Address: Bangalore, Karnataka |
Hello India,
This is to bring to your kind attention in understanding the insurance coverage sold by sangeetha mobiles. The party who covers insuranceis 3rd party and so don't know anything about your product. Moreover when selling a product sales person advertises everything will be covered under insurance..and when you pay the bill is when you come to know the depreciation and cess amount will be deducted and remaining will have to be bourne by you.. Which doesnt make any difference of being a good retailer. Sangeetha mobiles is just as good as any other retailer.
It doesnt make them a leader at any point - cause they are not doing business with open statements and setting expectation right. They ideally are playing with words and selling products and calling themself leaders cause their sales count is high.
Please avoid purchases through sangeetha mobiles and find a better retailer who is truthful on the business they do. May this be added in LOKPAL to constraint a strong consumer law in India. Was this information helpful? |
They are charging so much in comparison to other vendors.
Dont buy from sangeeta moblies.