The General Manager
Star health and Allied Insurance ltd,
The Correspondent,
Sacred Heart Matric .HSS
Sub: Re-imbursement of claim reg
Dear Sir
1) Policy No.C/TVL/900000/SSP/01/2007-08/000242
Claim No.Corp/CL/2007-08/ TMC900000/5752
Sl.No436 Name S.B. KARTTICK
Bill Amount Rs. 24000/- Sum insured Rs.10000/- settled amount Rs.2873/-
Why balance amount is not given? If he is eligible for the balance amount please do the necessary arrangements.
2) Policy No.C/TVL/900000/GMC/10/2008-09/00236
A) I have given the cheqe on27/05/2008 no.514438 of Tamilnadu Mercantile Bank Padanthalumoodu. And you have issued the document dated on10/07/2008 and I have received it on 28/07/2008 in between there are seven claims are there.
Named R.S.Riya, Akash.A, S.S.Benish, Nimitha, Seena Raj, Ajay.AS, M .Monisha Sherin and I have submitted the bills on 26/08/08. and I have recived cheque for R.S,Riya Claim No.022691and Ajay A.S. No065821.ather five are pending
All these claims are also in pending for more than one and half year
Name Claim No. Name Claim
B) 1 Kiran Godfray 8234 2.Abina Mol 9523
3.Ashika 9920 4. Sharan Raj 9921
5. Chinchu 11122 6. Sharan raj 12194
7. Vishakh.RL 15483 8. Vivek.V.G 16046
9.Cimiya john. 15887 10.Roshin.JS 16048
11.Asir julin 17850 12.Ajay R Kumar 18938
13.Asika MS 22437 14.Arun Kuma 22563
15.M.Sargin 22976 16.Anupriya 23326
17Alfidaslinma 23787 18.MR.Rijo 24653
19.Vaishnavi.M 24752 20.Nandika 25347
21.Aknti jetald 25558 22.S.Ajay 25821
23.Ahjesh 26173 24.Panchami 26259
25.Abitha 27770 26.Dalvin.V.S 28785
27.Vidhya 29125 28.Neha Thomas 29786
29.Antony Thomas 29789 30.Manoj M Nair 603
31.Vishnu.MP 2238 32.Arun Kumar 2924
33.JenilRaj 3381
All these claims are in pending. Please do the necessary arrangements to get the claims. It is already one year and six months are gone. I have conducted local area manager ,Zonal manager, Area managerbut no response
Yours Faith fully
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