Iam an Anuttara gold card member no,[protected] .I purchased 2 gold ornaments worth
Rs 150694.00 from your shop at F 14,Inorbit Mall,Sector 30 A,Vashi,Navi Mumbai vide Tax invoice no. VAS/CM/239 dt. 25/10/2008. When my wife wore this necklace a turmeric type colour was seen on her neck on her perspiring. . When we took the necklace to your shop they informed that this is because of the polish finish and is common for many of the Tanisq jewellary. On saturdy we saw the same yellow colour on the box where the other necklace was kept. The shopkeeper there informed us this is because we kept in the locker ( All normal and sane people willkeep their jewellary in their locker only)and even in gold coins from tanishque sometimes brown spots appear .,after all Mumbai is close to the sea and gold is also a metal .and so such things happen. The product is as per the Tanishq standard only and so nothing to worry .This is a strange explanation..For both products same defect is seen is v.strange and the arrogant attitude by them is really intolerable.TANISHQUE J EWELLARY PEOPLE WERE INSENSITIVE TO OUR FEELINGS AND COMPLAINTS.I feel the polish they are using is a substandard one OTHERWISE IN GOLD JEWEELARY SUCH THINGS WILLNOT HAPPEN K.Muralidhar.
Krishna Muralidhar Was this information helpful? |
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