[Resolved]  Shwas Homes Pvt Ltd. — Kochi's biggest fraudulent builder after apple a day

Address: Ernakulam, Kerala

This is intended to be a letter of warning to all investors searching for oppurtunities in Kerala. I live in the Middle East & an investor in Real Estate in Kochi. Within the Real Estate circles in Cochin, it is widely known that Shwas Homes has always been a fraudulent company from the very beginning of the start up. If I had known about this in time, I would not become one among the many investors who got cheated by Shwas Homes.

I booked an apartment with them to be finished by 2006. It still does not have a basic amenities. Not an elevator not even a car park for which I paid a good some of money. They changed the deed agreement before registration without informing me. They kept asking payment without finishing construction of the stages. The MD (Sreeni) & Marketting person (Biju) is always strangely in meetings & unavailable when customers arrive. The quality of construction is too poor that none of the well known Real Estate agents prefer to deal with Shwas's properties. I contacted several agents attempting to sell the apartment, and no one is willing to deal with Shwas as they expected it to be the next "Apple a Day" scam & they can all see it coming.

The bad name Shwas Homes has acquired in the Middle East has made the directors decide on looking for greener pastures with more gullible NRIs - like Europe. Most of the people in Europe will never know of the long history of frauds Shwas has until they are neck deep in a hellish court battle.

Some of my friends are going on with their court battles & I am wondering when I would ever be able to get rid of this cursed property. I am sorry, but there is not a single investor who has stopped regretting their decision to invest with them. With many lakhs of ruppees in bank interest is all gone wasted, the stories of losses among investors are many. Nobody is willing to come forward to buy these apartments, as there are many better options (in terms of standards, quality of materials & finishing) at much more competitive prices available in Kochi.

Any of the above can be independent verified with credible Real Estate companies, ex-employees & existing investors.

If you are seeing this notice before making any payments, consider yourself fortunate. To all others, I am sorry, you should have researched much earlier.

God bless!

P.S: Attached is a panorama photo of one of many apartments in Phase 3 of their projects Mystic Heights in Vyttila, 10 months after the target date provided to its investors (October 2010). The standard followed in the design & materials used are worse than any Builder in Cochin. Proof of poor design can be seen in every room, especially in the kitchens. The investors who booked this Phase of the project will have to invest much more to correct the many defects. The last time I checked (yesterday), this block was still incomplete. Of what this Builder has made of the hard earned money of NRIs can be seen in the picture & the woes of the investors can be imagined.
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Complaint marked as Resolved 
Shwas Homes customer care service did everything in their power to resolve this complaint. All attempts to contact the complaint author have failed. Therefore, this complaint has been annulled and must not be considered where company image and it's services are concerned.
Shwas Homes customer support has been notified about the posted complaint.
Verified Support
Jul 11, 2019
Shwas Homes Customer Care's response
The Information given as consumer complaints of Shwas Group is fake and we request you to remove the same as it will adversly affect the reputation of the company and it is a potential loss for our company too.


Thanks guys... I have couple of properties from Skyline and one from another but all deals went well. Was thinking about this 'Octacore' and luckily read all these info. Just got saved!!! Thanks again,

God Bless
The lack of research by my friends in Sharjah (UAE) & another in Muscat (Oman) landed them in the same mess with the rest of the investors in Shwas Homes Kochi. For concern of reprival from this Builder who is known to react customers shabbily, I do not wish to reveal their names in the forum. I remember visiting their incomplete apartments along with my friends in Phase III, 4 months back. It is one of most unfortunate stories of Builders cheating NRI investors in Kerala. The properties which has been handed over - Phase 1 & 2 has not yet been completed with amenities. I cant imagine the plight of those investors. It is known that Shwas in involved in many court cases with the investors in all their projects. There is one is Kakkanad which still does not have basic amenities despite 2 years of structure completion. In the more than 100 apartments in Phase 2, only 1 is occupied. The quality is down right miserable. I visited an apartment in Phase 1 & was repulsed by how claustrophic the rooms were.

Please be forewarned. In case, you have booked with them, whether you pay on time or not, Shwas Homes treat their customers very shabbily all through. The bookings of those who does not pay on time due non-completion of stages by Builder, are terminated. Customer executives are replaced every 3-4 months, as they have to bear the brunt of the large number o[censored]nsatisfied customers.

I agree with the complainant & offer my sympathies to him & his family & the rest of the investors in Shwas Homes.
The consistency of shadiness of the operations of Shwas Homes has forced many Real Estate companies in kerala to blacklist this builder. Another reason for the lack of demand is inferior quality. If someone has chosen Shwas for an investment, its just says how gullible they are.
we are having 2 units in aquacity (dualcore25) booked during their recent campaign in kerala.
comparing value for money with the facilities we get their we think it to be the best
we booked after geting openion from an existing client in alpine
Hi there
who is is perfect now..thank god atleast these people are completing projects
i go my villa ready in mystic winds last year
God Bless

The difference is... a customer who had booked with one of reputed builders, will be proud of the property from that date on for the rest of your life. But in case of a customer of Shwas, everyone will laugh behind his back for having fallen for the price ploy & the torture that awaits.

The low price is the bait for which all the gullible malayalee fishes falls heads on & that is the strategy Shwas counts on to sells its poor quality flats in Kerala. This realization will soon dawn, like it dawned on other customers.

You may drive over to Shwas Mystic Heights - Phase 3 right now, a project that should (according to Shwas's own schedule) is overdue by nearly 1 year (think of bank interests being paid by customers all that time) & judge for yourself, the quality of the rooms, blunders in design, poor quality wood work, the narrow corridors.. I could go on. Lets be real, whoever recommended Shwas either wanted a commission out of you or wanted one more person to feel the heat of being betrayed or some other strangely satisfying reason. Not a single reputed builder or investor in India has to this day had a single good word to say about Shwas Homes. Large numbers of customers have paid for their flats in that block (incl registration fees, which Shwas Homes threatens everyone to pay up or face cancellation), but just 3 registered or house numbers provided. The shadiest builder continues to operate & the customers are left hopeless (incomplete buildings & betrayed (facilities promised but not provided).

Marketting & PR dept personnel do not pick up phone calls from existing customers (of which I am a witness. They blatantly tell reception for every incoming call from existing customers, that they are not in office or in an urgent meetings all day, while I was sitting right in front of them), is but a minor indication of what awaits future customers, forget the torture or waiting forever for completion of projects with accumulating losses in bank.

I have friends who invested in reputed builders & a just handful in shady ones like Shwas. The reputed ones have completed the projects & rented out & have made good use of the high demand in Kakkanad. One look at a Shwas flat (Mystic Heights 1 or 2 for example), the potential tenant hurries out of the claustrophobic flat to catch his Shwasam (breath). I could go on about regrets of customers, but nothing compares to the experience that awaits.
Venupalakkattu's reply, May 14, 2018
Dear Anna Mary, I don't know personally you but what ever the comment you made in the above statement is absolutely right and i could have to mention here that i am an unfortunate customer who booked a flat in their on going Tetracore22 in aqua City Paravoor. I booked a 710 Sq feet flat in 2015 and paid booking charges and installments up to April 2018, the agony starts in April when they starts asking the statutory of 8 Lakhs which includes 1.47 lakhs as electricity advance and 30 Thousand as water connection. I visited the site twice in March and once in April and found the construction completed only 50% and it will take another two year to hand over the possession. To my utter surprise they start sending me reminders and reminders and gave me ultimatum as 6th May 2018 for payment and issued a warning letter states that there will not be any further communication and after this date they will cancel my booking, i replied to their final warning through my advocate and they ignore my reply through my advocate and issued me a cancellation letter through e mail. I have paid 27 instalments and only 3 instalments are balance. The funniest thing is their agreement there is no date mentioned and once i questioned them they were telling the date mentioned by the stamp vendor is the start date of agreement to my surprise, if i agree that date the flat should hand over me after completion in March 2019 and how they start asking the statutory before almost 10 months? It was informed to me by Mr. Sooraj the Customer relation manager that they will start the registration process by may 2018 with out obtaining the building no and fire and safety completion certificate. These statements from a builder was not satisfy me and once i enquire these details from a reliable source they confirmed me that this is not possible, the registration can not be done until full work has been completed and get an occupancy certificate plus a completion certificate. The question here arise how they can ask for the statutory before completion of the contract period or before completing the project and when i rise the question of amenities his answer was " we did not mention any date for the provision of amenities, and it may be provided by end of 2025"

In view of the above situation i was totally upset and now i am moving to the hassled steps of approaching courts Civil/Criminal and consumer and hope remaining 146 members from Tetracore 22 will follow me or they will be forced to follow me by this fraudulent builder.

Firstly, I doubt you are a real customer of Mystic Winds (considering the very short span of time between posting between by usernames - arunka & anandhka, and fact that Mystic Winds is not fully complete).

How many have been officially registered? When asked why their properties is not yet registered, customers are told that the MD is not available! (Just imagine the number of months, Shwas's MD is unavailable at a stretch!!)

There are good number of reputed builders in Cochin who completed projects as per their initial schedules (starting at the same time Shwas started with its current project in Vytilla) & whose customers are now reaping handsome Returns on Investment.

The cries of sorry Shwas Homes customers can be heard in Cochin & may not fall on the deaf ears of personnel in Shwas Homes.
All the customers of shwas homes are about to cry for their bad decision to invest in shwas homes projects as company is going collapse in a short time. So it is duty of cheated customers file complaint against the company in a legal way other than posting complaints against shwas homes in portals. It will help the new customers falling into trap of shwas homes people. And for who are fallen into the trap be careful because the agreement which they have signed is valued only is you make the payment according to the schedule and shwas homes will make sure that atleast one payment to be default to make the agreement void. So be careful with the shwas homes people because the management, its marketing people and customer care people don't have ethics and all behave in unprofessional way. And Guy named Biju Thomas who is heading the marketing divison is most fraudlent.
My name is Shoukat from Muscat..I am very sorry to say that the above said by Mr Ananda is his own personal experience and as per me it is totally false..I am an investor with SHWAS Homes and I am totally satisfied with their work and commitment.I have purchased a flat in Dualcore at Aquacity...No builder delivers on the promise date..A delay will occur.We, as investors must make sure that the documentations and are proper and not like Apple a Day...In fact i m planning to buy another flat in AQUACITY for my daughter...
I am also one of the unfortunate fellow who fell in Shwas homes trap-invested in July 2007 and the projects is yet to handover. Interestingly Shwas responsbile guys like to threaten their clients to grab the money by sending cancellation letters or giving verbal warnings to their valuable investors. I am not sure whether these guys are ruthless by charactor to cheat the investors and it is very pathetic to know that no governing laws there to regularize these stupid attitude by the real estate. The government must introduce something like each project owner to give an undertaking to each cleint who is investing with them.
from Dubai
Dear Sunflower1970.

So far no apartment has been handed over from Aquacity, construction is going on only, so how do you support/rate Shwas home. I have one booking in Alpine, construction is going on, but lack the schedule. About quality I have not seen it so far.

Dr. Abdul HP
Well there is no doubt in my mind that Shwas Homes is one "Big Fruad", and hence i suggest Mr Shoukat from Muscat needs to realize that we all putting these views about Shwas Homes are not getting any benefit by doing so but are simply wanting to warn others...The question i need to ask everyone here just for my clarity...What can we do???

what does the law say about a situation where a builder shows you a project on fancy brouchers and than comes up with something totally different and gets us the customers to sign on agreements that keeps the builder away from all sins...what does the law say in these cases...

Second - Is there a possibility to put a stay on all projects of the directors for this builder untill cases are resolved, cause they are fine going through the phases with us in courts as they expect us to tire and give in...

Third - Is there a Real Estate Association of some sort that can ensure none of these directors are ever entertained in this industry...

Fourth - Is there an NRI's association dealing with such real estate matters that can also black list them...

Fifth - Is the state or district authorities even aware of what is happening...

Sixth - Who is the local MP for that area and has everyone thought about approaching him jointly for action

Seventh - Is everyone on this forum ready to have a joint case against the builder first in the consumer court and than proceed with a Police Complaint for an arrest warrant, along with a Civil case of Fruad and cheating

Eighth - Or we can ask the builder to hand over the project to us the "Investors" and we will complete the project as a Society

Please send me your feedback with names of good legal firms to start the process and not waste any more time on acussations rather get the ball rolling for them to know this is serious...trust me people like these have no souls and cal lie to you forever and get their staff to lie to you as well, thats why their marketing department is good at what they do..."LIE"

I[censored] have only single father - reveal your name and flat.
I am a subscriber of Shwas Dualcore at Aqua city. they have informed that the project is almost 6 months behind the schedule. Looking at the number of complaints and having direct feedbacks from some of the customers from a villa project near Thripunithura, were the unfortunate customers haven't had water connection till now, I propose and support the views of miketalks. We do not have to go and fight them at the moment... but can surely form a group in one of the social media like Facebook as Shwas Dualcore subscribers or so and communicate with each other. As many o[censored]s have taken the direct monthly installment method, we can monitor the progress regularly and collectively decide to form an association or society at the appropriate time and go forward to extend our payments into smaller installments towards the end of the schedule where they are asking for bulk payments until they speed up and deliver as promised with the goodies inside each unit. In case they fall back on their words it would be more helpful to get the competent authorities involved once you stand united.

it was interesting reading all these comments...

i was checking 99acres.com for an affordable flat and I came across Swas dualcore25 for 8.5 lakhs...

though i was surprised with the really low price, i became keenly interested and i did a google search on this project...

and thats when i came across all of your comments...

the ad on 99acres shows that it has been posted on 5th nov 2012 and the possession date is shown as dec 2013...

surprising alle??? you guys have been complaining and they still are promoting their flats...

any concrete action to stop them promoting, if all your comments are true???
I was planning on buying a falt that has come for resale in Shwas homes, Phase 3 of their projects Mystic Heights in Vyttila.

I haven't being there yet, and am an NRI. Was interested in Vytilla location hence the decision. Request your views - what is the exact problem of the project?

Please suggest whether I buy or not as I am in a dilemma now reading your comments.
Join "Shwas Dualcore" in facebook.
This is to unite all the buyers at Dualcore property.
Please cooperate so that we get the collective strength to talk to the builder.
Thank You - A dual Core property buyer.
I just cancelled my tickets to Cochin which I had booked to have a look at the Shwas Project in Aluva. I was almost ready to pay the booking amount as well.. The price they offered by them was tempting for the kind of amenities they provide. Thanks a lot for all your feedback. I feel it saved me..

Once again thanks a lot..
Heard Shwas Mystic Heights in Kaniyampuza Road is having major issues on commitment to the owners... and is in complete lock horns with the Owners.

Was more shocked to hear that the directors of Shwas even beat up little school going children of the owners last week... look at the audacity of these money bags and the plight of poor NRIs who own a place there.
When the Government and politicians have been in hand and glove with these cheats, how can you prevent these cheats from taking people for a ride. After the Apple deception was brought to light, the CM Ommen Chandy held a press conference and promised the affected people all support to get justice. He did not move even his little finger to do anything to help the buyers of Apple properties. The buyers who bought the apartments in Apple Heights in Vazhakkala Road had to pay through their nose for all the incomplete works left by the Apple management. It is no wonder you will see many such cheats coming up in the society to cheat the poor public when such politicians are behind them.
I am an unfortunate person who invested 8.2 laksh so far for alpine suits and it is in still under construction!!! i am going to file the police case against these people for fraudelent and cheating.
Now they are not answering the calls.. !!!

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    Ground Floor, Shwas Mystic Heights I, Kaniyampuza Road, Eroor PO, Cochin, India - 682306
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