit 5 Mtn Div Sig Unit ;C/o 56 APO to publish allowances asper the upgradations

4. Repeated reminder of this to the NER Group Signals Records not gave any reply or take any action against the complaint.

5. Therefore I request your kind honour to take necessary action please.

your's faithfully

(Ex No 15357203N CHM (Hony N/Sub H wilson)
dated : 17/11/2011
place : Kannur
Service Pension. I, JC-241944A Nb Ris(Clk) Ravinder Singh retired from army (Armd Corps) on 31 May 2008 on medical grounds. I was informed by PCDA that your corr PPO has been issued .
Disability Pension. I was informed that your case for revision of disability pension is with G3 section of PCDA to review the disability pension case.

Sir, even more than six months are over, but no corr PPO or any response in connection with disability pension has yet been received so far.

In view of the above it is requested that action to send the corr ppo and present status may please be communicated to me at the earliest.

In case corr PPO is with records, they may please directed to send it at the earliest to avoid financial loss being an ex army personal

JC-241944A Ex Nb Ris(Clk) Ravinder Singh
Armd Corps
05 Dec 2011
From : Prem Wati W/o Late Sh. Ram Singh
Village- Surir Thok Kalan
P.O. Surir
Distt. Mathura (U.P.)

To : PCDA (Pensions),
Draupadi Ghat,

Subject:- Revision of service pension on the recommendation of 6th CPC : pre-2006 cases.

Respected Sir,

I am getting family pension through DPDO Mathura. My husband had expired on 17.04.2010. The particulars of my husband are as under:-

JC NO. JC-51020
PPO NO. : S/006732/76
CORR.PPO. S/JN/003298/92
CORR. PPO S/R/MODP/024333/2001 DT. 13.11.2001

Family pension which is being given to me is not correct. I approached to the DPDO many times but nobody helped me in this regard.

It is, therefore, you are requested a fresh PPO of my family pension may be provided DPDO Mathura and a copy of the same to me so that can drawn family pension as entitled to me.

I shall be highly obliged to you for this act of kindness.

Thanking you,

Village- Surir Thok Kalan
P.O. Surir
Distt. Mathura (U.P.)
From : Rajeshwari Devi W/o Late Sh. Samar Pal
F-1/1, Police Colony,
Andrews Ganj,
New Delhi-110049

To : PCDA (Pensions),
Draupadi Ghat,

Subject:- Revision of service pension on the recommendation of 6th CPC : pre-2006 cases.

Respected Sir,

I am getting family pension from State Bank of India Meerut through DPDO Meerut (UP). My husband had expired on 17.04.2010. The particulars of my husband are as under:-

JC NO. JC-24093
PPO NO. : S/27056/66 DATED 31.12.1966

Pension of my husband was required to be revised as per Circular No. 430 dated 10.03.2010.

It is, therefore, requested that a fresh revised PPO of my husband as per above circular may be provided to DPDO Meerut with a copy to me, so that I can draw arrear of the revised pension till the death of my husband.

F-1/1, Police Colony,
Andrews Ganj,
New Delhi-110049
Copy to:-

Please refer to my PPO No D/3050/74 & D/R/5709/76, D/PA/2648/93.
My date of invalidation - 18 September 1973.
Percentage of Disability - 20%, 20-4-92 for life.
As per para 3 of MOD letter No 10910 /2009/D(Pen/Policy) dated 19 . 1 . 2010 I had filled the Annexure
application and submitted the same in triplicate on 24 June 2011 as advised by Records Signals vide their letter
No P/14287633/dp-4/NER dated 08 Jun 11.However I am still not getting the revised scale of disability pension
as per 6 CPC.
Now as per the latest orders on the subject, pers invalidated prior to 01.01.1996, their disability is supposed to
be rounded off to 50% for disabilities less than 50%.
May I therefore request you to kindly consider my case favourably.
I am JC-257622K Sub Maj (Hony Lt) Surender Kumar reitred from Army on 01 Aug 2011 and PPO No S/021636/2011 has been issued for Sub Maj only. Now I have received corr PPO No S/CORR/032497/2011(ARMY) dt 26 Sep 2011. The following observations has been noticed :-

(a) DCRG to be calculated on 58 % wef 01 Jul 2011DA instead of 51%[protected] = 35376/-

(b) Arrear of pension wef 01 Aug 2011 to 31 Dec 2011 to be paid = @ Rs 3750/- pm = 3750 x 5 = 18750/-

Total amount to be paid = 35376+18750 =54126/- at SBI Rewari Account No [protected]
Retired Nb/Sub Manoj kumar Gope

Dear sir,
Iam release Medicale board by Order at a rank of Nb/Sub from Indain Army.after 20 years complited on 01.08.2003 .cda allahabad have been granted disability pension Rs-950/-per month.I recived Rs-950/ without DA from01.08.2003 to 31.12.2005.and reviese disability pension on 01.01.2006, Rs-2150/-I recived Rs-2150/ without DA, from 01.01.2003 to Till date. may peying Branch SBI Lohardaga (Jharkhand)AC/No[protected], branch Manegar Sad ( Disability Pension men DA Nahi milta hai Jao latter lao)So I requested to please sand latest Orginal PPO and pension details Imedetaly.
regards !
Manoj kumar Gope
Mobile No-[protected]
Ref your letter No EDP/Corr/19/57/Signals dt[protected]. Regarding E-mail application dt 12/09/2011 non grant of ACP benefit. Signals records not rpt not yet settled this case. please look after personally and take suitable action.

15375108K Hav PS Kushwah
PPO No S/020643/09 (Army)
Address :-

886 Vivekanand Nagar,
University Road Kota (Raj)
PIN 324010
Subject: non reciept of service pension
ppo no:- S/050553/2011(ARMY) dated 03 jan 2012 in r/o no. ex[protected]L, EX-HAV/NA KARU PRASAD SINGH
Respected Sir,
I retired on 1st feb 2012. the above ppo no S/050553/2011(ARMY) dated 03 jan 2012 has been sent to your office
through AMC CENTER AND COLLEGE PENSION CELL on dated 25 jan 2012 for drawing pension from sbi ramgarh cantt,
jharkhand a/c no [protected]
till the date my pension not started .
in view of the above you are requested kindly help me.
thanking you sir
dist: giridih(jharkhand)
contact no.- [protected].
Respected, Sir i am pension out at30apr2012 from corps of EMEmy PPO No is S[protected] but in this PPO my pension comm not add sir for wetting my pension intaital i can, t live my villag for job .Sir i not recivd pension also sir please help needy ex solder
thankingyou NO14611750M NK UMESH KUMAR MISHRA E MAIL ID [protected]@yahoo.com
home address vill Raipur po bibipur dist allahabad pin 212402
Respected sir,
I army no[protected] H Ex CFN Rajubhai Bachubhai Salat retired from corps of EME on 31.8.2006. I drawen my pantion from devgad baria branch (SBI) corrently i have getting my pantion Rs 6352 pm. Since one yr Rs 2500 pm deducted from my pantion without informing me I am not know that why it is deducted. My bank also not known about same.Pls. approch my complain to concern.

With regards

Rajubhai Salat
From : No 3185929Y Ex Hav
Bhanwar Lal Jat
Vill : Rustamganj
PO : Chandlai
Teh : Tonk
Dist : Tonk
State : (Rajasthan) 304001

To : Officer-in-Charge
A-82 Urmila Marg
Hanuman Nagar, Vaisali Nagar
Jaipur (Raj)
Pcda allahbad

Respected Sir,

1. Please refer to Record The JAT Regiment Pin 900496 C/O 56 APO letter No 3185929/SP/JR dated 29 Dec 2010.

2. Action may please taken as per para 2 of ibid letter and forward direct to Record The JAT Regiment under intimation to the undersigned. The same is urgently required by them for their further necessary action please.

3. The copy of the following documents is also enclosed herewith for your ready reference: -

(a) The JAT Regiment letter No 3185929/SP/JR dated 29 Dec 2010.

(b) PPO No 5/016650/2009 (Army)

(c) Corrg. PPO No/Corr/026609/2010 (Army) dated 26 Apr 2010

Your’s faithfully

( Bhanwar Lal Jat)
Encls : (As Stated above) No 3185929Y Ex Hav
Phone no- [protected]
Email [protected]@yahoo.com
I kindly submit the following few lines for your kind consideration and favorable action.
I am ex serviceman K.Saravanan(Ex army no:14607730F) I was invalid medical board out from core of EME on
13 may 2003, under medical category EEE(psy). I was sanctioned disability pension claim in 31 october 2007 PPO No/D/E/1305/2007. My pension was authorised to Vijaya Bank and then to Punjab National Bank. Both the banks were not opted by me and Indian Bank is dispersing my present pension and my disability pension was not dispersed by both the banks. No objection certificate and the original PPO was SENT TO G3 section office of the PCDA(P) Allahabad UP. Please refer letter No's
1. PCDA(P) Allahabad PPO No: D/E/1305?2007 dt 31 oct 2007
2. Letter No:14607730/DP-4 pen dt 26 may 2008.
3. Vijaya Bank Pondicherry Branch letter dated 1 April 2008, letter No. 14607730/Dp-4/Pen dated 15 March 2011.
I have already written all the above mentioned things to you ref letter No. B/12605/Gen/ESM/HL/EME pers dated 4 April 2011. You have directed this letter to EME records stating to release the disability pension to the petitioner and also stating the case is long outstanding and needs early action on priority, this consoled me and gave me hope that i will soon receive my disability pension. But still I have not received my disability pension after so much of requests and obligations. After being Invalid board out with Psychiatry problem in 2003, my life is full of struggles and taking care of my family is a burden. I am helpless, I don't know what else to do. I beg you to kindly help me sir.Please consider my condition and do the needful as early as possible.
Thanking you
Ex Army No: 14607730F
No:10 Manicka Mudaliar Thottam,
Pondicherry 605003
Mobile No. [protected]
Email: [protected]@yahoo.co.in
sir my ppo no is S/047064/1991 EX NK BACHAN SINGH NO 14221519K I SHOULD GET DISABILITY PENSION 50% wef 01 jul 2009 BUT I AM GETTING 20% PLEASE DO NEEDFULL MY EMAIL ID IS [protected]@gmail.com
I JC 238537M Ris sumer singh shekhawat retired from Armd corps ( army)
31 march 2008
I requested to send the corr ppo and present status may please be communicated
at the earliest

with regards
sumer singh shekhawat
villege bhunas
post jarora
te mertacity
dist nagaur ( raj )
mob [protected]
E-mail ID [protected]@gmail.com
EMAIL [protected]@yahoo.com
Respected Sir I'm 80% disabled son of JC-56647 Late Sub Mukat Behari Lal who expired on 09 Jul 2005. Since than I am struggling for my Family Pension with EME records c/o 56 APO and CDA(Pension ) Allahabad.All the documents/certificate/verification has been send to them so many times as per their requirements. Last letter No JC-56647/FP-1Pen dated 02 Jul2012 of EME Records PIN 900453 was send to PCDA(P) G-4Sec GP-II Allahabad with copy to me.NO PPO has been finalized till date.May I request your good offices to look into the matter personally.Otherwise I have to sit in front any mandirgurudwara sahib for begging.
Mr Mukesh son of
Late Sub Mukat Behari Lal
c/o Ran Vijay Singh
Backside HospitalKushwah coloney
Teh-Roun Dist-Bhind (MP)
not giving disability pension yet
From : No.14591364W Ex HAV MD FARMAN
VPO –Azamnagar
Disstt- Katihar (Bihar)-855113
E-mail- [protected]@gmail.com
phone no. [protected]

29 Nov. 2012
EME, Record
Post- Trimulgeri
Secunderabad-21, (A.P.)



1. I, No. 14591364W, HAV MD FARMAN, Retired on 29th Feb. 2012

2. I was retired from service in S1H1A1P3E1 (P3 permanent), My all medical documents were forwarded to EME record, Secunderabad, by medical authority before my retirement

3. Till date I have not received any information regarding grand of disability pension.
4. I shall be highly obliged if intimation is given to me on above address at the earliest about my quires

Yours Faithfully

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