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+91 771 253 5780
+91 771 253 5790
Near Mahila Police Thana,Gandhi Udyan, Raipur, Uttarakhand, India - 492008
A US Based Company — Lights on the main roads
Dear GHMCThis is Kishore, a resident of Ramnagar. I work as a Resource Manager at an RPO in HitechCity. I work in night shifts. I take this route to my home on bike - Hitech City - Jubilee Check Post - Panjagutta - Kairathabad X road - NTR Garden - IndiraPark - RTC X Road - Ramnagar.
Daily the Lights on the main road are being switched off too early and it will kill someone someday.
In the wee hrs lot of private busses, cabs, lorries ply on the roads and all their lights are High Beamed.
At NIMS, IndiraPark lot of people cross the roads with out any notice. I am unable to see anything on the raod due to their high beams; And there are many instances where I had to literally stop on the road as I couldn't see anything & many times as the person crossing the road is not visible.
I donot understand what money is GHMC saving by switching off the main road lights early.
Please keep them on. And save lifes.
Any questions, you can email me at [protected]
Kishore Kumar Y