Address: Tiruvallur, Tamil Nadu |
This is Senthil Kumar residing in Tiruvallur. I have seen that the distances which is mentioned over on driection board is wrong in so many places in Tiruvallur district. For eample, there is a direction board oppsite to Tiuvallur taluk office, on which the distance for Thirumozhisai is 17 KM from Tiruvallur. But from Thriumozhisai to Tiruvallur is 21 Km which is mentioned over direction board located opposite to Thirumozhisai busstand
These informations are making public confused. Can you please correct them.
Senthil Was this information helpful? |
I have been commuting from chennai to bangalore via hosur for the past several months. Tamilnadu buses plying via electronic city stop to hosur are numerous. Each day for each depot they are collecting differenct high prices to hosur. The price was Rs18 initially. but last week when i travelled from Electronic city to hosur in a Salem depot bus TN09 2905 at 7.30PM the conductor the bus issued Rs35 ticket from sivasankari to hosur. when all passengers asked abt this there is no reply from him. In a Karnataka transport the charge is Rs18 and in private bus the charge is Rs15 to hosur. But tamilnadu buses which are meant to be less compared to other transports in India are collecting and taking advantage. I request someone to please look into this and take immediate action. If needed i can produce the ticket for proof.
My 2nd complaint is durinng night travels when we go without booking the conductors are demanding extra charge to them. for instance when i took a bus two weeks before i gave Rs.200 but the actual charge is only Rs.175 and the ticket also issue for Rs.175 only. Why these people are like this, this gives a very bad opinion. When we saw the booking sheet only 15 seats are booked already rest of the 20 seats are free. they could give at the same price but knowing our position they are demanding. This is a big public nuisance.