[Resolved]  Red Tape Shoes — Defective pair, not replacing

I bought a pair of shoes brand Red Tape from their authorized showroom in Marathahalli Bangalore.

On just second day, the left shoe got torn from front, parallel to the stitching; I went to the showroom for the replacement as the invoice was showing replacement warranty for 14 days. The shopkeeper started fighting with me saying that this pair is a sale item and we will just repair this one.

Please guide me to proceed further, if required I am ready to file Consumer case also.

Thanks & Regards

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Aug 14, 2020
Complaint marked as Resolved 



you contact company higher officials and see once what they say, becasue I am also the victim, I got two different Shoes with same size there is a difference in Design, I also had great trouble with this people, GM of the company who looks for the sales, they does not respond properly and I am also troubled customer, Its better to go to Consumer and file case on this. I am also in a same process, I am collecting all the data, funny part was there was no contact number of the shop on the receipt which is Must as per consumer point of view.
I purchased in Pune Mirza international.

I suggest you to file Case against we will get justice.
Tarun here are the some details for you, i am also serching more to get justice...

consumer Protection - Frequently Asked Questions Answered

* Where do I file my complaint and How many Consumer Courts are there in India?

Pecuniary Jurisdiction

* In cases where the value of goods and services involved is less than Rs. 20 Lakhs in value, you will have to file the complaint in the District Forum constituted in the specified districts of a State.
* In cases where the value of goods and services involved is more than Rs. 20 Lakhs in value but does not exceed Rs 1 crore you will have to file the complaint with the State Commission constituted in the capital cities of the different states
* In cases where the value of goods and services involved is more than 1 crore in value then you can file a complaint with the National Commission which has been constituted only in New Delhi.

Territorial Jurisdiction.

The jurisdiction of the complaint is determined by the facts of the case and where the cause of action arises. Further, when you file a complaint, the area in which the opposite party resides or carries on his work or business will also have to be taken into consideration by you. This means that if you are filing a complaint against a service provider for a sum below 20 lakhs you would have to approach the District Forum in the jurisdiction where the cause of action arose. If the matter is above 20 lakhs but below 1 crore then it would be filed in the State Commission within which State the trader/ service provider/ manufacturer is located in the state in which the trader resides or works in. These two factors will have to be kept in mind while filing your complaint.

Consumer Courts Consumer Forums

There are consumer forums at the District, State and National level. At present, there are 569 District Consumer Forums, 33 State Commissions & the highest body which is the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC) having its office at Janpath Bhawan, A Wing, 5th Floor, Janpath, New Delhi.

The District Forum consist of one president and two other members (one of whom is to be a woman).The president of the Forum is a person who is, or has been qualified to be a District Judge, and other members are persons of ability, integrity and standing, and have adequate knowledge or experience of, or have shown capacity in dealing with, problems relating to economics, law, commerce, accountancy, industry, public affairs or administration. They can hear the case involving amount of Rs. Twenty Lacs. It is situated in the District head quarters.

State Commissions A State Commission has jurisdiction in whole of the State for which it is constituted. It can hear the cases involving the amount more than rupees twenty lacs and up to rupees one crore. It has also jurisdiction to hear appeal against the orders of District Forum of that particular State. It is situated in the capital of the State.

State Commission consists of a president and two members one of whom is to be a woman.President is a person who is or has been a Judge of a High Court, and the members, are persons of ability, integrity and standing and have adequate knowledge or experience of, or have shown capacity in dealing with, problems relating to economics, law, commerce, accountancy, industry, public affairs or administration.

The National Commission consists of a president, and four other members (one of whom is to be a woman).The president should be the one who is or has been a Judge of the Supreme Court, and the members should be the persons of ability, integrity and standing and have adequate knowledge or experience of, or have shown capacity in dealing with, problems relating to economics, law, commerce, accountancy, industry, public affairs or administration.

Do other Courts (District Courts/High Courts) accept consumer disputes?

The jurisdiction of other courts to hear consumer disputes is not excluded. This is because the Parliament of India felt it was necessary to have an efficient & convenient mechanism to address and resolve the various consumer complaints across the country. As a result it created a three-tier remedial machinery for the inexpensive and quick disposal of consumer complaints. As these forums only deal with consumer complaints/issues and nothing else, all their time can be devoted to addressing consumers complaints.
Tarun some info to file the case... this people should understand I am also preparing on redtape and Marketting people.

* Make sure whatever complain you have is sound and take time to think about all facts regarding the dispute or complaint.
* Present it politely: this elicits co-operation and don't make it out of haste.
* Preserve cash memos and warranty card.
* With these, first approach the retailer. He may have a valid explanation.
* If he is not supporting, write to the manufacturer, quoting No. and date of cash Memo, No.and date of Cash Memo No. and date of Warranty card.
* Retain all originals. Keep copies of your letters.
* In case of suspected Food and drug adulteration, write to the State health authority. Retain samples where possible.
* If products with ISI/AGMark certification perform poorly, write to the respective agency. ISI certification guarantees replacement.
* If there is no response then move to regional consumer forum or consult the links and details provided later in this POST.
* Never give up if your complaint is valid. Stand your ground.
* If regional consumer forum is unable to get your complaint redressed, you may complain to your District Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum if your compensation claim is below Rs.5 Lakhs;to the State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission if your claim is between Rs.5 Lakhs and Rs.20 Lakhs. If your claim exceeds this amount you will have to refer your complaints to the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission at New Delhi.

Consumer Online Resource & Empowerment Center

Excerpts from site:
The CORE Centre only deals with complaints related to Consumer Disputes and whosoever makes payment for any product or service obtained through any agreement or promise is a consumer. It is, as such clarified that complaints related only to Consumer Disputes may be sent to the CORE Centre.

In case of complaints involving meager amount or petty nature (unless it is a policy matter), it is suggested that local officers/agencies may be contacted. The Core Centre, however, is always available to guide and provide you complete information and legal advice related to Consumer disputes.

Once you have decided to lodge your complaint with us all you have to do is to simply select the head under which your complaint would fall. For example, if you wish to register a complaint about a defective television set all you have to do is to select the box marked 'Product'. Then choose 'Television' from the sub category given below. Remember, the first 2 options are mandatory without which you will not be able to lodge your complaint with us!

Go here to File your Complaint Online: http://demotemp41.nic.in/guest/complaint/default.asp

Visit the HOME Page: http://www.ccccore.co.in/

National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission

If you wish to file a complaint exclusively against a government department/ministry then apart o[censored]sing above site can also Lodge your complaint to Dept. of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances.

There are lots of details provide there, you should go through them and decide which is best action required.

Alternatively you can directly submit your complaint here :

go through this site for more details

Govind Kuber
Dear Sir,

I Purchase one Shoe of RED TAPE from INC. 5 in Navrangpura, Ahmedabad on[protected] under memo no. AB6711/2967, Product No. RTS4471.

The said new shoes, there is a Creak-Stiching Problem in the shoes.I went to the show room for replacement the shoes. But the Shopkeeper saying that this pair is a sale item and we will just repair this one.

Please help me getting the shoes exchanged in place of the defected one.

Thanks and regards

Vipul Kothari

(M) [protected]
E-Mail:- [protected]@gmail.com
Dear Sir,
I have purchased a redtape shoe on 29 th of JAN 2011 and my shoe is now torned again from the bottom, also i have repaired it from the shop where i have purchased it and now again, i dont know why it is happing .Though i am a using the redtape shoes for the last 3 years, but this time I am got fed of this.I have purchsed this shoe from the Marathalli Bangalore Redtape Showroom.
Please help me out of the situation.

Thanks And Regards,
Manas Bramhe

INC.5 — Size defect

Dear Sir,

i purchased a shoe from INC.5, it does not fir me... need a smaller size.. if my one could help me pls


Manisha Koola
This is wat redtape makes a poor quality shoes.
The heel of both shoe got ruptured.
defected leather
I have purchased a Red tape brown leather high neck shoes from red tape showroom KARNAL (haryana) the shoe has started shrinking and defected leather the shoes look like very poor and defeted .

I have spoken to the outlet from where i bought this shoe but they are also not giving positive response. Please suggest how to get this replaced as soon as possible.


love sharma
+91 [protected]

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