Date: 29/01/2010
Dear Sir/Madam,
I was enroute to my work place this morning and had an ugly spat with the conductor of BMTC bus KA-01 3546 for not having given the change back even after promising to do so after issuing the ticket. When I reached my destination, the conductor refused to acknowledge that he owed me change and even after several debates he didnt give me back my money. This is extremely unethical and unacceptable. The name of the conductor is Suresh.
I am not sure how many such cases occur on a daily basis and proper action needs to be taken to stop this menace.
This was one of my first few trips by bus and I am just as disappointed as I have been with the Auto functioning in Bangalore.
Kindly take appropriate action against such unruly and corrupt conductors to help people from getting cheated.
Shweta Harve Was this information helpful? |
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