German/EU BlueCard( ) from Synergy-GS.COM
I know this company for last few years and I met this company's owner few times and I know him personally, when I asked him about this issue comments on the internet forums/blogs, he sent me this below email draft which they sent to other consultants explaining the process in upfront and direct, which is very loud and very clear and fair enough to do this German/EU Blue Card ( ) Process with such a low cost refundable commitment deposit of Euros 500/USD 700/INR 35, 000 from the prospective employees/consultants. Compare it to the USA H-1B process costs (As per USA Govt. fee USD 2325/USD 4325 plus US law firm fee USD $675, total o[censored]SD 3000 to USD 5000 deposits/fee other USA consulting companies taking from prospective employees/consultants. Synergy Global Services, being a small company, it is understandable that, this company cannot pay German immigration law firm fee Euros 500/USD 700/INR 35, 000 upfront costs from their money on behalf of prospective consultants who may keep this visa process as a free back up option after getting visa to think and decide later and/or to negotiate with their present employer in India by showing visa and onsite job option from Synergy, to send them to onsite or extend the project at onsite. So Synergy taking this Euros 500 / USD 700 / INR 35, 000 to at least cover the German law firm fee, after consultants gets visa and if they doesn't report to the company for whatsoever the reasons by changing their mind or even if consultants doesn't get visa or project not to have any loss to the company. So instead of listening one side story from all you guys and the way you guys have been accusing/blaming the company later, you should have taken a wise decision whether to go for this process even if you change your mind later to wait for your present company to send you to onsite or based on any unfortunate reasons and for any unexpected documents requirements, if you don't get visa and project, legally as per their NC & ND agreement required documents clause# 6, you would legally lose Euros 500/USD 700/INR 35, 000 and legally you cannot do anything as their agreements covered the company's risks to prove to judges in courts. In spite that it is great that, with courtesy amicably, they are giving an opportunity to reapply by issuing new employment agreements and by bearing the additional fee from law firm, for all those who didn't get visa or project without any further refundable commitment deposits/fee and ready to refund 100% of your refundable commitment deposits (Euros 500/USD 700/INR 35, 000), if you get visa and projects. Other such Indian IT consulting companies in such situation, closed their companies and businesses or never bothered to give another opportunity to reapply without further deposits/fee, but Synergy giving that opportunity to reapply without further refundable commitment deposit/fee, SO IT IS POSITIVE. I am and my friends going ahead with this process, we understood the positives and negatives, even if we change mind later to wait for our companies to send us to onsite project or even in worst case if we don't get German/EU Blue Card visa and project also, risk of Euros 500/USD 700/INR 35, 000. Because we don't have and we cannot take risk o[censored]SA H-1B visa process cost o[censored]SD 3000 to USD 5000, so guys who have USD 3000 to USD 5000 savings take the risk o[censored]SA H1-B visa process cost/deposits/fee o[censored]DS 3000 to USD 5000, myself nor my friends have that much savings, so we rather taking this Euros 500/USD 700/INR 35, 000 risk! Worst case if we don't get German/EU we will reapply for same German/EU Blue Card again, and the company is saying after working for 6 months in Germany/EU, out of the companies 6 months profits from the consultants 6 months billing, they are ready to file USA H-1B visa process free of cost without any deposits or fee, that is a great opportunity to go to the ultimate destination USA via Germany/EU with such a low initial investment/refundable commitment deposit of Euros 500/USD 700/INR 35, 000. And I heard that, getting USA H-1B visa also much easier from USA consulates in Germany than USA consulates in India. So it is an another advantage!
Thank you for emailing your resume and Indian Form 16s/USA W2s in the past (in the year 2010). Synergy Global Services Inc./UG, New York, NY/Frankfurt, Germany, EU ( ) global Onsite IT jobs recruitment team has received and reviewed your old resume and the previous few years Indian Form 16s/USA W2s towards the evidence of your experience. So we are considering you for Onsite IT jobs in Germany/European Union (EU)/Europe with German/EU Blue Card Residence Permit Employment Visa Process ( ), based on your 4+/8+ years of global IT/software development experience from top 50 Global/Indian IT/software services companies with Fortune Global 500 clients IT projects’ experience (i.e. Experience from IT projects of the top 50 global companies from different industries/domains).
Very Important Note: In the year 2010, after submitting visa applications at German Embassy/Consulates in India, Frankfurt immigration officers insisted our prospective employees/consultants to submit their brief resume, educational and experience documents translated from English to German. But, our prospective employees didn’t get their documents translated in time, though it is their responsibility to submit any of their required documents at any stage of the visa process requested by German Government Authorities as per the Non-Compete & Non-Disclosure (NC & ND) Agreement “Clause# 6: Required Documents”. Thus legally they were not eligible for “Clause# 8: Refundable Commitment Deposit Refund”, because of not fulfilling required documents clause# 6, in spite that they accused our company over online forums/blogs as not refunded deposits. Now being considerate with courtesy to resolve this issue amicably, as an alternative option for mutual benefit and mutual growth, to all our old consultants who couldn’t get visas because of the reasons mentioned above, we are giving them another opportunity by issuing new employment agreements to reapply for German Residence Permit Employment Visa under new liberalized German/EU Blue Card Process ( ) in the first quarter of 2013, without any further refundable commitment deposit from them. (As we outsourced entire visa process to German immigration law firm for Euros 500 per each consultant visa process, it is an additional work to our company’s immigration law firm, so though we have to pay additional fee to law firm now, we are giving this opportunity to them). Further, if they get visa and project, and up on submission of their first month timesheets from the first client, we will refund their old refundable commitment deposit 100%, i.e., Euros 500/USD 700/INR 35, 000. Under the liberalized German/EU Blue Card new law ( ), effective 1st August 2012, the visa process is little bit liberal now. Said so, still Frankfurt immigration officers insisting on translation of all documents from consultants, but we discovered recently that other German cities/towns immigration officers are not insisting on translation as of now and have been approving visas without translation. So now onwards we will divert all our visa applicants’ files to other cities/towns immigration offices by giving you proposed place of residence (Question# 15 in German Residence Permit Employment Visa Application Form) address from other German cities/towns outside Frankfurt city jurisdiction. But as every German city/town immigration officers works independently with their own different process and requirements, so we cannot give any guarantee of translation/educational evaluation exception etc. from other cities/towns immigration officers also in future and we cannot predict whatever the documents German Government Authorities from different cities/towns may insist from our prospective employees side in future, which would be responsibility of employees to provide such documents. Of course whatever the documents German Government Authorities require from company’s side, our company’s German law firm will submit all those documents in German language to German Government Authorities, as our company’s all documents are issued by German Government Authorities/Organizations/Companies, so by default all those documents are in German language. Below you can check out the links about the German/EU Blue Card new law effective from 1st August 2012.⇄⇄
If you are not getting an onsite IT job opportunities/long term onsite IT projects from your present employer/company in India or if your company is calling you back from USA/Canada/EU/Europe to India for offshore projects and if you are looking for permanent onsite IT job opportunities in Germany/EU/Europe. Then we have an opportunity for you to work as an onsite IT consultant in Germany/EU/Europe. But not as one of the free backup option to think and decide later after you get visa and project, because visa process involves upfront costs to the company as our company outsourced visa process to German immigration law firm for Euros 500 per each consultant process, thus we have to pay Euros 500 fee per consultant to German law firm and all other costs and risks in involved to the company, so as mentioned in our Non-Compete & Non-Disclosure (NC & ND) Agreement under “Refundable Commitment Deposit Clause# 8”, you have to make a Refundable Commitment Deposit of Euros 500/USD 700/INR 35, 000 to cover the German law firm fee Euros 500 per consultant visa process, which we will reimburse/refund 100% entire Euros 500/USD 700/INR 35, 000, if you get a visa and after you submit your first project’s first month times sheets from the first client in Germany/EU, otherwise your deposit refund will be forfeited. But for any unfortunate reasons, if you don’t get visa and/or project, we will give you an option to reapply for the visa process without any additional refundable commitment deposit. For spot recruitment procedure terms and conditions, please go through in detail the attached NC & ND Agreement and Offer Letter/Employment Agreement/“Arbeitsvertrag Drafts” as mentioned on . Also from the attached files refer the visa process step by step flow diagram and the visa process details links at
There are lot of IT projects from our clients/potential clients in Germany/EU/Europe from 1st January 2013, because of new financial year budget for new IT projects. So we are proactively and aggressively recruiting IT consultants again for onsite IT jobs in Germany/EU/Europe starting from 1st January 2013 with new liberalized German/EU Blue Card Process ( )
Advantage: As we are 100 % Onsite IT projects/jobs based company and as we do not have any offshore business in India like top 50 global/Indian IT companies, so we will never call/send you back to India at the end of the project. After finishing the first project, if you prefer to relocate and work in a different country, then we will market your resume to find a project for you in whichever the country you prefer (USA/Canada/UK/Germany/Switzerland/Rest of EU/Europe) with Visa/Permanent Residency process without any further fee/cost/deposit from you and by paying you the full time permanent job salary for 12 months a year. Also, we pay your salary even during the bench period. However, please note that the official yearly paid vacation is approved and must be used only during the first bench period in between the projects change.
German/EU Blue Card: As you are aware o[censored]SA H-1B Visa process from, but the German/EU Blue Card Permanent Residence Permit Employment Visa Process ( ) is new to you, a step by step procedure is provided below for your convenience:
1) First step is to email your latest updated word doc resume with your present address and cell# along with the previous 4 years Indian Form 16s/USA W2s (as an evidence for your experience), and a scanned copy of your passport with past visas to [protected] (Each set of documents multiple pages should be in one single pdf file, for that you can use ) (All these you did already in the past in the year 2010)
2) Based on the review of your old resume and previous few years Form 16s/W2s and/or all other supporting documents for your experience as mentioned at, we are considering to recruit you on the spot for onsite IT jobs in Germany/EU/Europe. However, if you are seriously pursuing this opportunity after replying to this email and after discussing over the phone, we will send you the attached Non-Compete and Non-Disclosure (NC & ND) Agreement and Employment Agreement and Arbeitsvertrag with your full name and your personal details as per your passport and will be signed by our company’s Founder, MD & CEO (Sudheer Pundru). You are required to take a print out of those signed agreements and sign (signature must be same as in your passport signature) on the right side bottom corner of every page of the agreement and below signature you must write your handwritten full name and date of signature. Then, you have to scan it (preferably in PDF format NC, ND file in one pdf file and Employment Agreement, Arbeitsvertrag in another pdf file) and email it to us. Note: Please go through the clause # 8 (Refundable Commitment Deposit Clause) in the NC & ND Agreement in detail.
3) After you send the signed NC & ND Agreement, Employment Agreement, Arbeitsvertrag, we will email you our or our German law firm bank account details for refundable commitment deposit as per the clause# 8 in NC & ND agreement, then you can make the online bank transfer for the Euros 500 / USD 700 / INR 35, 000 and send the screenshot file of the bank transfer confirmation page and keep that screenshot file and your online bank statement as a receipt for your deposit payment and after amount is credited into our bank account, we will also reconfirm by sending you a receipt by copy pasting the online transaction from our bank account online bank statements. This deposit will be 100% refunded to you only if you get the visa and after you submit the first month’s timesheets from the first client in Germany/EU, otherwise your deposit refund will be forfeited. For any unfortunate reasons, if you don’t get visa and/or project, we will give you an option to reapply for the visa process without any additional deposit.
4) After refundable commitment deposit online bank transfer, we will call you to guide you through the further procedure instructions to fill and submit German/EU Blue Card Residence Permit Employment Visa Application Form along with the Employment Agreement, Arbeitsvertrag, and your educational, experience documents and all other required documents ( ) to German Embassy in New Delhi or German Consulate in Chennai/Bangalore/Kolkata/Mumbai as per the instructions in the attached pdf files and below links. For instruction about the Visa processes, you can find from the links at . Note that, as mentioned in the attached required documents pdf files from German Embassy/Consulates in India, even though they didn’t mention all the required documents in those pdf files, the German Govt. Authorities reserves the right to ask for further additional documents as and when required (For example: All your documents translation from English to German and/or your educational documents evaluation to be equivalent to German Bachelor’s degrees or verification of all your documents etc. or any other documents.)
5) After submitting the German/EU Blue Card Residence Permit Application with all the supporting required documents at German Embassy in New Delhi or at German Consulate in Chennai/Bangalore/Kolkata/Mumbai, our company’s immigration law firm in Frankfurt, Germany coordinates with German Immigration and Employment/Work Permit Authorities, and this whole process takes approximately 2 to 3 months or even more based on the request for further required documents from employees. After your visa is approved, German cities/towns immigration officers will inform German Embassy/Consulates in India to call you or send you an email or postal letter to submit your passport for initial 3 months entry visa with preapproved German/EU Blue Card residence permit for stamping in your passport. But actual long term (up to 4 years) German/EU Blue Card/Residence Permit will be given and/or stamped in your passport after your arrival in Germany at a proposed place of residence (Question# 15 in application form) city/town immigration office. For detailed procedure, please see in the attached pdf files visa process step by step flow diagram.
6) Advantage: After your initial 3 months entry visa stamped, our global onsite marketing team (Germans/Europeans) will market/submit your latest updated resume for potential IT projects to our clients/potential clients all over the Germany and Europe/EU (except UK) with your personal German phone number from skype, so if clients calls you on your personal German phone number, those calls will be forwarded to your Indian cell number with skype call forwarding feature, thus we will try to get you first onsite IT project in Germany/EU at the earliest possible. After getting initial German residence permit entry visa stamped, you can resign from your present employer in India and have a smooth transit without much risk (If required, up on request, after you get visa approved, we may consider to postpone your visa start date and job start date for serving your notice period for up to 3 months with your present employer in India). With German/EU Blue Card Residence Permit, if there is an IT project outside Germany you can travel for up to 3 months consulting work all over EU including Switzerland except UK and within these 3 months we will process the other EU/European countries residence permit/work permits/EU Blue Cards visas separately without any cost to you or further deposits from you.
7) Also, we will market you for permanent jobs with the clients and if clients want to hire you as a permanent employee, they should pay negotiable fee on behalf of you towards the NC & ND agreement breach clause # 9 as a onetime fee or in monthly installments for 12 months to our company. Then, you can join the client directly and client can transfer your German EU Blue Card Visa from our company to the cleints’ company. And we will give you a written signed letter to relieve you from NC & ND and all other agreements.
8) Overall Advantage: Later, if you prefer to move from Germany to the USA / Canada / UK or any other country in EU/Europe, we will process Visas/Residence Permits/Work Permits for these countries free of cost without any further deposit/fee from you, after you work for 6 months for our clients in Germany/EU. After you go to Germany, if your spouse is an IT professional, we can consider to give her a job in our company by taking care of her work permit etc. without any deposit/fee from her/him, if not, we will assist your spouse also to get work permit to do any field job to work for any company in Germany.
Because our company model is a low cost self-service model, please go through this email and all the links in this email and all the attached files and all other links mentioned on our website’s jobs & careers navigation menu before emailing or calling us, as these links will answer most of your queries. For any further queries, please refer to FAQs at . If you have any other specific queries relevant to your situation/case that have not been addressed in this email and under any of the links mentioned on our website, then you can call our Company’s Founder, MD & CEO, Mr. Sudheer Pundru ( [protected] ) directly on German phone# +[protected] or on his USA Cell# +[protected] any day anytime to expedite the decision making process. You can make Skype Voice Calls free of cost on our company’s Skype business id: Synergy-GS, you can call on Skype even when it is offline, because all those calls will be forwarded to our smartphones Skype App/Cell number. If we misses your calls, please leave your name and phone number, we will call you back within a day.
NOTE: You can forward this email with all the attached files to your friends/colleagues who fulfills the above-mentioned criteria ( ) i.e. 4+/8+ years of experience from top 50 global/Indian IT/software services companies with Fortune Global 500 clients projects’ experience (i.e. Experience from IT projects of top 20 global companies in any industry/domain on any IT technologies.)
Thanks & Regards/MfG,
Global Onsite Recruitment, Sales & Marketing Team,
Synergy Global Services, Inc./UG,
IT, Management and Financial Consulting Services,
14 Wall Street, 20 th Fl (Regus BC), New York, NY-10005, USA
Friedrich Ebert Anlage 49, MesseTurm, 25th Fl (Regus BC), Frankfurt/M-60308, Germany
Phone: +[protected],
(Starting soon in Canada: Toronto; UK: London; Switzerland: Zurich, France: Paris)
Microsoft/Skype Business Id to make free voice calls (24X7): Synergy-GS
I know this company for last few years and I met this company's owner few times and I know him personally, when I asked him about this issue comments on the internet forums/blogs, he sent me this below email draft which they sent to other consultants explaining the process in upfront and direct, which is very loud and very clear and fair enough to do this German/EU Blue Card ( ) Process with such a low cost refundable commitment deposit of Euros 500/USD 700/INR 35, 000 from the prospective employees/consultants. Compare it to the USA H-1B process costs (As per USA Govt. fee USD 2325/USD 4325 plus US law firm fee USD $675, total o[censored]SD 3000 to USD 5000 deposits/fee other USA consulting companies taking from prospective employees/consultants. Synergy Global Services, being a small company, it is understandable that, this company cannot pay German immigration law firm fee Euros 500/USD 700/INR 35, 000 upfront costs from their money on behalf of prospective consultants who may keep this visa process as a free back up option after getting visa to think and decide later and/or to negotiate with their present employer in India by showing visa and onsite job option from Synergy, to send them to onsite or extend the project at onsite. So Synergy taking this Euros 500 / USD 700 / INR 35, 000 to at least cover the German law firm fee, after consultants gets visa and if they doesn't report to the company for whatsoever the reasons by changing their mind or even if consultants doesn't get visa or project not to have any loss to the company. So instead of listening one side story from all you guys and the way you guys have been accusing/blaming the company later, you should have taken a wise decision whether to go for this process even if you change your mind later to wait for your present company to send you to onsite or based on any unfortunate reasons and for any unexpected documents requirements, if you don't get visa and project, legally as per their NC & ND agreement required documents clause# 6, you would legally lose Euros 500/USD 700/INR 35, 000 and legally you cannot do anything as their agreements covered the company's risks to prove to judges in courts. In spite that it is great that, with courtesy amicably, they are giving an opportunity to reapply by issuing new employment agreements and by bearing the additional fee from law firm, for all those who didn't get visa or project without any further refundable commitment deposits/fee and ready to refund 100% of your refundable commitment deposits (Euros 500/USD 700/INR 35, 000), if you get visa and projects. Other such Indian IT consulting companies in such situation, closed their companies and businesses or never bothered to give another opportunity to reapply without further deposits/fee, but Synergy giving that opportunity to reapply without further refundable commitment deposit/fee, SO IT IS POSITIVE. I am and my friends going ahead with this process, we understood the positives and negatives, even if we change mind later to wait for our companies to send us to onsite project or even in worst case if we don't get German/EU Blue Card visa and project also, risk of Euros 500/USD 700/INR 35, 000. Because we don't have and we cannot take risk o[censored]SA H-1B visa process cost o[censored]SD 3000 to USD 5000, so guys who have USD 3000 to USD 5000 savings take the risk o[censored]SA H1-B visa process cost/deposits/fee o[censored]DS 3000 to USD 5000, myself nor my friends have that much savings, so we rather taking this Euros 500/USD 700/INR 35, 000 risk! Worst case if we don't get German/EU we will reapply for same German/EU Blue Card again, and the company is saying after working for 6 months in Germany/EU, out of the companies 6 months profits from the consultants 6 months billing, they are ready to file USA H-1B visa process free of cost without any deposits or fee, that is a great opportunity to go to the ultimate destination USA via Germany/EU with such a low initial investment/refundable commitment deposit of Euros 500/USD 700/INR 35, 000. And I heard that, getting USA H-1B visa also much easier from USA consulates in Germany than USA consulates in India. So it is an another advantage!
Thank you for emailing your resume and Indian Form 16s/USA W2s in the past (in the year 2010). Synergy Global Services Inc./UG, New York, NY/Frankfurt, Germany, EU ( ) global Onsite IT jobs recruitment team has received and reviewed your old resume and the previous few years Indian Form 16s/USA W2s towards the evidence of your experience. So we are considering you for Onsite IT jobs in Germany/European Union (EU)/Europe with German/EU Blue Card Residence Permit Employment Visa Process ( ), based on your 4+/8+ years of global IT/software development experience from top 50 Global/Indian IT/software services companies with Fortune Global 500 clients IT projects’ experience (i.e. Experience from IT projects of the top 50 global companies from different industries/domains).
Very Important Note: In the year 2010, after submitting visa applications at German Embassy/Consulates in India, Frankfurt immigration officers insisted our prospective employees/consultants to submit their brief resume, educational and experience documents translated from English to German. But, our prospective employees didn’t get their documents translated in time, though it is their responsibility to submit any of their required documents at any stage of the visa process requested by German Government Authorities as per the Non-Compete & Non-Disclosure (NC & ND) Agreement “Clause# 6: Required Documents”. Thus legally they were not eligible for “Clause# 8: Refundable Commitment Deposit Refund”, because of not fulfilling required documents clause# 6, in spite that they accused our company over online forums/blogs as not refunded deposits. Now being considerate with courtesy to resolve this issue amicably, as an alternative option for mutual benefit and mutual growth, to all our old consultants who couldn’t get visas because of the reasons mentioned above, we are giving them another opportunity by issuing new employment agreements to reapply for German Residence Permit Employment Visa under new liberalized German/EU Blue Card Process ( ) in the first quarter of 2013, without any further refundable commitment deposit from them. (As we outsourced entire visa process to German immigration law firm for Euros 500 per each consultant visa process, it is an additional work to our company’s immigration law firm, so though we have to pay additional fee to law firm now, we are giving this opportunity to them). Further, if they get visa and project, and up on submission of their first month timesheets from the first client, we will refund their old refundable commitment deposit 100%, i.e., Euros 500/USD 700/INR 35, 000. Under the liberalized German/EU Blue Card new law ( ), effective 1st August 2012, the visa process is little bit liberal now. Said so, still Frankfurt immigration officers insisting on translation of all documents from consultants, but we discovered recently that other German cities/towns immigration officers are not insisting on translation as of now and have been approving visas without translation. So now onwards we will divert all our visa applicants’ files to other cities/towns immigration offices by giving you proposed place of residence (Question# 15 in German Residence Permit Employment Visa Application Form) address from other German cities/towns outside Frankfurt city jurisdiction. But as every German city/town immigration officers works independently with their own different process and requirements, so we cannot give any guarantee of translation/educational evaluation exception etc. from other cities/towns immigration officers also in future and we cannot predict whatever the documents German Government Authorities from different cities/towns may insist from our prospective employees side in future, which would be responsibility of employees to provide such documents. Of course whatever the documents German Government Authorities require from company’s side, our company’s German law firm will submit all those documents in German language to German Government Authorities, as our company’s all documents are issued by German Government Authorities/Organizations/Companies, so by default all those documents are in German language. Below you can check out the links about the German/EU Blue Card new law effective from 1st August 2012.⇄⇄
If you are not getting an onsite IT job opportunities/long term onsite IT projects from your present employer/company in India or if your company is calling you back from USA/Canada/EU/Europe to India for offshore projects and if you are looking for permanent onsite IT job opportunities in Germany/EU/Europe. Then we have an opportunity for you to work as an onsite IT consultant in Germany/EU/Europe. But not as one of the free backup option to think and decide later after you get visa and project, because visa process involves upfront costs to the company as our company outsourced visa process to German immigration law firm for Euros 500 per each consultant process, thus we have to pay Euros 500 fee per consultant to German law firm and all other costs and risks in involved to the company, so as mentioned in our Non-Compete & Non-Disclosure (NC & ND) Agreement under “Refundable Commitment Deposit Clause# 8”, you have to make a Refundable Commitment Deposit of Euros 500/USD 700/INR 35, 000 to cover the German law firm fee Euros 500 per consultant visa process, which we will reimburse/refund 100% entire Euros 500/USD 700/INR 35, 000, if you get a visa and after you submit your first project’s first month times sheets from the first client in Germany/EU, otherwise your deposit refund will be forfeited. But for any unfortunate reasons, if you don’t get visa and/or project, we will give you an option to reapply for the visa process without any additional refundable commitment deposit. For spot recruitment procedure terms and conditions, please go through in detail the attached NC & ND Agreement and Offer Letter/Employment Agreement/“Arbeitsvertrag Drafts” as mentioned on . Also from the attached files refer the visa process step by step flow diagram and the visa process details links at
There are lot of IT projects from our clients/potential clients in Germany/EU/Europe from 1st January 2013, because of new financial year budget for new IT projects. So we are proactively and aggressively recruiting IT consultants again for onsite IT jobs in Germany/EU/Europe starting from 1st January 2013 with new liberalized German/EU Blue Card Process ( )
Advantage: As we are 100 % Onsite IT projects/jobs based company and as we do not have any offshore business in India like top 50 global/Indian IT companies, so we will never call/send you back to India at the end of the project. After finishing the first project, if you prefer to relocate and work in a different country, then we will market your resume to find a project for you in whichever the country you prefer (USA/Canada/UK/Germany/Switzerland/Rest of EU/Europe) with Visa/Permanent Residency process without any further fee/cost/deposit from you and by paying you the full time permanent job salary for 12 months a year. Also, we pay your salary even during the bench period. However, please note that the official yearly paid vacation is approved and must be used only during the first bench period in between the projects change.
German/EU Blue Card: As you are aware o[censored]SA H-1B Visa process from, but the German/EU Blue Card Permanent Residence Permit Employment Visa Process ( ) is new to you, a step by step procedure is provided below for your convenience:
1) First step is to email your latest updated word doc resume with your present address and cell# along with the previous 4 years Indian Form 16s/USA W2s (as an evidence for your experience), and a scanned copy of your passport with past visas to [protected] (Each set of documents multiple pages should be in one single pdf file, for that you can use ) (All these you did already in the past in the year 2010)
2) Based on the review of your old resume and previous few years Form 16s/W2s and/or all other supporting documents for your experience as mentioned at, we are considering to recruit you on the spot for onsite IT jobs in Germany/EU/Europe. However, if you are seriously pursuing this opportunity after replying to this email and after discussing over the phone, we will send you the attached Non-Compete and Non-Disclosure (NC & ND) Agreement and Employment Agreement and Arbeitsvertrag with your full name and your personal details as per your passport and will be signed by our company’s Founder, MD & CEO (Sudheer Pundru). You are required to take a print out of those signed agreements and sign (signature must be same as in your passport signature) on the right side bottom corner of every page of the agreement and below signature you must write your handwritten full name and date of signature. Then, you have to scan it (preferably in PDF format NC, ND file in one pdf file and Employment Agreement, Arbeitsvertrag in another pdf file) and email it to us. Note: Please go through the clause # 8 (Refundable Commitment Deposit Clause) in the NC & ND Agreement in detail.
3) After you send the signed NC & ND Agreement, Employment Agreement, Arbeitsvertrag, we will email you our or our German law firm bank account details for refundable commitment deposit as per the clause# 8 in NC & ND agreement, then you can make the online bank transfer for the Euros 500 / USD 700 / INR 35, 000 and send the screenshot file of the bank transfer confirmation page and keep that screenshot file and your online bank statement as a receipt for your deposit payment and after amount is credited into our bank account, we will also reconfirm by sending you a receipt by copy pasting the online transaction from our bank account online bank statements. This deposit will be 100% refunded to you only if you get the visa and after you submit the first month’s timesheets from the first client in Germany/EU, otherwise your deposit refund will be forfeited. For any unfortunate reasons, if you don’t get visa and/or project, we will give you an option to reapply for the visa process without any additional deposit.
4) After refundable commitment deposit online bank transfer, we will call you to guide you through the further procedure instructions to fill and submit German/EU Blue Card Residence Permit Employment Visa Application Form along with the Employment Agreement, Arbeitsvertrag, and your educational, experience documents and all other required documents ( ) to German Embassy in New Delhi or German Consulate in Chennai/Bangalore/Kolkata/Mumbai as per the instructions in the attached pdf files and below links. For instruction about the Visa processes, you can find from the links at . Note that, as mentioned in the attached required documents pdf files from German Embassy/Consulates in India, even though they didn’t mention all the required documents in those pdf files, the German Govt. Authorities reserves the right to ask for further additional documents as and when required (For example: All your documents translation from English to German and/or your educational documents evaluation to be equivalent to German Bachelor’s degrees or verification of all your documents etc. or any other documents.)
5) After submitting the German/EU Blue Card Residence Permit Application with all the supporting required documents at German Embassy in New Delhi or at German Consulate in Chennai/Bangalore/Kolkata/Mumbai, our company’s immigration law firm in Frankfurt, Germany coordinates with German Immigration and Employment/Work Permit Authorities, and this whole process takes approximately 2 to 3 months or even more based on the request for further required documents from employees. After your visa is approved, German cities/towns immigration officers will inform German Embassy/Consulates in India to call you or send you an email or postal letter to submit your passport for initial 3 months entry visa with preapproved German/EU Blue Card residence permit for stamping in your passport. But actual long term (up to 4 years) German/EU Blue Card/Residence Permit will be given and/or stamped in your passport after your arrival in Germany at a proposed place of residence (Question# 15 in application form) city/town immigration office. For detailed procedure, please see in the attached pdf files visa process step by step flow diagram.
6) Advantage: After your initial 3 months entry visa stamped, our global onsite marketing team (Germans/Europeans) will market/submit your latest updated resume for potential IT projects to our clients/potential clients all over the Germany and Europe/EU (except UK) with your personal German phone number from skype, so if clients calls you on your personal German phone number, those calls will be forwarded to your Indian cell number with skype call forwarding feature, thus we will try to get you first onsite IT project in Germany/EU at the earliest possible. After getting initial German residence permit entry visa stamped, you can resign from your present employer in India and have a smooth transit without much risk (If required, up on request, after you get visa approved, we may consider to postpone your visa start date and job start date for serving your notice period for up to 3 months with your present employer in India). With German/EU Blue Card Residence Permit, if there is an IT project outside Germany you can travel for up to 3 months consulting work all over EU including Switzerland except UK and within these 3 months we will process the other EU/European countries residence permit/work permits/EU Blue Cards visas separately without any cost to you or further deposits from you.
7) Also, we will market you for permanent jobs with the clients and if clients want to hire you as a permanent employee, they should pay negotiable fee on behalf of you towards the NC & ND agreement breach clause # 9 as a onetime fee or in monthly installments for 12 months to our company. Then, you can join the client directly and client can transfer your German EU Blue Card Visa from our company to the cleints’ company. And we will give you a written signed letter to relieve you from NC & ND and all other agreements.
8) Overall Advantage: Later, if you prefer to move from Germany to the USA / Canada / UK or any other country in EU/Europe, we will process Visas/Residence Permits/Work Permits for these countries free of cost without any further deposit/fee from you, after you work for 6 months for our clients in Germany/EU. After you go to Germany, if your spouse is an IT professional, we can consider to give her a job in our company by taking care of her work permit etc. without any deposit/fee from her/him, if not, we will assist your spouse also to get work permit to do any field job to work for any company in Germany.
Because our company model is a low cost self-service model, please go through this email and all the links in this email and all the attached files and all other links mentioned on our website’s jobs & careers navigation menu before emailing or calling us, as these links will answer most of your queries. For any further queries, please refer to FAQs at . If you have any other specific queries relevant to your situation/case that have not been addressed in this email and under any of the links mentioned on our website, then you can call our Company’s Founder, MD & CEO, Mr. Sudheer Pundru ( [protected] ) directly on German phone# +[protected] or on his USA Cell# +[protected] any day anytime to expedite the decision making process. You can make Skype Voice Calls free of cost on our company’s Skype business id: Synergy-GS, you can call on Skype even when it is offline, because all those calls will be forwarded to our smartphones Skype App/Cell number. If we misses your calls, please leave your name and phone number, we will call you back within a day.
NOTE: You can forward this email with all the attached files to your friends/colleagues who fulfills the above-mentioned criteria ( ) i.e. 4+/8+ years of experience from top 50 global/Indian IT/software services companies with Fortune Global 500 clients projects’ experience (i.e. Experience from IT projects of top 20 global companies in any industry/domain on any IT technologies.)
Thanks & Regards/MfG,
Global Onsite Recruitment, Sales & Marketing Team,
Synergy Global Services, Inc./UG,
IT, Management and Financial Consulting Services,
14 Wall Street, 20 th Fl (Regus BC), New York, NY-10005, USA
Friedrich Ebert Anlage 49, MesseTurm, 25th Fl (Regus BC), Frankfurt/M-60308, Germany
Phone: +[protected],
(Starting soon in Canada: Toronto; UK: London; Switzerland: Zurich, France: Paris)
Microsoft/Skype Business Id to make free voice calls (24X7): Synergy-GS
German/EU Blue Card from SYNERGY-GS.COM Outsourced to German Law Firm ( )
The whole process of German/EU Blue Card ( ) Residence Permit Employment Visa from Synergy Global Services UG, Frankfurt, Germany ( ) has been outsourced (given Power of Attorney/"Vollmacht") to German Law Firm ( ) for Euros 500/USD 700/INR 35, 000 per each IT Consultant's German/EU Blue Card Visa process to be more professional and 100% legal as per German laws to do all the German/EU Blue Card Visa process paper work in German language by German law firm. So the Consultants has to bear/pay/transfer/deposit this Euros 500/USD 700/INR 35, 000 cost themselves initially by paying/transferring Euros 500 directly to this German Law firm's Deutsche Bank, Frankfurt account towards the refundable commitment deposit as per NC, ND Agreement clause#8, which will be 100% reimbursed/refunded to you from the company to the consultant only after getting German/EU Blue Card Visa and first project and after working/submitting first month's approved times sheets from the first client in Germany/EU from the first month's profits to the company on the consultant, otherwise this deposit/fee refund will be forfeited.⇄⇄
The whole process of German/EU Blue Card ( ) Residence Permit Employment Visa from Synergy Global Services UG, Frankfurt, Germany ( ) has been outsourced (given Power of Attorney/"Vollmacht") to German Law Firm ( ) for Euros 500/USD 700/INR 35, 000 per each IT Consultant's German/EU Blue Card Visa process to be more professional and 100% legal as per German laws to do all the German/EU Blue Card Visa process paper work in German language by German law firm. So the Consultants has to bear/pay/transfer/deposit this Euros 500/USD 700/INR 35, 000 cost themselves initially by paying/transferring Euros 500 directly to this German Law firm's Deutsche Bank, Frankfurt account towards the refundable commitment deposit as per NC, ND Agreement clause#8, which will be 100% reimbursed/refunded to you from the company to the consultant only after getting German/EU Blue Card Visa and first project and after working/submitting first month's approved times sheets from the first client in Germany/EU from the first month's profits to the company on the consultant, otherwise this deposit/fee refund will be forfeited.⇄⇄
What you guys wrote here is totally contradictory: I got my German/EU blue card visa through Synergy-GS recently. I worked in the past for one of the top German bank in Frankfurt Germany through one of the top Indian IT company with old law German residence permit visa. Then my company sent me back to India then I came back to Germany through Synergy-GS under new law with German/EU blue card visa from Wiesbaden immigration office without translated documents and Synergy got me a project also with another top German bank. But it is true that Frankfurt immigration officers have been insisting to submit all the documents of visa applicants translated from English to German, so when I came first time through previous company from Frankfurt immigration office, I got all my documents translated from English to German in India and submitted. My previous company reimbursed translation costs after coming to Germany. So guys by not translating your documents, you lost the opportunity to get visas in 2010 it self and Synergy would have found projects for you guys, they would have reimbursed your translation costs too.
About the offices, on the bottom of Synergy-GS Contact US page, they openly wrote in upfront that their business model is low cost and low over heads based, so it is nothing new what you wrote about their offices here: They wrote as below in the bottom of their contact us page, it makes sense to me as a good business model.
*Regus Business Centers Offices are World no# 1 (has around 1500 business centers worldwide) fully furnished full service Executive Office providers with common conference rooms and common receptionsts, secretaries and administration staff etc. So we outsourced our worldwide offices to Regus Business Centers Offices and we have unlimited access to schedule meetings at Regus Business Centers Offices located at our above base locations addresses in New York, USA; and Frankfurt, Germany and planned future business locations and we can plan to have meetings at any of the around 1500 Regus Business Centers Offices Worldwide .
**VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: Our Company business model is latest technology driven, modern low cost lean business model, so we could pass those savings from low cost overheads to our Employees/Consultants towards their benefits and lowest billing rates to our Clients/Potential Clients. We are achieving these by outsourcing our company's Worldwide Executive Offices to Regus Business Centers Offices as mentioned above, because none of our consultants works at our above registered executive offices locations, as all of them are 100% onsite consultants, they all work at clients offices, so all these above registered executive offices are just for legal formalities. Our business management executives also not to be tied to landlines at all above registered executive office locations, rather to be able to work remotely from home/manage our worldwide business from anywhere in the USA/World and to be accessible 24X7 to our Consultants and Clients/Potential Clients, we are taking advantage of latest technology features. So instead of landlines, our USA phone numbers are smartphone cell numbers with unlimited talk, text and data/mobile internet cell phone plans from AT&T Small Business Wireless ("Official Smartphone of our Company and all our Management Executives and Consultants is Samsung Galaxy Note II"). Rest of the above countries phone numbers are Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) / Microsoft Skype business phone numbers with unlimited world calling and call forwarding plans to make and receive the calls to/from anywhere in the USA/World on smartphones Skype App or on our smartphone cell numbers to be accessible to everyone and from anywhere in the World 24X7.
You guys wrote, he is wanted by American, German, European and Indian Police, Law Enforcement Officers, Attorney Generals and Courts, so in these many years, should we believe all these countries government officers are useless stupid fools and couldn’t catch him though he has been flying everywhere. Can you guys post here such an evidence of such document showing he is wanted by all these countries government officers or any judgment from any courts from anywhere in the world against him and Synergy-GS. Then we can believe what you guys are saying but it seems none of you have any such documents, otherwise you guys would have posted them here long back to strengthen your accusation. If you post those documents here none of the consultants should join this company, I will also resign this company. Otherwise it looks like all you guys are just accusing with your personal assumptions about him. As per their legal NC & ND Agreements to cover the upfront costs for Visa process like USA/German Govt fee and/or USA/German law firms’ fee, they are taking euros 500 deposits, rather now he is asking to pay the law firm ( ) directly into law firms accounts, so no reason to think he is taking the money. Isn’t it fair enough? This euros 500 deposit is to cover the law firms fee as per the NC, ND legal agreements, why he would be arrested or put him in jail without he proving as guilty, as per their legal NC & ND agreements it is clear that it is not illegal, so why would police and attorney generals and courts will arrest or put him in jail for doing business legally safe.
Mr. Tarun Sarkar Raj! You are one of the lucky guy you got Visa through Synergy in 2010, that means, the company exist isn’t it? Otherwise German immigration officers are not stupid fools to approve your visa isn’t it? Yeah, Sudheer told me while they were lobbying to waive translation, he said, their lawyer took your file with him when he went to convince the immigration officers to waive translation, and he said, luckily as an exceptional case one of the immigration officer approved your visa without translation, you got approved but later he said, the Frankfurt immigration officers started insisting on translation for all others. But he told me, you are the one after getting Visa joined another big company in India and as that company wanted to send you to the USA on H-1B, so you told him you don’t want to join Synergy, so he said, they didn’t market you because they didn’t want to lose credibility from the clients, as you wouldn’t have taken interview calls promptly from clients and wouldn’t have reported to the clients, and it seems you were waiting to demand deposit, but as per the agreement you don’t get refund bcoz you wanted to go to the USA through your employer. Anyway if your company sent you to the USA by now you are lucky there again if not request Sudheer, he may give you a chance to reapply again under German/EU blue card new law without any further deposit and he can refund 100% of your past deposit from the company’s first month profit after you get visa again and after you get project and after you work for a month for the first client in Germany. To me with first month salary he already reimbursed/refunded euros 500 I paid for their law firm’s fee ( ).
For the documentation evidence from the company side, you can check out the posting from the company at
About the offices, on the bottom of Synergy-GS Contact US page, they openly wrote in upfront that their business model is low cost and low over heads based, so it is nothing new what you wrote about their offices here: They wrote as below in the bottom of their contact us page, it makes sense to me as a good business model.
*Regus Business Centers Offices are World no# 1 (has around 1500 business centers worldwide) fully furnished full service Executive Office providers with common conference rooms and common receptionsts, secretaries and administration staff etc. So we outsourced our worldwide offices to Regus Business Centers Offices and we have unlimited access to schedule meetings at Regus Business Centers Offices located at our above base locations addresses in New York, USA; and Frankfurt, Germany and planned future business locations and we can plan to have meetings at any of the around 1500 Regus Business Centers Offices Worldwide .
**VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: Our Company business model is latest technology driven, modern low cost lean business model, so we could pass those savings from low cost overheads to our Employees/Consultants towards their benefits and lowest billing rates to our Clients/Potential Clients. We are achieving these by outsourcing our company's Worldwide Executive Offices to Regus Business Centers Offices as mentioned above, because none of our consultants works at our above registered executive offices locations, as all of them are 100% onsite consultants, they all work at clients offices, so all these above registered executive offices are just for legal formalities. Our business management executives also not to be tied to landlines at all above registered executive office locations, rather to be able to work remotely from home/manage our worldwide business from anywhere in the USA/World and to be accessible 24X7 to our Consultants and Clients/Potential Clients, we are taking advantage of latest technology features. So instead of landlines, our USA phone numbers are smartphone cell numbers with unlimited talk, text and data/mobile internet cell phone plans from AT&T Small Business Wireless ("Official Smartphone of our Company and all our Management Executives and Consultants is Samsung Galaxy Note II"). Rest of the above countries phone numbers are Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) / Microsoft Skype business phone numbers with unlimited world calling and call forwarding plans to make and receive the calls to/from anywhere in the USA/World on smartphones Skype App or on our smartphone cell numbers to be accessible to everyone and from anywhere in the World 24X7.
You guys wrote, he is wanted by American, German, European and Indian Police, Law Enforcement Officers, Attorney Generals and Courts, so in these many years, should we believe all these countries government officers are useless stupid fools and couldn’t catch him though he has been flying everywhere. Can you guys post here such an evidence of such document showing he is wanted by all these countries government officers or any judgment from any courts from anywhere in the world against him and Synergy-GS. Then we can believe what you guys are saying but it seems none of you have any such documents, otherwise you guys would have posted them here long back to strengthen your accusation. If you post those documents here none of the consultants should join this company, I will also resign this company. Otherwise it looks like all you guys are just accusing with your personal assumptions about him. As per their legal NC & ND Agreements to cover the upfront costs for Visa process like USA/German Govt fee and/or USA/German law firms’ fee, they are taking euros 500 deposits, rather now he is asking to pay the law firm ( ) directly into law firms accounts, so no reason to think he is taking the money. Isn’t it fair enough? This euros 500 deposit is to cover the law firms fee as per the NC, ND legal agreements, why he would be arrested or put him in jail without he proving as guilty, as per their legal NC & ND agreements it is clear that it is not illegal, so why would police and attorney generals and courts will arrest or put him in jail for doing business legally safe.
Mr. Tarun Sarkar Raj! You are one of the lucky guy you got Visa through Synergy in 2010, that means, the company exist isn’t it? Otherwise German immigration officers are not stupid fools to approve your visa isn’t it? Yeah, Sudheer told me while they were lobbying to waive translation, he said, their lawyer took your file with him when he went to convince the immigration officers to waive translation, and he said, luckily as an exceptional case one of the immigration officer approved your visa without translation, you got approved but later he said, the Frankfurt immigration officers started insisting on translation for all others. But he told me, you are the one after getting Visa joined another big company in India and as that company wanted to send you to the USA on H-1B, so you told him you don’t want to join Synergy, so he said, they didn’t market you because they didn’t want to lose credibility from the clients, as you wouldn’t have taken interview calls promptly from clients and wouldn’t have reported to the clients, and it seems you were waiting to demand deposit, but as per the agreement you don’t get refund bcoz you wanted to go to the USA through your employer. Anyway if your company sent you to the USA by now you are lucky there again if not request Sudheer, he may give you a chance to reapply again under German/EU blue card new law without any further deposit and he can refund 100% of your past deposit from the company’s first month profit after you get visa again and after you get project and after you work for a month for the first client in Germany. To me with first month salary he already reimbursed/refunded euros 500 I paid for their law firm’s fee ( ).
For the documentation evidence from the company side, you can check out the posting from the company at
Synergy Global Services Inc./UG’s ( ) Global Onsite IT Jobs Recruitment Team based in New York, USA and Frankfurt, Germany/EU, by understanding that you were disappointed and upset in the year 2010, but now even after 4 years we are contacting you again without forgetting you rather by remembering you fondly in spite whatever you thought and commented in the past (most of the companies would have ignored you), to re-build mutual confidence and mutual trust with our company and to show that we didn’t intend to fraud/scam you with your INR 35, 000/€500 Refundable Commitment Deposit but to refund the same now giving this alternative opportunity, though we could have made at least €1, 500/month or €18, 000/year profit if you could have translated your documents from English to German and could have got visa and projects back in 2010 itself, but unfortunately both o[censored]s “LOST IN TRANSLATION!” (the reasons mentioned below in detail), but now as part of our prospective employees’ satisfaction on courtesy basis “*we are giving you a fair enough another opportunity on a first priority basis*” by RE-RECRUITING our previous IT Consultants first (from the year 2010 batch first, though we have thousands of new resumes in our outlook inboxes from old and new employment seeking applicants since 2010) for Onsite IT Jobs in Germany/European Union (EU) to “*REAPPLY FREE OF COST WITHOUT ANY FEE/ANY FURTHER DEPOSIT*” under new liberalized German/EU Blue Card Residence Permit Employment Visa laws ( ) (IN THE CC: we did put copy to all our IT Consultants who got German/EU Blue Card Visas recently in the year 2014 batch, by replying all you can contact them for both positive and negative feedbacks and new plans wrote below to make our business model much better for future batches to try to reduce unpaid leave waiting period to within 2 to 4 weeks for first project after coming to Germany!) and later after 1 year Onsite IT Jobs in the USA with US H-1B/L-1A/L-1B Visa Process FREE OF COST WITHOUT ANY FEE/ANY DEPOSIT (with USD 72, 000/year or USD 6, 000/month salary plus all legally required benefits and all other additional benefits, which cost additional 70% of salary to the company as mentioned below, that means Cost to Company (CTC) around USD 122, 400/year or USD 10, 200/month). All these because you couldn’t get initial 3 months German Residence Permit Employment Visa in the year 2010, because at that time you didn’t/couldn’t submit English to German translated Educational and Experience documents of yours as insisted by German Foreigner’s Office/“Ausländerbehörde” in Frankfurt am Main, Germany ( ), about which we informed to you several times over phone calls and by E-mails in the year 2010, which was your responsibility as per your signed NC & ND Agreement’s Clause#6 Required Documents (as mentioned on ), still German Foreigner’s Officers/“Ausländerbehörde” in Frankfurt am Main, Germany ( ) insisting on your Educational and Experience documents to be translated from English to German with heading “Bitte in deutscher Sprache” (means “please in German language” basically all documents), but now after few process details changed under German EU Blue Card new laws they are not insisting before your initial 3 months entry visa but rather they are insisting translated documents after your initial 3 months entry visa stamped after you go to Germany at the time of extending your residence permit with German/EU Blue Card, so you can get your documents translation from Indo-German Chamber of Commerce (IGCC), Bangalore ( ) at an average INR 1000 per document (especially your Bachelors’ and Masters’ degrees convocations must be translated), so after initial 3 months entry visa stamped while serving notice period with your present employer in India, you can get your documents translated and submit them after going to Germany at the time of your German/EU Blue Card Residence Permit Extension (up to 4 years or up to the validity of your passport whichever is the earliest) from German Foreigner’s Office/“Ausländerbehörde” in Frankfurt am Main, Germany ( ).
GERMAN/EU BLUE CARD PROCESS OFFICIAL LINKS: About the new liberalized German/EU Blue Card Residence Permit Employment Visa Process Laws since 1st August 2012: Please read in detail the attached "About German/EU Blue Card - Official Flyer from German Federal Government” you can go through all the German Government Official Websites links listed under⇄⇄
German/EU Blue Card Residence Permit Employment Visa Process and Required documents check list from German Embassy/Consulates in New Delhi/Mumbai/Chennai/ Bangalore/Kolkata:⇄
After reading this email in detail and after going through all the links in this email, from the below link first take an Appointment for German National Visas (German EU Blue Card Employment Visa) from German Embassy/Consulates in New Delhi/Mumbai/Chennai/Bangalore/Kolkata and then contact us with your appointment date for revised salary New Employment Agreement and all other documents from the company, we will call you and guide you and we will email you all those agreements/documents:⇄
For further details about the USA/Canada/UK/German/EU Blue Card Visas step by step process and required documents check list, visit all the links under
ONSITE IT JOB, SALARY, BENEFITS, COST TO COMPANY (CTC): Since 2010, even after 4 years, if you are still not getting Onsite IT Job opportunities/long term Onsite IT Projects from your present employer/company in India or by now wherever you are in the World on Onsite IT projects but if your company is calling you back from your Onsite IT Project/Job in the USA/Canada/UK/Germany/Europe/EU to Offshore Projects/Job in India and if you are looking for a Permanent Onsite IT Job opportunity in Germany/EU/USA, then as mentioned above we are giving you an another opportunity for you to work as a permanent Onsite IT Consultant in Germany/EU with EUROS 48, 000/Year or EUROS 4, 000/Month minimum required gross salary for the year 2014 as per German/EU Blue Card laws every month, 12 months a year “from the first onsite IT Project start date onwards” (on top of this salary, after submitting first months’ time sheets, we will Refund 100% of the year 2010 Refundable Commitment Deposit, i.e., INR 35, 000 and Old Visa fee INR 4000 and New Visa fee INR 5000 or EUROS 500 and after submitting second months’ time sheets we will Reimburse all your initial expenses related to visa process and door to door travel costs/Flights and after third months’ time sheets we will reimburse initial living costs during initial unpaid leave until first project start date at the rate of €500/month, and after all these refunds/reimbursements there could be additional variable pay, which will be decided by the company later based on your billing rates). This present revised new salary is at the rate of 5% increment per year, total increment of 20% in last 4 years since 2010, compare to our 2010 previous salary offer of EUROS 40, 000/Year or EUROS 3, 333/month) PLUS we will provide German/EU Government legally required all mandatory benefits: Social security + After retirement care insurance (around 10%), Entire Family Health Insurance + Unemployment Insurance + all other Insurances (around 10%), 20 working days paid vacation (approved only during first bench period) (around 10%) or sick leaves or an average 1 more month additional bench salary etc. (around 10%) + Visas processing costs/Refunds/Business Reimbursements and all other additional Benefits etc. (around 10%) and Sales and Marketing/Business Development Team Commission 7% of total billing (If each consultant bill is an average €65/hour, or €500/day, €10, 000/month, 7% of it $700/month per month commission means 17.5% of €4000/month salary + 2.5% of €4000/month €100/month Admin/Payroll costs=(around 20% or €800/month on top of €4000/month salary cost). So all these benefits and costs will be approximately an additional 70% of the annual salary Cost To Company (CTC), means it will be approximately around €81, 600/Year or an average €6, 800/month Total Costs To Company/CTC). So an average consultants works for 10 months a year after 1 months paid vacation and 1 more month bench, so an average if bill is €10, 000/month or €100, 000/year - €81, 600/year Cost To Company (CTC) = €18, 400/year or €1533/month gross profit to the company and after 33% corporate income taxes €12, 000/year or €1, 000/month net profit, Do you think it is too much profit company making!? So from this expected first year employment gross profit, we came up with that €18, 000 breach of NC & ND Agreement in Clause#9 (as mentioned on ).
INITIALLY REQUIRED DOCUMENTS FOR SPOT RECRUITMENT: From 19th May 2014 onwards, again we are proactively and aggressively RE-RECRUITING previous (from the year 2010 on first priority basis) Onsite IT Consultants with 9+/12+/15+ years of global IT/Software development experience from Top 50 Global/Indian IT/Software products/services companies with Fortune Global 500 Clients’ IT Projects (Top 50 global companies/clients in any industry) for Onsite IT jobs in Germany/EU for the Onsite IT projects starting from on or after 1st August’2014 onwards. If you are interested in the above mentioned Onsite IT Jobs in Germany/EU/USA another opportunity, initially please email us your following latest documents in pdf format again to [protected]
1) Latest updated resume (with your present full postal address with PIN/PLZ/ZIP code, cell number and email id)
2) Latest Passport Copy (front and last pages) Scanned pdf file preferred or Digital Photo of Passport taken by smartphone camera
3) The last 4 years or last full financial year from each major employer’s Indian Form 16s/USA W2s/German Lohnsteuerbescheinigung, and your last 2 months’ pay slips from each major employer and experience certificates/service letters/relieving letters from all your previous employers.
Upon request/on demand at any time your all other required documents mentioned on need to be emailed later. Please note that, as we recruit on the spot over Phone and Skype voice/video calls initially just based on the documentation evidence of your experience, so apart from experience certificates/service letters/relieving letters, we ask for Indian Form 16s/USA W2s and pay slips, because we consider them as more reliable authenticity documents for your experience evidence, because they show the employer’s/company’s name, duration of employment/date of joining on the top of these documents, and from your past salaries, we evaluate your future Onsite IT Job salary from our company.
GERMAN EU BLUE CARD STEP BY STEP PROCESS: (“*Why it is the best option out of all your options, why it is even better than USA H-1B/L-1B Visa or USA Green Card Process!?*”): You can find info about the USA H-1B Visa process from USA Government/USCIS Official Website ( ), but as you know the USA H-1B cap/quota finished this fiscal year 2015 until 1st October’2015 ( ) and from 1st October’2015 fiscal year onwards the USA Govt./USCIS proposed to increase USA H-1B/L-1A/L-1B Govt. filing fee from present USD 4, 325/INR 2.75 Lakhs to USD 14, 325/INR 9 Lakhs, and for any reasons if the USA Govt./USCIS/USA Embassy/Consulates rejects your USA H-1B/L-1A/L-1B application, the USA Govt./USCIS will not refund the USA Govt. filing fee amount o[censored]SD 14, 325/INR 9 Lakhs. Because of this very high USA Govt. fee and very high risk of rejection from USCIS/USA Embassy/Consulates, most of the companies including your present employer/company in India, will not be filing USA H-1B/L-1A/L-1B visas from 1st April’2015 onwards and yourself also cannot afford to pay/risk that much amount (USD 14, 325/INR 9 Lakhs) by refundable commitment deposit/paying to any small Indian IT consulting companies in the USA either, so the German/EU Blue Card Visa process is the only the best and without any cost/very low risk alternative option in the World now (“*REAPPLY FREE OF COST WITHOUT ANY FEE/ANY FURTHER DEPOSIT*”), because German/EU Blue Card Visa will become Permanent Residency of Germany and All European Union Countries automatically after paying total 21 months’ or 33 months’ job’s taxes/social security with any company within 1 week process and after 2 years you can work for any company without transfer of German/EU Blue Card Residence Permit to any new employer. From beginning spouses/dependents gets German EU Blue Card Visa/Work permit to work for any company and any field and any kind of job and even foreign Kids “*Education is Free*” from Kindergarten to Engineering/Medicine/Any Masters/MBA/PhD and even foreign Kids get around €200/month pocket money from German Government! :-) Whereas in the USA spouses can’t work on dependent/USA H-4 Visa and USA Permanent Residency/Green Card is not guaranteed with even after 6 to 10 years of job taxes with the same company’s USA H-1B/L-1B visas, if you change job/company/layoffs/lose job/fired the whole process o[censored]SA Permanent Residency/USA Green Card starts from the scratch again for another 6 to 10 years. But as German/EU Blue Card Visa process is new to you, so here we are listing the step by step, 6 steps process procedure for your convenience:
1) Recruitment & Agreements: After receiving and reviewing your above mentioned initial latest required documents ( ) and after calling you and discussing with you over the Phone and Skype voice/video calls, we will email you signed latest updated Non-Compete and Non-Disclosure (NC & ND) Agreement and Employment Agreement and “Arbeitsvertrag” with your full name and your personal details as per your passport (as mentioned on ). If you agree with all the terms and conditions in the agreements, you can take color laser print out of these agreements and sign them (signature must be same as in your passport signature) on the right side bottom corner of every page of the agreement and below signature you must write your handwritten full name. Then, you have to scan it (must be in color PDF format, NC & ND agreement 3 pages into one pdf file and Employment Agreement, Arbeitsvertrag 4 pages into another pdf file) and email it to us. (To convert from other format pages/files to PDF and/or to append/merge different format files multiple pdf pages into single pdf file you can use primo pdf free software tool, you can download it free from )
2) German/EU Blue Card Visa Application Submission at German Embassy/Consulates: After we receive latest updated signed NC & ND Agreement and signed Employment Agreement/Arbeitsvertrag, we will call you to guide you through the further procedure instructions and we will email you filled German/EU Blue Card Residence Permit Employment Visa Application Form and all other documents along with official websites links specific to your country’s/city’s/region’s German Embassy’s/Consulate’s Visa section application process details and required documents check list (All these official websites links already listed on ). Along with your Application form and Employment Agreement/Arbeitsvertrag, you need to submit your educational, experience documents and all other required documents (as mentioned on ) and EUROS 60/USD 90/INR 5, 000 Demand Draft to the German Embassy/Consulate in New Delhi/Chennai/Bangalore/Mumbai/Kolkata/in any country/city outside Germany as mentioned in the official websites links at . Note that, as mentioned in the above links required documents pdf files from German Embassy/Consulates in India/Abroad, even though they mentioned all the main initial required documents in those pdf files check lists, they also mentioned German Government Authorities reserves the right to ask for further additional documents as and when required case to case basis (For example: All your documents translation from English to German from Indo-German Chamber of Commerce (IGCC), Bangalore, India ( ) and/or your Educational certificates/documents evaluation to be equivalent to German Bachelor’s degrees from ZAB, Bonn, Germany (⇄ ) or verification of all your documents etc. or any other documents, all such things and the costs related to those documents would be your responsibility, which can be reimbursed by our company after you get visa and project and after working and submitting first three months’ approved work time sheets from the first/initial clients).
3) Visa Process by Law Firm & Approval by German Foreigner’s Office/Employment Office: After submitting your German/EU Blue Card Residence Permit Application with all the required supporting documents at German Embassy/Consulate in New Delhi/Chennai/Bangalore/Mumbai/Kolkata/in any country/city outside Germany, if required same documents 3 sets you have to send to our company’s German law firm ( Höly, Rauch & Partner in Frankfurt, Germany, to whom we given power of attorney and outsourced at the rate of €500 per consultant or €200/hour) or 2 sets directly to Ausländerbehörde/Foreigner’s Office, Frankfurt am Main, Germany ( ) and 2 sets to Bundesagentur für Arbeit / Zentrale Auslands- und Fachvermittlung (ZAV)/Arbeitserlaubnisverfahren/Employment Office/Work Permit Department in Frankfurt am Main, Germany ( ) by courier, then our company’s German law firm’s ( ) immigration and employment/labor laws’ attorney/lawyer (Mr. Stefan Bremicker) in Frankfurt, Germany will do all the paper work to submit to the German Embassy/Consulates and/or German Foreigner’s Officers and Employment/Work Permit Officers to get your German/EU Blue Card Visa approved. This whole process at present taking approximately just within 1 to 2 weeks or a month, or could be more time based on the request for further required documents of employees from German Embassy/Consulate or German Foreigner’s Officers/Employment Officers. After your German/EU Blue Card Visa is approved, German cities’/towns’ Foreigner’s Officers/Employment Officers will inform German Embassy/Consulates in India/outside Germany to call you or to send you an email or postal letter to submit your passport for pre-approved German/EU Blue Card Residence Permit Initial Entry Visa stamping in your passport (initial entry visa will be valid to enter Germany within 3 months from the visa start date, usually visa start date will be a month after visa approved based on initial employment agreement tentative start date which can be postponed or can be taken unpaid leave but cannot be preponed). But actual long term (up to 4 years or up to expiry date of passport whichever is the earliest) German/EU Blue Card/Residence Permit can be given without further process on paper after your arrival in Germany at a proposed place of residence (usually in Frankfurt as per Question# 15 in application form) city’s/town’s Ausländerbehörde/Foreigner’s Office, Frankfurt am Main, Germany ( ) after initial few registrations (Address registration, Deutsche Rentenversicherung/Social Cecurity, AOK Health Insurance) on the same day without any further process. For detailed flow diagram about this above process, please see page# 17 on (though in this pdf file it is old system, but process is still similar but much faster/expedited).
4) Refundable Commitment Deposit (RCD) After German/EU Blue Card Visa Stamped: This above mentioned initial Onsite IT Job opportunity in Germany/EU with German/EU Blue Card Visa Process is “NOT ONE OF THE FREE BACK UP OPTION” out of all your options to think and decide later after you get German/EU Blue Card Visa and Project, because we outsourced this whole German/EU Blue Card Visa Process for € 500 fee per Consultant or € 200/hour and later after getting visa and project € 160/month as long as you work from our company’s clients’ projects to a German immigration law firm, Höly, Rauch & Partner ( ) in Frankfurt, Germany by giving Power of Attorney/”Vollmacht” to them. So the company has upfront visa processing costs (€ 500 law firm fee) and all other time and effort and material costs and risks involved. So as mentioned in our old NC & ND Agreement signed by you in 2010 under “Refundable Commitment Deposit (RCD) Clause# 8” (as mentioned on ), mutually both o[censored]s to feel and take this whole process seriously and to put further time and effort from the company and law firm, after getting your German/EU Blue Card Visa stamped at the German Embassy/Consulates, the next day, you have to transfer a Refundable Commitment Deposit (RCD) of Euros 500/USD 700/INR 45, 000 (as per foreign exchange current buying rates, 1 EURO = Approximately up to INR 90 including bank transfer fee/ATM fee) into our company’s German/USA bank accounts or into our State Bank of India (SBI), Hyderabad bank account to cover the German law firm fee € 500 and our time and efforts costs. While making online transfer you must take the screenshot file of the bank transfer confirmation page and keep that screenshot file and your online bank statement as a receipt for your deposit payment for your records, after amount credited into our bank account we will confirm by sending you a receipt by copy pasting the online transaction from our bank accounts’ online bank statements. This refundable commitment deposit (including the INR 35, 000/€ 500 deposited in the 2010, total € 500+€ 500= Total € 1000 or INR 35, 000 (old deposit) + INR 45, 000 (new deposit after visa) = Total INR 80, 000 will be 100% reimbursed/refunded to you only after you get a visa and project, and after you submit your first project’s first months’ time sheets from the first client in Germany/EU out of our first month’s profit, otherwise your deposit refund will be forfeited. But for any unfortunate reasons, if you don’t get visa and/or project, we will give you an alternative option to reapply again for the German/EU Blue Card Visa Process again without any additional deposit/RCD.
5) German/EU Blue Card Extension up to 4 Years and Refunds/Reimbursements: After your German EU Blue Card initial 3 months entry visa stamped, you can resign your present job in India/Abroad and serve up to 3 months’ notice period, (If required, up on request, after you get visa approved, we may consider to postpone your employment start date and visa start date for up to 3 months for serving your up to 3 months’ notice period with your present employer in India/Abroad). After you finish your notice period, after arrival in Frankfurt/Germany, you can stay at furnished shared apartments (from €300/month to €450/month per room) and you have to register at few Government Offices in Frankfurt am Main, Germany (Anmeldung/Address Registration, Deutsche Rentenversicherung/Social Cecurity, AOK Health Insurance), all these can be done in one day, and later after 3 working days you have to go to Ausländerbehörde/Foreigner’s Office, Frankfurt am Main, Germany ( ) to get your German/EU Blue Card Residence Permit Extended (up to 4 years or up to expiry date of passport whichever is the earliest) with fee of €110 (which will be also reimbursed after second months’ work time sheets), the initial residence permit will be given on paper first usually on the same day within an hour, but actual electronic Blue Card Residence Permit (similar to driving license card) will need 3 to 4 weeks to print and send from German Federal Secure Printing Press (Bundesdruckerei) in Berlin, Germany. Because for confidence about your visa validity up to the end of the initial project which are usually 6 to 12 months and for security reasons our German clients/potential clients insist on Electronic Residence Permit EU Blue Card/electronic Aufenthaltstitel (eAT) – Blaue Karte EU valid at least up to end of project contract or 4 years or up to validity of your passport whichever is the earliest, until you finish all these German/EU Blue Card formalities up to 1 to 2 months and during that first 1 to 2 months for orientation and to learn basics of German language and German/EU culture and latest versions of IT skills self-learning and certifications preparation etc., you will be given first 1 to 2 months unpaid leave time for self-learning preparations etc. (but on courtesy basis we will reimburse that first 1 to 2 months initial living costs (apartment rent share up to €450/month and €100/month for food grocery and all other business related costs) after third month’s work time sheets, because after first month’s work time sheet first we will refund your initial refundable commitment deposit from the year 2010, €500/INR 35, 000 + INR 5, 000 Old Visa Fee + INR 5, 000 New Visa Fee and INR 2396 for first 90 days travel/health insurance from Bajaj Allianz – Travel Elite Gold Plan worldwide excluding USA and Canada with coverage o[censored]SD 200, 000/€ 140, 000 ( ) and after second months’ work time sheet we will reimburse one way flight ticket cost from India/anywhere in the world to Frankfurt up to INR 30, 000/USD 500/€ 400 and translation costs up to INR 5000) and we will provide Telefonica O2 corporate account O2 on Business XL Plan with 2 SIM cards to Consultant and spouse with unlimited German landline and mobile calls and unlimited internet first 10 GB 4G LTE up to 50 Mbps speed (⇄ ) and unlimited O2 DSL/Cable internet at home (up to 50 Mbps) from the day you land in Germany as long as you employed with our company.
6) Marketing/Submission of your Resume to clients/potential clients to get first Onsite IT Project Contract: As mentioned in above step# 4, while you are in the first 1 to 2 months unpaid leave for self-learning and to finish all formalities until you get your electronic German/EU Blue Card Residence Permit /electronic Aufenthaltstitel (eAT) – Blaue Karte EU in that first 1 to 2 months our company’s Directors of Global Onsite Projects Consulting Services Sales and Marketing/Business Development Team (Germans/Europeans, myself Alex and my colleague Dirk and others) will market/submit your latest updated resume along with all your documents for potential IT projects contracts to our clients/potential clients all over the Germany/EU with the Telefonica O2 Mobile unlimited German calls and unlimited internet Mobile phone number allocated to you, thus we will try to get you first onsite IT project in Germany/EU at the earliest possible by the time you get your electronic German/EU Blue Card Residence Permit within your unpaid leave period of 1 to 2 months. But to avoid/reduce this unpaid leave time, after your initial entry visa stamped, if we feel/confident that after relieving from your employer in India/Abroad the next day you will be 100% committed to come to Germany or a week before face to face interviews dates confirmation with clients/potential clients in Germany, first to get German/EU Blue Card Residence Permit Extension from Ausländerbehörde/Foreigner’s Office, Frankfurt am Main, Germany ( ), in case of those 100% committed and trust worthy consultants, our German marketing team may consider to market/send your resume to our clients/potential clients to get first onsite project contract after initial phone calls later over Skype video calls and/or later over face to face interviews in Germany, we can do that by allocating Telefonica O2 German landline# and German mobile# call forwarded to your Indian/other countries’ cell# via Skype German landline# ( ). For all this via Skype call forwarding setup: using your credit card you have to pay and buy Skype German landline# (+[protected]digits) for €25/1 year and €7/month to €15/month for call forwards to India/other countries mobiles and €15/month for unlimited calling to German/European landlines and Mobiles, all these Skype costs will be reimbursed to you after second months’ time sheets. If there is an IT project outside Germany you can travel without further visas for up to 3 months on business trip/consulting to all over European Union (26 Schengen area countries as there are no border checks legally) including Switzerland, except UK and Ireland and then within 1 month we will process your other EU/European countries residence permit/work permits/EU Blue Cards visas separately without any further deposits/costs from you out of our initial few months’ profits.
7) Contract-To-Hire and/or Permanent Jobs with Clients: Also, our company’s Directors of Global Onsite Projects Consulting Services Sales and Marketing/Business Development Team (Germans/Europeans, myself Alex and my colleague Dirk and others) will market you for contract-to-hire and/or permanent jobs with the clients in Germany/EU and if clients very impressed with your hard work and performance and if they want to hire you as a permanent employee, they should pay negotiable fee of €18, 000 on behalf of you towards the NC & ND agreement clause # 9 breach as a onetime fee or in monthly installments for 6 months to our company or at least 20% of the annual salary they offer to you or in few cases, if clients hires more contract consultants from our company then we will release you to join the clients free of cost. In all these scenarios, you can join the client directly and client can transfer your German EU Blue Card Visa from our company to the client’s’ company within first 2 years and after 2 years your can work for any company without transferring your German/EU Blue Card. Once the above mentioned payments agreements signed and initial payments made by the clients, we will give you a written signed letter to relieve you from Employment Agreement and NC & ND Agreement Non-Compete part but Non-Disclosure and Data Secrecy clauses will be binding forever.
Overall Advantage To You from our Company: As we are 100 % Onsite IT jobs/projects based company and as we do not have any offshore business in India like Top 50 Global/Indian IT companies, so we will never call/send you back to India at the end of the Onsite Projects. After finishing the first project, if you prefer to relocate and work in a different country, then we will market your resume to find a contract project for you in whichever the country you prefer (USA/Canada/UK/Germany/Switzerland/Rest of EU/Europe) with Visas/Residence Permit/Work Permit/Permanent Residency Process of those countries without any fee/cost/deposits from you and by paying you the full time permanent job salary for 12 months a year. Also, from the first onsite project start date, we pay you salary even during the bench period in between the projects. However, please note that the official yearly paid vacation (20 working days) is approved and must be used first during the first bench period in between the projects change. If your spouse is an IT/Management/Financial professional, we can consider to give her a job in our company by taking care of her German/EU Blue Card Visa/Work permit etc. without any deposit/fee from her/him, if not also, we will assist your spouse and kids to get German/EU Blue Card visa and for spouse to get work permit to do any industry job to work for any company in Germany/EU without any deposit/fee from her/him, including by reimbursing your spouse visa process fee (€60/USD 90/INR 5000) and your kids visa process fee (€30/USD 45/INR 2, 500).
VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: Our company’s business model is a low cost self-service model, so to avoid back and forth long emails/phone calls, though this is a very lengthy unusual recruitment email, we wrote everything in detail in this initial recruitment email itself to assure you the whole process in writing, instead of just saying orally (Said so, few business model process things and policies are subject to change without further notice and depending on our experiences from consultants/clients and depends on the situation time periods cannot be guaranteed, so for which you need to be flexible as we will try to make everything as fair as possible to you and the company and clients to get everything at the earliest possible). So please go through this email and all the links in this email and all other links mentioned on our website’s jobs & careers navigation menu before emailing or calling us, as these links will answer most of your queries. For any further queries, please refer to FAQs at . If you have any other specific queries relevant to your situation/case that have not been answered in this email and under any of the links mentioned on our website, then to expedite the decision making process, you can call our company’s Founder, President/MD & CEO, Mr. Sudheer Pundru ( [protected] ) directly 24x7 on our German phone# +[protected] or on his USA Cell# +1-[protected] (He travels often between USA & Germany) and request him to call you back or you can text/sms your name, your email id on his USA Cell#/Tango#/Viber#/Whatsapp# on +[protected] (He has all the smartphone apps installed on his smartphone to be accessible 24x7 directly, but he will not have free time to type to reply you back instantly, rather he will call you back whenever he gets free within 24 hours). The best way to reach us is make Skype voice calls free of cost (24x7) on our company’s Skype business id: Synergy-GS (even if it is offline, those Skype voice calls will be forwarded to our smartphones Skype App/Cell numbers. If we miss your calls/when we are busy, please leave a voice mail with your full name and cell number and email id, we will call you back within 24 hours.
NOTE: Feel free to forward this email to your family/friends/colleagues who fulfills the above-mentioned criteria ( ), this above whole recruitment model applicable to them as well but after visa stamped they have to make € 500/INR 45, 000 Refundable Commitment Deposit (RCD), which will be refunded to them after they get project and submit first months’ time sheets.
Thanks & Regards/MfG,
HR/Global Onsite Recruitment Team,
Synergy Global Services, Inc./UG,
IT, Management and Financial Consulting Services,
14 Wall Street, 20th Floor/Regus BC, New York, NY 10005, USA
Tower 185, Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage 35-37, 14th Floor/Regus EBC,
Frankfurt am Main D-60327, Germany
Phone: +[protected]
(Starting soon in Canada: Toronto; UK: London; France: Paris; Switzerland: Zurich)
Microsoft/Skype Business Id to make free voice/video calls (24X7): Synergy-GS
Smartphone Apps# (Tango#/Viber#/Whatsapp# etc.) (24X7): +[protected]
Synergy Global Services Inc./UG’s ( ) Global Onsite IT Jobs Recruitment Team based in New York, USA and Frankfurt, Germany/EU, by understanding that you were disappointed and upset in the year 2010, but now even after 4 years we are contacting you again without forgetting you rather by remembering you fondly in spite whatever you thought and commented in the past (most of the companies would have ignored you), to re-build mutual confidence and mutual trust with our company and to show that we didn’t intend to fraud/scam you with your INR 35, 000/€500 Refundable Commitment Deposit but to refund the same now giving this alternative opportunity, though we could have made at least €1, 500/month or €18, 000/year profit if you could have translated your documents from English to German and could have got visa and projects back in 2010 itself, but unfortunately both o[censored]s “LOST IN TRANSLATION!” (the reasons mentioned below in detail), but now as part of our prospective employees’ satisfaction on courtesy basis “*we are giving you a fair enough another opportunity on a first priority basis*” by RE-RECRUITING our previous IT Consultants first (from the year 2010 batch first, though we have thousands of new resumes in our outlook inboxes from old and new employment seeking applicants since 2010) for Onsite IT Jobs in Germany/European Union (EU) to “*REAPPLY FREE OF COST WITHOUT ANY FEE/ANY FURTHER DEPOSIT*” under new liberalized German/EU Blue Card Residence Permit Employment Visa laws ( ) (IN THE CC: we did put copy to all our IT Consultants who got German/EU Blue Card Visas recently in the year 2014 batch, by replying all you can contact them for both positive and negative feedbacks and new plans wrote below to make our business model much better for future batches to try to reduce unpaid leave waiting period to within 2 to 4 weeks for first project after coming to Germany!) and later after 1 year Onsite IT Jobs in the USA with US H-1B/L-1A/L-1B Visa Process FREE OF COST WITHOUT ANY FEE/ANY DEPOSIT (with USD 72, 000/year or USD 6, 000/month salary plus all legally required benefits and all other additional benefits, which cost additional 70% of salary to the company as mentioned below, that means Cost to Company (CTC) around USD 122, 400/year or USD 10, 200/month). All these because you couldn’t get initial 3 months German Residence Permit Employment Visa in the year 2010, because at that time you didn’t/couldn’t submit English to German translated Educational and Experience documents of yours as insisted by German Foreigner’s Office/“Ausländerbehörde” in Frankfurt am Main, Germany ( ), about which we informed to you several times over phone calls and by E-mails in the year 2010, which was your responsibility as per your signed NC & ND Agreement’s Clause#6 Required Documents (as mentioned on ), still German Foreigner’s Officers/“Ausländerbehörde” in Frankfurt am Main, Germany ( ) insisting on your Educational and Experience documents to be translated from English to German with heading “Bitte in deutscher Sprache” (means “please in German language” basically all documents), but now after few process details changed under German EU Blue Card new laws they are not insisting before your initial 3 months entry visa but rather they are insisting translated documents after your initial 3 months entry visa stamped after you go to Germany at the time of extending your residence permit with German/EU Blue Card, so you can get your documents translation from Indo-German Chamber of Commerce (IGCC), Bangalore ( ) at an average INR 1000 per document (especially your Bachelors’ and Masters’ degrees convocations must be translated), so after initial 3 months entry visa stamped while serving notice period with your present employer in India, you can get your documents translated and submit them after going to Germany at the time of your German/EU Blue Card Residence Permit Extension (up to 4 years or up to the validity of your passport whichever is the earliest) from German Foreigner’s Office/“Ausländerbehörde” in Frankfurt am Main, Germany ( ).
GERMAN/EU BLUE CARD PROCESS OFFICIAL LINKS: About the new liberalized German/EU Blue Card Residence Permit Employment Visa Process Laws since 1st August 2012: Please read in detail the attached "About German/EU Blue Card - Official Flyer from German Federal Government” you can go through all the German Government Official Websites links listed under⇄⇄
German/EU Blue Card Residence Permit Employment Visa Process and Required documents check list from German Embassy/Consulates in New Delhi/Mumbai/Chennai/ Bangalore/Kolkata:⇄
After reading this email in detail and after going through all the links in this email, from the below link first take an Appointment for German National Visas (German EU Blue Card Employment Visa) from German Embassy/Consulates in New Delhi/Mumbai/Chennai/Bangalore/Kolkata and then contact us with your appointment date for revised salary New Employment Agreement and all other documents from the company, we will call you and guide you and we will email you all those agreements/documents:⇄
For further details about the USA/Canada/UK/German/EU Blue Card Visas step by step process and required documents check list, visit all the links under
ONSITE IT JOB, SALARY, BENEFITS, COST TO COMPANY (CTC): Since 2010, even after 4 years, if you are still not getting Onsite IT Job opportunities/long term Onsite IT Projects from your present employer/company in India or by now wherever you are in the World on Onsite IT projects but if your company is calling you back from your Onsite IT Project/Job in the USA/Canada/UK/Germany/Europe/EU to Offshore Projects/Job in India and if you are looking for a Permanent Onsite IT Job opportunity in Germany/EU/USA, then as mentioned above we are giving you an another opportunity for you to work as a permanent Onsite IT Consultant in Germany/EU with EUROS 48, 000/Year or EUROS 4, 000/Month minimum required gross salary for the year 2014 as per German/EU Blue Card laws every month, 12 months a year “from the first onsite IT Project start date onwards” (on top of this salary, after submitting first months’ time sheets, we will Refund 100% of the year 2010 Refundable Commitment Deposit, i.e., INR 35, 000 and Old Visa fee INR 4000 and New Visa fee INR 5000 or EUROS 500 and after submitting second months’ time sheets we will Reimburse all your initial expenses related to visa process and door to door travel costs/Flights and after third months’ time sheets we will reimburse initial living costs during initial unpaid leave until first project start date at the rate of €500/month, and after all these refunds/reimbursements there could be additional variable pay, which will be decided by the company later based on your billing rates). This present revised new salary is at the rate of 5% increment per year, total increment of 20% in last 4 years since 2010, compare to our 2010 previous salary offer of EUROS 40, 000/Year or EUROS 3, 333/month) PLUS we will provide German/EU Government legally required all mandatory benefits: Social security + After retirement care insurance (around 10%), Entire Family Health Insurance + Unemployment Insurance + all other Insurances (around 10%), 20 working days paid vacation (approved only during first bench period) (around 10%) or sick leaves or an average 1 more month additional bench salary etc. (around 10%) + Visas processing costs/Refunds/Business Reimbursements and all other additional Benefits etc. (around 10%) and Sales and Marketing/Business Development Team Commission 7% of total billing (If each consultant bill is an average €65/hour, or €500/day, €10, 000/month, 7% of it $700/month per month commission means 17.5% of €4000/month salary + 2.5% of €4000/month €100/month Admin/Payroll costs=(around 20% or €800/month on top of €4000/month salary cost). So all these benefits and costs will be approximately an additional 70% of the annual salary Cost To Company (CTC), means it will be approximately around €81, 600/Year or an average €6, 800/month Total Costs To Company/CTC). So an average consultants works for 10 months a year after 1 months paid vacation and 1 more month bench, so an average if bill is €10, 000/month or €100, 000/year - €81, 600/year Cost To Company (CTC) = €18, 400/year or €1533/month gross profit to the company and after 33% corporate income taxes €12, 000/year or €1, 000/month net profit, Do you think it is too much profit company making!? So from this expected first year employment gross profit, we came up with that €18, 000 breach of NC & ND Agreement in Clause#9 (as mentioned on ).
INITIALLY REQUIRED DOCUMENTS FOR SPOT RECRUITMENT: From 19th May 2014 onwards, again we are proactively and aggressively RE-RECRUITING previous (from the year 2010 on first priority basis) Onsite IT Consultants with 9+/12+/15+ years of global IT/Software development experience from Top 50 Global/Indian IT/Software products/services companies with Fortune Global 500 Clients’ IT Projects (Top 50 global companies/clients in any industry) for Onsite IT jobs in Germany/EU for the Onsite IT projects starting from on or after 1st August’2014 onwards. If you are interested in the above mentioned Onsite IT Jobs in Germany/EU/USA another opportunity, initially please email us your following latest documents in pdf format again to [protected]
1) Latest updated resume (with your present full postal address with PIN/PLZ/ZIP code, cell number and email id)
2) Latest Passport Copy (front and last pages) Scanned pdf file preferred or Digital Photo of Passport taken by smartphone camera
3) The last 4 years or last full financial year from each major employer’s Indian Form 16s/USA W2s/German Lohnsteuerbescheinigung, and your last 2 months’ pay slips from each major employer and experience certificates/service letters/relieving letters from all your previous employers.
Upon request/on demand at any time your all other required documents mentioned on need to be emailed later. Please note that, as we recruit on the spot over Phone and Skype voice/video calls initially just based on the documentation evidence of your experience, so apart from experience certificates/service letters/relieving letters, we ask for Indian Form 16s/USA W2s and pay slips, because we consider them as more reliable authenticity documents for your experience evidence, because they show the employer’s/company’s name, duration of employment/date of joining on the top of these documents, and from your past salaries, we evaluate your future Onsite IT Job salary from our company.
GERMAN EU BLUE CARD STEP BY STEP PROCESS: (“*Why it is the best option out of all your options, why it is even better than USA H-1B/L-1B Visa or USA Green Card Process!?*”): You can find info about the USA H-1B Visa process from USA Government/USCIS Official Website ( ), but as you know the USA H-1B cap/quota finished this fiscal year 2015 until 1st October’2015 ( ) and from 1st October’2015 fiscal year onwards the USA Govt./USCIS proposed to increase USA H-1B/L-1A/L-1B Govt. filing fee from present USD 4, 325/INR 2.75 Lakhs to USD 14, 325/INR 9 Lakhs, and for any reasons if the USA Govt./USCIS/USA Embassy/Consulates rejects your USA H-1B/L-1A/L-1B application, the USA Govt./USCIS will not refund the USA Govt. filing fee amount o[censored]SD 14, 325/INR 9 Lakhs. Because of this very high USA Govt. fee and very high risk of rejection from USCIS/USA Embassy/Consulates, most of the companies including your present employer/company in India, will not be filing USA H-1B/L-1A/L-1B visas from 1st April’2015 onwards and yourself also cannot afford to pay/risk that much amount (USD 14, 325/INR 9 Lakhs) by refundable commitment deposit/paying to any small Indian IT consulting companies in the USA either, so the German/EU Blue Card Visa process is the only the best and without any cost/very low risk alternative option in the World now (“*REAPPLY FREE OF COST WITHOUT ANY FEE/ANY FURTHER DEPOSIT*”), because German/EU Blue Card Visa will become Permanent Residency of Germany and All European Union Countries automatically after paying total 21 months’ or 33 months’ job’s taxes/social security with any company within 1 week process and after 2 years you can work for any company without transfer of German/EU Blue Card Residence Permit to any new employer. From beginning spouses/dependents gets German EU Blue Card Visa/Work permit to work for any company and any field and any kind of job and even foreign Kids “*Education is Free*” from Kindergarten to Engineering/Medicine/Any Masters/MBA/PhD and even foreign Kids get around €200/month pocket money from German Government! :-) Whereas in the USA spouses can’t work on dependent/USA H-4 Visa and USA Permanent Residency/Green Card is not guaranteed with even after 6 to 10 years of job taxes with the same company’s USA H-1B/L-1B visas, if you change job/company/layoffs/lose job/fired the whole process o[censored]SA Permanent Residency/USA Green Card starts from the scratch again for another 6 to 10 years. But as German/EU Blue Card Visa process is new to you, so here we are listing the step by step, 6 steps process procedure for your convenience:
1) Recruitment & Agreements: After receiving and reviewing your above mentioned initial latest required documents ( ) and after calling you and discussing with you over the Phone and Skype voice/video calls, we will email you signed latest updated Non-Compete and Non-Disclosure (NC & ND) Agreement and Employment Agreement and “Arbeitsvertrag” with your full name and your personal details as per your passport (as mentioned on ). If you agree with all the terms and conditions in the agreements, you can take color laser print out of these agreements and sign them (signature must be same as in your passport signature) on the right side bottom corner of every page of the agreement and below signature you must write your handwritten full name. Then, you have to scan it (must be in color PDF format, NC & ND agreement 3 pages into one pdf file and Employment Agreement, Arbeitsvertrag 4 pages into another pdf file) and email it to us. (To convert from other format pages/files to PDF and/or to append/merge different format files multiple pdf pages into single pdf file you can use primo pdf free software tool, you can download it free from )
2) German/EU Blue Card Visa Application Submission at German Embassy/Consulates: After we receive latest updated signed NC & ND Agreement and signed Employment Agreement/Arbeitsvertrag, we will call you to guide you through the further procedure instructions and we will email you filled German/EU Blue Card Residence Permit Employment Visa Application Form and all other documents along with official websites links specific to your country’s/city’s/region’s German Embassy’s/Consulate’s Visa section application process details and required documents check list (All these official websites links already listed on ). Along with your Application form and Employment Agreement/Arbeitsvertrag, you need to submit your educational, experience documents and all other required documents (as mentioned on ) and EUROS 60/USD 90/INR 5, 000 Demand Draft to the German Embassy/Consulate in New Delhi/Chennai/Bangalore/Mumbai/Kolkata/in any country/city outside Germany as mentioned in the official websites links at . Note that, as mentioned in the above links required documents pdf files from German Embassy/Consulates in India/Abroad, even though they mentioned all the main initial required documents in those pdf files check lists, they also mentioned German Government Authorities reserves the right to ask for further additional documents as and when required case to case basis (For example: All your documents translation from English to German from Indo-German Chamber of Commerce (IGCC), Bangalore, India ( ) and/or your Educational certificates/documents evaluation to be equivalent to German Bachelor’s degrees from ZAB, Bonn, Germany (⇄ ) or verification of all your documents etc. or any other documents, all such things and the costs related to those documents would be your responsibility, which can be reimbursed by our company after you get visa and project and after working and submitting first three months’ approved work time sheets from the first/initial clients).
3) Visa Process by Law Firm & Approval by German Foreigner’s Office/Employment Office: After submitting your German/EU Blue Card Residence Permit Application with all the required supporting documents at German Embassy/Consulate in New Delhi/Chennai/Bangalore/Mumbai/Kolkata/in any country/city outside Germany, if required same documents 3 sets you have to send to our company’s German law firm ( Höly, Rauch & Partner in Frankfurt, Germany, to whom we given power of attorney and outsourced at the rate of €500 per consultant or €200/hour) or 2 sets directly to Ausländerbehörde/Foreigner’s Office, Frankfurt am Main, Germany ( ) and 2 sets to Bundesagentur für Arbeit / Zentrale Auslands- und Fachvermittlung (ZAV)/Arbeitserlaubnisverfahren/Employment Office/Work Permit Department in Frankfurt am Main, Germany ( ) by courier, then our company’s German law firm’s ( ) immigration and employment/labor laws’ attorney/lawyer (Mr. Stefan Bremicker) in Frankfurt, Germany will do all the paper work to submit to the German Embassy/Consulates and/or German Foreigner’s Officers and Employment/Work Permit Officers to get your German/EU Blue Card Visa approved. This whole process at present taking approximately just within 1 to 2 weeks or a month, or could be more time based on the request for further required documents of employees from German Embassy/Consulate or German Foreigner’s Officers/Employment Officers. After your German/EU Blue Card Visa is approved, German cities’/towns’ Foreigner’s Officers/Employment Officers will inform German Embassy/Consulates in India/outside Germany to call you or to send you an email or postal letter to submit your passport for pre-approved German/EU Blue Card Residence Permit Initial Entry Visa stamping in your passport (initial entry visa will be valid to enter Germany within 3 months from the visa start date, usually visa start date will be a month after visa approved based on initial employment agreement tentative start date which can be postponed or can be taken unpaid leave but cannot be preponed). But actual long term (up to 4 years or up to expiry date of passport whichever is the earliest) German/EU Blue Card/Residence Permit can be given without further process on paper after your arrival in Germany at a proposed place of residence (usually in Frankfurt as per Question# 15 in application form) city’s/town’s Ausländerbehörde/Foreigner’s Office, Frankfurt am Main, Germany ( ) after initial few registrations (Address registration, Deutsche Rentenversicherung/Social Cecurity, AOK Health Insurance) on the same day without any further process. For detailed flow diagram about this above process, please see page# 17 on (though in this pdf file it is old system, but process is still similar but much faster/expedited).
4) Refundable Commitment Deposit (RCD) After German/EU Blue Card Visa Stamped: This above mentioned initial Onsite IT Job opportunity in Germany/EU with German/EU Blue Card Visa Process is “NOT ONE OF THE FREE BACK UP OPTION” out of all your options to think and decide later after you get German/EU Blue Card Visa and Project, because we outsourced this whole German/EU Blue Card Visa Process for € 500 fee per Consultant or € 200/hour and later after getting visa and project € 160/month as long as you work from our company’s clients’ projects to a German immigration law firm, Höly, Rauch & Partner ( ) in Frankfurt, Germany by giving Power of Attorney/”Vollmacht” to them. So the company has upfront visa processing costs (€ 500 law firm fee) and all other time and effort and material costs and risks involved. So as mentioned in our old NC & ND Agreement signed by you in 2010 under “Refundable Commitment Deposit (RCD) Clause# 8” (as mentioned on ), mutually both o[censored]s to feel and take this whole process seriously and to put further time and effort from the company and law firm, after getting your German/EU Blue Card Visa stamped at the German Embassy/Consulates, the next day, you have to transfer a Refundable Commitment Deposit (RCD) of Euros 500/USD 700/INR 45, 000 (as per foreign exchange current buying rates, 1 EURO = Approximately up to INR 90 including bank transfer fee/ATM fee) into our company’s German/USA bank accounts or into our State Bank of India (SBI), Hyderabad bank account to cover the German law firm fee € 500 and our time and efforts costs. While making online transfer you must take the screenshot file of the bank transfer confirmation page and keep that screenshot file and your online bank statement as a receipt for your deposit payment for your records, after amount credited into our bank account we will confirm by sending you a receipt by copy pasting the online transaction from our bank accounts’ online bank statements. This refundable commitment deposit (including the INR 35, 000/€ 500 deposited in the 2010, total € 500+€ 500= Total € 1000 or INR 35, 000 (old deposit) + INR 45, 000 (new deposit after visa) = Total INR 80, 000 will be 100% reimbursed/refunded to you only after you get a visa and project, and after you submit your first project’s first months’ time sheets from the first client in Germany/EU out of our first month’s profit, otherwise your deposit refund will be forfeited. But for any unfortunate reasons, if you don’t get visa and/or project, we will give you an alternative option to reapply again for the German/EU Blue Card Visa Process again without any additional deposit/RCD.
5) German/EU Blue Card Extension up to 4 Years and Refunds/Reimbursements: After your German EU Blue Card initial 3 months entry visa stamped, you can resign your present job in India/Abroad and serve up to 3 months’ notice period, (If required, up on request, after you get visa approved, we may consider to postpone your employment start date and visa start date for up to 3 months for serving your up to 3 months’ notice period with your present employer in India/Abroad). After you finish your notice period, after arrival in Frankfurt/Germany, you can stay at furnished shared apartments (from €300/month to €450/month per room) and you have to register at few Government Offices in Frankfurt am Main, Germany (Anmeldung/Address Registration, Deutsche Rentenversicherung/Social Cecurity, AOK Health Insurance), all these can be done in one day, and later after 3 working days you have to go to Ausländerbehörde/Foreigner’s Office, Frankfurt am Main, Germany ( ) to get your German/EU Blue Card Residence Permit Extended (up to 4 years or up to expiry date of passport whichever is the earliest) with fee of €110 (which will be also reimbursed after second months’ work time sheets), the initial residence permit will be given on paper first usually on the same day within an hour, but actual electronic Blue Card Residence Permit (similar to driving license card) will need 3 to 4 weeks to print and send from German Federal Secure Printing Press (Bundesdruckerei) in Berlin, Germany. Because for confidence about your visa validity up to the end of the initial project which are usually 6 to 12 months and for security reasons our German clients/potential clients insist on Electronic Residence Permit EU Blue Card/electronic Aufenthaltstitel (eAT) – Blaue Karte EU valid at least up to end of project contract or 4 years or up to validity of your passport whichever is the earliest, until you finish all these German/EU Blue Card formalities up to 1 to 2 months and during that first 1 to 2 months for orientation and to learn basics of German language and German/EU culture and latest versions of IT skills self-learning and certifications preparation etc., you will be given first 1 to 2 months unpaid leave time for self-learning preparations etc. (but on courtesy basis we will reimburse that first 1 to 2 months initial living costs (apartment rent share up to €450/month and €100/month for food grocery and all other business related costs) after third month’s work time sheets, because after first month’s work time sheet first we will refund your initial refundable commitment deposit from the year 2010, €500/INR 35, 000 + INR 5, 000 Old Visa Fee + INR 5, 000 New Visa Fee and INR 2396 for first 90 days travel/health insurance from Bajaj Allianz – Travel Elite Gold Plan worldwide excluding USA and Canada with coverage o[censored]SD 200, 000/€ 140, 000 ( ) and after second months’ work time sheet we will reimburse one way flight ticket cost from India/anywhere in the world to Frankfurt up to INR 30, 000/USD 500/€ 400 and translation costs up to INR 5000) and we will provide Telefonica O2 corporate account O2 on Business XL Plan with 2 SIM cards to Consultant and spouse with unlimited German landline and mobile calls and unlimited internet first 10 GB 4G LTE up to 50 Mbps speed (⇄ ) and unlimited O2 DSL/Cable internet at home (up to 50 Mbps) from the day you land in Germany as long as you employed with our company.
6) Marketing/Submission of your Resume to clients/potential clients to get first Onsite IT Project Contract: As mentioned in above step# 4, while you are in the first 1 to 2 months unpaid leave for self-learning and to finish all formalities until you get your electronic German/EU Blue Card Residence Permit /electronic Aufenthaltstitel (eAT) – Blaue Karte EU in that first 1 to 2 months our company’s Directors of Global Onsite Projects Consulting Services Sales and Marketing/Business Development Team (Germans/Europeans, myself Alex and my colleague Dirk and others) will market/submit your latest updated resume along with all your documents for potential IT projects contracts to our clients/potential clients all over the Germany/EU with the Telefonica O2 Mobile unlimited German calls and unlimited internet Mobile phone number allocated to you, thus we will try to get you first onsite IT project in Germany/EU at the earliest possible by the time you get your electronic German/EU Blue Card Residence Permit within your unpaid leave period of 1 to 2 months. But to avoid/reduce this unpaid leave time, after your initial entry visa stamped, if we feel/confident that after relieving from your employer in India/Abroad the next day you will be 100% committed to come to Germany or a week before face to face interviews dates confirmation with clients/potential clients in Germany, first to get German/EU Blue Card Residence Permit Extension from Ausländerbehörde/Foreigner’s Office, Frankfurt am Main, Germany ( ), in case of those 100% committed and trust worthy consultants, our German marketing team may consider to market/send your resume to our clients/potential clients to get first onsite project contract after initial phone calls later over Skype video calls and/or later over face to face interviews in Germany, we can do that by allocating Telefonica O2 German landline# and German mobile# call forwarded to your Indian/other countries’ cell# via Skype German landline# ( ). For all this via Skype call forwarding setup: using your credit card you have to pay and buy Skype German landline# (+[protected]digits) for €25/1 year and €7/month to €15/month for call forwards to India/other countries mobiles and €15/month for unlimited calling to German/European landlines and Mobiles, all these Skype costs will be reimbursed to you after second months’ time sheets. If there is an IT project outside Germany you can travel without further visas for up to 3 months on business trip/consulting to all over European Union (26 Schengen area countries as there are no border checks legally) including Switzerland, except UK and Ireland and then within 1 month we will process your other EU/European countries residence permit/work permits/EU Blue Cards visas separately without any further deposits/costs from you out of our initial few months’ profits.
7) Contract-To-Hire and/or Permanent Jobs with Clients: Also, our company’s Directors of Global Onsite Projects Consulting Services Sales and Marketing/Business Development Team (Germans/Europeans, myself Alex and my colleague Dirk and others) will market you for contract-to-hire and/or permanent jobs with the clients in Germany/EU and if clients very impressed with your hard work and performance and if they want to hire you as a permanent employee, they should pay negotiable fee of €18, 000 on behalf of you towards the NC & ND agreement clause # 9 breach as a onetime fee or in monthly installments for 6 months to our company or at least 20% of the annual salary they offer to you or in few cases, if clients hires more contract consultants from our company then we will release you to join the clients free of cost. In all these scenarios, you can join the client directly and client can transfer your German EU Blue Card Visa from our company to the client’s’ company within first 2 years and after 2 years your can work for any company without transferring your German/EU Blue Card. Once the above mentioned payments agreements signed and initial payments made by the clients, we will give you a written signed letter to relieve you from Employment Agreement and NC & ND Agreement Non-Compete part but Non-Disclosure and Data Secrecy clauses will be binding forever.
Overall Advantage To You from our Company: As we are 100 % Onsite IT jobs/projects based company and as we do not have any offshore business in India like Top 50 Global/Indian IT companies, so we will never call/send you back to India at the end of the Onsite Projects. After finishing the first project, if you prefer to relocate and work in a different country, then we will market your resume to find a contract project for you in whichever the country you prefer (USA/Canada/UK/Germany/Switzerland/Rest of EU/Europe) with Visas/Residence Permit/Work Permit/Permanent Residency Process of those countries without any fee/cost/deposits from you and by paying you the full time permanent job salary for 12 months a year. Also, from the first onsite project start date, we pay you salary even during the bench period in between the projects. However, please note that the official yearly paid vacation (20 working days) is approved and must be used first during the first bench period in between the projects change. If your spouse is an IT/Management/Financial professional, we can consider to give her a job in our company by taking care of her German/EU Blue Card Visa/Work permit etc. without any deposit/fee from her/him, if not also, we will assist your spouse and kids to get German/EU Blue Card visa and for spouse to get work permit to do any industry job to work for any company in Germany/EU without any deposit/fee from her/him, including by reimbursing your spouse visa process fee (€60/USD 90/INR 5000) and your kids visa process fee (€30/USD 45/INR 2, 500).
VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: Our company’s business model is a low cost self-service model, so to avoid back and forth long emails/phone calls, though this is a very lengthy unusual recruitment email, we wrote everything in detail in this initial recruitment email itself to assure you the whole process in writing, instead of just saying orally (Said so, few business model process things and policies are subject to change without further notice and depending on our experiences from consultants/clients and depends on the situation time periods cannot be guaranteed, so for which you need to be flexible as we will try to make everything as fair as possible to you and the company and clients to get everything at the earliest possible). So please go through this email and all the links in this email and all other links mentioned on our website’s jobs & careers navigation menu before emailing or calling us, as these links will answer most of your queries. For any further queries, please refer to FAQs at . If you have any other specific queries relevant to your situation/case that have not been answered in this email and under any of the links mentioned on our website, then to expedite the decision making process, you can call our company’s Founder, President/MD & CEO, Mr. Sudheer Pundru ( [protected] ) directly 24x7 on our German phone# +[protected] or on his USA Cell# +1-[protected] (He travels often between USA & Germany) and request him to call you back or you can text/sms your name, your email id on his USA Cell#/Tango#/Viber#/Whatsapp# on +[protected] (He has all the smartphone apps installed on his smartphone to be accessible 24x7 directly, but he will not have free time to type to reply you back instantly, rather he will call you back whenever he gets free within 24 hours). The best way to reach us is make Skype voice calls free of cost (24x7) on our company’s Skype business id: Synergy-GS (even if it is offline, those Skype voice calls will be forwarded to our smartphones Skype App/Cell numbers. If we miss your calls/when we are busy, please leave a voice mail with your full name and cell number and email id, we will call you back within 24 hours.
NOTE: Feel free to forward this email to your family/friends/colleagues who fulfills the above-mentioned criteria ( ), this above whole recruitment model applicable to them as well but after visa stamped they have to make € 500/INR 45, 000 Refundable Commitment Deposit (RCD), which will be refunded to them after they get project and submit first months’ time sheets.
Thanks & Regards/MfG,
HR/Global Onsite Recruitment Team,
Synergy Global Services, Inc./UG,
IT, Management and Financial Consulting Services,
14 Wall Street, 20th Floor/Regus BC, New York, NY 10005, USA
Tower 185, Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage 35-37, 14th Floor/Regus EBC,
Frankfurt am Main D-60327, Germany
Phone: +[protected]
(Starting soon in Canada: Toronto; UK: London; France: Paris; Switzerland: Zurich)
Microsoft/Skype Business Id to make free voice/video calls (24X7): Synergy-GS
Smartphone Apps# (Tango#/Viber#/Whatsapp# etc.) (24X7): +[protected]
Contact Information
Synergy Global Services
Andhra Pradesh
Andhra Pradesh
File a Complaint
synergyglobalservices — FRAUD COMPANY
synergyglobalservices it is a fake company. people do not take the non-voice/voice, online/offline projects.. he takes money next day onwards did't lift the calls.. the owners of the company is JOSEPH DINKAR, ANUDEEP, AND BHARAT.same persons dont have own office. he follow only phone calls/shows friends or other office.
In tirupati start a Bharathinfosystems, soo many peoples cheated by the dinakar and bharat.. became of fake project send to persons or took money next day did't lift calls.he changed his mobile numbers.
next came to Hyderabad started vijaya1technologies, it is also big fake company. this company run by josephdinkar and bharat. these two peoples are intelligent cheater... he collect money from different peoples he changed numbers and gone to different area...
i enquired these persons, i found the information he was working in the MNK IT SOLUTIONS PVT.LTD.. This also fake company.. fake projects again cheating to people changed his company name..
now they started "synergyglobalservices" it is also cheating..............peoples my advice is dont take the project for this persons.........
I[censored] CONSULT THESE PEOPLES U LOST MONEY.............ITS 100% CONFORM.......................i lost laught of amount these persons.........they did't send the files.. collect money then they are not lift the calls............i call to coin box.he lift the phone says "i am buzy i will chat later" "i got a accident no i am in intensive care, my leg and hand was broken" " don't call me why are u call soo many times..its not my problem it's client problem" .