We stay in Valmikinagar in Thiruvanmiyur Chennai.
A month ago construction work started in an adjacent plot to our apartment on 4th Seaward Road. Things were fine initially, till we started getting disturbed by lorries coming around midnight or later to unload construction material on the sidewalks/public road at the site and waking up the whole neighborhood. They had no regret in having the whole neighborhood woken up at such odd hours!
Then as the work picked up, we found them continuing with construction work late in the night 9 - 10PM on a daily basis after starting work at 6:30AM. When our patience wore out after getting disturbed by such noises after 9 PM, we complained to the Police and they came at the site and warned the laborourers to not disturb the neighborhood at night and that was that!.
We thought our problems were resolved but little did we realize that the respite was only for a day or two. Again slowly the construction work started spilling to 8PM->9PM->11PM inspite of our complaints.
The biggest problem we are facing is that this is the time for the board examinations for our children and they are unable to study due to the construction noise which starts from 6:30 AM and goes on till 9PM at least every day (banging, drilling, cutting, throwing materials..) and then on a slightly lower key (dragging of materials , steel rods, wooden/steel boards being dumped from a height etc., going on till midnight). Our kids, the aged and sick are unable to sleep at night due to these constant noise and the site lighting going upto midnight daily. All requests/warnings have only fallen on deaf ears and if all o[censored]s go & complain things just cool for a day and then things are back to the old state.
The workers are just not concerned/bothered with the noise created on a daily basis. When we question them, they inform us that they have been asked by their bosses to complete the said work by next day morning!! and when asked about the whereabouts of their boss they inform us that either he is not here or he has already left in the evening.
When we told them on one instance, that we will inform the police, the local site person tells us to do the same !! (Just shows how much respect we inculcate in such workers on local laws in a civic society and a shining India).
I very well understand their point of view as well, and would not object if they stick to a reasonable time daily for their construction work ( i.e. 8 AM - 7 PM), this would be fair in addressing their business needs as well as ensure people in the neighborhood can plan their activities around that.
But is there a time schedule/work timings for construction activities within residential premises by Chennai Corporation and can we have the builder stick to this time schedule ?
How do we get this complaint addressed immediately as our kids career is at stake due to such activity in our neighborhood and everyone including police being mute spectators only in view of it being a big builder in this part of city.
Would appreciate your advice or kind assistance.
An harassed citizen with a spouse who is sick and child who is writing his CBSE board exam this month....
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