Dear Sir/ Maam,
This is in regard to a local market situated right in the middle of a residential area, which has become a serious trouble for the residents staying around. Several complaints have been launched to the RWA, but no action has been taken up.
There are beauty parlours, maternity centre and a number of coaching centres in a small market, that invites a number of vehicles - cars/ two wheelers in a small market area. There is a lot of commotion that keeps on happening throughout the day which creates a lot of disturbance for the residents staying around. The visitors of the market park their cars in a wrong manner, without giving it a second thought that in that same space another car would easily fit in, if they park their car in a little more sensible way. The waiting drivers of beauty parlours also keep roaming around that also creates a nuisance
The major problem is the big generators that are installed. There are frequent power cuts and these generators make life all the more miserable for the residents around. There is a lot of air pollution and noise pollution created by these generators, which is leading to hypertension and various other diseases for the residents staying nearby.
We are all now looking forward to some strong action to be taken up against this so that the residents of the area can take a sigh of relief. Either this can be done by creating a boundry wall aroud the market and not allowing such huge generators to be fixed in a residential area, that spoil the health of the residents staying aroud and controlling the excessive number of vehicles visiting the residential area that has also become a security threat.
Looking forward to an early response from your side.
Warm Regards,
Ritima Was this information helpful? |