[Resolved]  Pollution — air & noise pollution

Address: West Delhi, Delhi

Sub: Complaint Against Factory in Residential Area

Sir ,
It is a matter of deep concern / importance that some illegal factories that are working in residential areas are polluting these places and are becoming main cause of making it unfavourable for human being to live in an environment of peice. What these factories are doing here in residential areas while according to the laws no body has the right to violet the lawas by opening illegal factories in the residential areas and why no action is being taken on people who are taking initiative of this violence.

Now coming to the point, I am a resident of Guru Nanak Nagar (Major Bhupinder singh Nagar ) Near Sahib Pura , New Delhi- 18 . I am not mentioning my name and House no. here as I want to keep my details confidential because I am a resident of this area and I may have quarrel with the concerned people if I expose my name here. Now coming to the problem, in this residential area one factory factory under the name of BALAJI CONFECTIONARY WORKS in street No.11 , Guru Nank nagar (Near sahib Pura ) are working at WZ 109 freely.They have changed their product name after some time . They Makes food things like toffees / Baddams etc. for childrens without any fooding license or factory license from any authority & supply all retail shops which is also harmfull for childrens .This factories are hampering the piece and environment of the place through their noise & air pollution . People are sick of these factories as the workers in these factories work till 12:00 Midnight from 6 AM and some time the whole night. As the factory are situated in between the houses of common people, people near by are not able to take rest /sleep at their home for whole day . Working their hand machines make a huge noise that can be heard in all the nearest houses in the street specially at night & early morning when working people reach home for some rest and relax and to have a sound sleep it is unbearable. Not only this but the people working in these factories are very rude and mis conducting. The owners of the factory live apart in silence and other people suffer because of them. while working during the day and night these workers listen to FM Radio , TV and Tape Recorders at a very high volume which makes it even more difficult for people living around to sleep in piece. People living around can not expect moments of piece. So we the people can not tollerate and bear the working of these illegal factories in this residential area any more.
We have already filed complaint with MCD H.O. on dated 24.03.2010 at 4.30 p.m. through complaint no. 16350 . The above complaint is transfer by MCD H.O. to your West Zone office through refrence no. 5342
I have also filed a Complaint in your office dt. 31.03.2010 , but no action taken by your office till date .
All we common people can do is to request you to understand our problem by putting yourself on that place and take an immediate / fast action against such unauthorised factories in our area that are making this place like hell
This is a collective complaint by us the victims of these factories. Hoping to have a quick and strict action in this regard soon.

kindly keep all the details regarding identification of this complaint confidential.

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Aug 13, 2020
Complaint marked as Resolved 


toffees factory — complaint against factory pollution


It is a matter of deep concern / importance that some illegal factories thar are working in residential areas are polluting these places and are becoming main cause of making it unfavourable for human being to live in an environment of peice. What these factories are doing here in residential areas while according to the laws no body has the right to violet the lawas by opening illegal factories in the residential areas and why no action is being taken on people who are taking initiative of this violence.

Now coming to the point, I am a resident of Guru Nanak Nagar (Major Bhupinder singh Nagar ) Near Sahib Pura , New Delhi- 18 . I am not mentioning my name and House no. here as I want to keep my details confidential because I am a resident of this area and I may have quarrel with the concerned people if I expose my name here. Now coming to the problem, in this residential area some illegal factory (like: One factory working in street No.11 , Guru Nank nagar (Near sahib Pura ) are working freely. They Makes food things like toffees etc. for childrens without any fooding license or factory license from any authority , which is also harmfull for childrens This factories are hampering the piece and environment of the place. People are sick of these factories as the workers in these factories work till 12:00 Midnight from 6 AM and some time the whole night. As the factory are situated in between the houses of common people, people near by are not able to sleep at night. Working machines make a huge noise that can be heard in the street from several meters away specially at night when working people reach home for some rest and relax and to have a sound sleep it is unbearable. Not only this but the people working in these factories are very rude and mis conducting. the owners of the factory live apart in silence and other people suffer because of them. while working during the day and night these workers listen to FM Radio , TV and Tape Recorders at a very high volume which makes it even more difficult for people living around to sleep in piece. People living around can not expect moments of piece. So we the people can not tollerate and bear the working of these illegal factories in this residential area any more.

All we common people can do is to request you to understand our problem by putting yourself on our place and take an immediate / fast action against such unauthorised factories in our area that are making this place like hell

This is a collective complaint by us the victims of these factories. Hoping to have a quick and strict action in this regard soon.

kindly keep all the details regarding identification of this complaint confidential.


toffees — factory in residential area


It is a matter of deep concern / importance that some illegal factories thar are working in residential areas are polluting these places and are becoming main cause of making it unfavourable for human being to live in an environment of peice. What these factories are doing here in residential areas while according to the laws no body has the right to violet the lawas by opening illegal factories in the residential areas and why no action is being taken on people who are taking initiative of this violence.

Now coming to the point, I am a resident of Guru Nanak Nagar (Major Bhupinder Singh Nagar ) (Near Sahib Pura ) ,New Delhi- 18 . I am not mentioning my name and House no. here as I want to keep my details confidential because I am a resident of this area and I may have quarrel with the concerned people if I expose my name here. Now coming to the problem, in this residential area some illegal factory (like: One factory working in Street No. 11 , Guru Nanak Nagar , New Delhi – 110018) are working freely. This factory are hampering the piece and environment of the place. People are sick of these factories as the workers in these factories work till 12:00 Midnight from 6:00 AM and some time the whole night. As the factory are situated in between the houses of common people, people near by are not able to taking rest at their home . Working machines make a huge noise that can be heard in the street from several meters away specially at night when working people reach home for some rest and relax and to have a sound sleep it is unbearable. Not only this but the people working in these factory are very rude and mis conducting. the owners of the factory live apart in silence and other people suffer because of them. while working during the day and night these workers listen to FM Radio and Tape Recorders at a very high volume which makes it even more difficult for people living around to sleep in piece. People living around can not expect moments of piece. They makes food things (like toffees etc.) for children without any fooding / factory license , which is also very harmfull for children . So we the people can not tollerate and bear the working of these illegal factories in this residential area any more.

All we common people can do is to request you to understand our problem by putting yourself on our place and take an immediate / fast action against such unauthorised factories in our area that are making this place like hell

This is a collective complaint by us the victims of these factories. Hoping to have a quick and strict action in this regard soon.

kindly keep all the details regarding identification of this complaint confidential.

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i want to complaint against the almirah factory which is running in a complete residential area and creates a hell of noise...please tell me how to complaint against it online.
thank you...

Balaji Confectionery Works — Polution in residential Area

I am a resident of Guru Nanak Nagar (Major Bhupinder singh Nagar ) Near Sahib Pura , New Delhi- 18 . I am not mentioning my name and House no. here as I want to keep my details confidential because I am a resident of this area and I may have quarrel with the concerned people if I expose my name here. Now coming to the problem, in this residential area some illegal factory (like: One factory working in street No.11 , Guru Nank nagar (Near sahib Pura ) are working freely. They Makes food things under the name of “ Balaji Confectionery Works “like toffees etc. for childrens without any fooding license or factory license from any authority , which is also harmfull for childrens This factories are hampering the piece and environment of the place. People are sick of these factories as the workers in these factories work till 12:00 Midnight from 6 AM and some time the whole night. As the factory are situated in between the houses of common people, people near by are not able to sleep at night. Working machines make a huge noise that can be heard in the street from several meters away specially at night when working people reach home for some rest and relax and to have a sound sleep it is unbearable. Not only this but the people working in these factories are very rude and mis conducting. the owners of the factory live apart in silence and other people suffer because of them. while working during the day and night these workers listen to FM Radio , TV and Tape Recorders at a very high volume which makes it even more difficult for people living around to sleep in piece. People living around can not expect moments of piece. So we the people can not tollerate and bear the working of these illegal factories in this residential area any more.

All we common people can do is to request you to understand our problem by putting yourself on our place and take an immediate / fast action against such unauthorised factories in our area that are making this place like hell

This is a collective complaint by us the victims of these factories. Hoping to have a quick and strict action in this regard soon.

kindly keep all the details regarding identification of this complaint confidential.

hello, i am resident of guru nanak nagar, new delhi 110018 . i want your guidence regarding complaint against an tofee factory (Balaji Confectionary Works) running in street no. 11, guru nanak nagar (major bhupinder singh nagar )(naer sahib pura ) new delhi 110018. this factory running in complete residential area . this factory creates haedache through their machines, as the works from 7 in the morning to late night, as the factory is situated in between the house of common people. people nearby are not able to taking rest at their home, .their hand machines make a huge noise that can be heard in all neighboured houses for whole day contineusely.
all the common people can do is to request you to understand our problem by putting an immediate & fast action against such persons that are making this place like hell.I have filled many complaint through net,but there is no action taken by your side .please understand our problems & kindly keep all the detail regarding identification of this complaint confidential

thanking you
hello, i am resident of Village Plot No. 664, Mundka, new delhi 110041 . i want your guidence regarding complaint against an Munna Jali Factory and Many more factory running in street no. 1, Near Mundka More Munkda, new delhi 110041. this factory running in complete residential area . This factory creates haedache through their machines, as the works from 7 in the morning to late night, as the factory is situated in between the house of common people. people nearby are not able to taking rest at their home, .their hand machines make a huge noise that can be heard in all neighbored houses for whole day continuously all the common people can do is to request you to understand our problem by putting an immediate & fast action against such persons that are making this place like hell. I have filled many complaint through net, but there is no action taken by your side .please understand our problems & kindly keep all the detail regarding identification of this complaint confidential

Warm Regards
Hanish Saini
Plot No. 664, Near Mundka More
Mundka, New Delhi-110041
Contact No. [protected]
I am a resident of Vishnu Garden Near Nursing Garden, New Delhi- 18 . I am not mentioning my name and House no. here as I want to keep my details confidential because I am a resident of this area and I may have quarrel with the concerned people if I expose my name here. Now coming to the problem, in this residential area some illegal factory are working freely. This factories are hampering the piece and environment of the place. People are sick of these factories as the workers in these factories work till 10.00 Midnight from 6 AM and some time the whole night. As the factory are situated in between the houses of common people, people near by are not able to sleep at night. Working machines make a huge noise that can be heard in the street from several meters away specially at night when working people reach home for some rest and relax and to have a sound sleep it is unbearable. Not only this but the people working in these factories are very rude and mis conducting. the owners of the factory live apart in silence and other people suffer because of them. while working during the day and night these workers listen to FM Radio, TV and Tape Recorders at a very high volume which makes it even more difficult for people living around to sleep in piece. People living around can not expect moments of piece. So we the people can not tollerate and bear the working of these illegal factories in this residential area any more.

All we common people can do is to request you to understand our problem by putting yourself on our place and take an immediate / fast action against such unauthorised factories in our area that are making this place like hell

This is a collective complaint by us the victims of these factories. Hoping to have a quick and strict action in this regard soon.

kindly keep all the details regarding identification of this complaint confidential.

thanksare working freely.
i agree to the complaint.
Dear Friend,

Nobody will listen to your complaint as there is some hanky panky and all concerned authorities such as MCD, Tilak Nagar Police Station have with the connivance of these people are making money. Only God will save the city. Besides this there are lot of Denting and Painting work with the help and involvement of Beat Constable in Vishnu Garden, 12 yds etc. Nobody on eatch can stop them. I am also one of the sufferers as my mother is having heart attack because of denting and painting work in the area who are creating noise which is not tolrateable.

Hope the Commissioner, West Zone, of MCD which is under BJP will do something to control atleast the denting and painting work of Scooters in and around Khysala Road 12 yrds etc.

Dear Sir,

Some denting painting work on scooters etc. are carrying out in J block Vishnu Garden where there people are not only making noise but also making foolish comments on girls/ladies etc. I do not want to put my name as I am regular visitor to Gurudwara and it will create trouble.

Balaji confectionary works — factory running in residential area

Sub: Complaint Against Factory in Residential Area

Sir ,
It is a matter of deep concern / importance that some illegal factories that are working in residential areas are polluting these places and are becoming main cause of making it unfavourable for human being to live in an environment of peice. What these factories are doing here in residential areas while according to the laws no body has the right to violet the lawas by opening illegal factories in the residential areas and why no action is being taken on people who are taking initiative of this violence.

Now coming to the point, I am a resident of Guru Nanak Nagar (Major Bhupinder singh Nagar ) Near Sahib Pura , New Delhi- 18 . I am not mentioning my name and House no. here as I want to keep my details confidential because I am a resident of this area and I may have quarrel with the concerned people if I expose my name here. Now coming to the problem, in this residential area one factory factory under the name of BALAJI CONFECTIONARY WORKS in street No.11 , Guru Nank nagar (Near sahib Pura ) are working at WZ 102 freely.They have changed their product name after some time . They Makes food things like toffees / Baddams etc. for childrens without any fooding license or factory license from any authority & supply all retail shops which is also harmfull for childrens .This factories are hampering the piece and environment of the place through their noise & air pollution . People are sick of these factories as the workers in these factories work till 12:00 Midnight from 6 AM and some time the whole night. As the factory are situated in between the houses of common people, people near by are not able to take rest /sleep at their home for whole day . Working their hand machines make a huge noise that can be heard in all the nearest houses in the street specially at night & early morning when working people reach home for some rest and relax and to have a sound sleep it is unbearable. Not only this but the people working in these factories are very rude and mis conducting. The owners of the factory live apart in silence and other people suffer because of them. while working during the day and night these workers listen to FM Radio , TV and Tape Recorders at a very high volume which makes it even more difficult for people living around to sleep in piece. People living around can not expect moments of piece. So we the people can not tollerate and bear the working of these illegal factories in this residential area any more.
We have already filed complaint with MCD H.O. on dated 24.03.2010 at 4.30 p.m. through complaint no. 16350 . The above complaint is transfer by MCD H.O. to your West Zone office through refrence no. 5342
I have also filed a Complaint in your office dt. 31.03.2010 , but no action taken by your office till date .
All we common people can do is to request you to understand our problem by putting yourself on that place and take an immediate / fast action against such unauthorised factories in our area that are making this place like hell
This is a collective complaint by us the victims of these factories. Hoping to have a quick and strict action in this regard soon.

kindly keep all the details regarding identification of this complaint confidential.


pollution — Regarding the pollution problem broom factory in residence area

In this connection on the subject cited above its stated that broom factory has running in residence area M/s ANU ENTERPRISES at st. no.2 ,guru nanak street,viri di chakki wali gali,paras ram nagar,Bathinda.We want to ask you that factory can be situated in residential area. According to rules & regulation of your deptt.please try to solve above problem.Thanking you.

Varinder kumar
st. no.2
Paras ram nagar
I stay in Mhow Cantonement board, and in the main market at boot gali bhagat singh marg mhow (MP)453441, one of the very rich and politically exposed person is running his factory of sweet and is using very much noise polluting machine, his shop is by the name "Bhavrilal Mithai wala" at Moti chowk.
No body take action against him and no body complaints against him because there may be life threat from him. I want the government to take action against them and stop there factory in market which is not a industrial place.
Factory owner Name:- Mr. Praveen Kumar
C/o Mahant Prashad, New T-48, Shukkar Bazar, Uttam Nagar, New Delhi-110059
(situated at Matiyala Bindapur Road, Near Shukkar Bazar Chowk-DMS Milk Depot )

Sub.- Complaint against unauthorized factory in residential area where they are creating noise & air pollution, child labour is also working here.

I'm resident of New T -54 Part -1, Shukkar Bazar, Uttam Nagar, New Delhi, I would like to complaint against an illegal factory running adjacent neighbor of my house Uttam Nagar.These people have something to do with ply-board cutting machine work which creates a lot of noise & spray paint of on items, despite of repeated request they are still running their factory at the same place so would like to bring this to the notice.
As the factory are situated in between the houses of common people, people nearby are not able to take rest /sleep at their home for whole day. Working their hand machines make a huge noise that can be heard in all the nearest houses in the street specially at night & early morning when working people reach home for some rest and relax and to have a sound sleep it is unbearable. Not only this but the people working in this factory is very rude and misses conducting. while working during the day and night these workers listen to FM Radio, Songs loaded in there mobiles at a very high volume which makes it even more difficult for people living around to sleep in piece. People living around cannot expect moments of piece. So we the people cannot tolerate and bear the working of these illegal factories in this residential area any more. This factory is situated at Matiyala Bindapur Road, Opposite Arora Tent House. When I writing you the complaint they are still working ( when I told them to stop working they told me that "Chahe tu Police bulwa le hum to 12 se 14 ghante kaam karengey dekhen kon rokta hai."). Child labour is also working here.


Ashish Kumar

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