My Self Yogesh Panday, I had taken admission in Sikkim Manipal University (SMU at Pusa Road 2017) for MBA. SMU provide us to choose date sheet (location,date,time). I self have choose my date sheet and now I am going to preparation of my exams. I have to urgently attend some family function on 22nd Nov. so I choose holiday on 20, 21st 22nd or 23rd because I am out of delhi. Now when I receive my date sheet from SMU it is differ from my selected date sheet. They change my date at there end and they put paper on 23rd when I complaint it to Pusa Road Branch my Consular ask me that the date sheet is come from our Head Office and they selected it & when I object and say that the day which you selected for my paper I am not in delhi because of some urgent family work and I also ask please if possible change my time or postponed the paper they simply denied and say dont worry give your paper with next batch and you have pay Rs.225 each paper, I shocked I said you give us option to choose date sheet at our timing, date, location then why you change it and why I should pay for this. Accept my 1st and IInd Paper all dates are changed how can I manage it and the reply of Consular was we can't do anything.
Now please show me the way what I have to do. I had gave them 13000 for my first semester and now 1125 for Ist sem paper and another 13000 for IInd sem. I don't have enough money to fulfill there requirements even my financial condition is not in my favour.
Sir I request to you If possible please refund my Ist semester fees or give my option to start my MBA from the beginning. I can't afford my remaining papers fees with my IInd Semester. Was this information helpful? |
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