Address: Pune, Maharashtra |
There is a Restaurant called Tasty Tongues, the address being:Opp Bank of Mah, Bavdhan,Nr. Chandni Chc, Pune-411021, and the Mobile phone number being: [protected], the other day to be precise on 02/02/2011 at 22.28 hrs i asked them for a 300ml coke bottle which is priced at INR 12/- even on bottle , they charged me INR 20/- for that bottle which took me by surprise. Seeing me the lady at the bill counter says ,"You have any problem", i replied "Of course I do", to which she had nothing to say. Please see to it asap as these are the forced extrocities to which people generally succumb to and end up in paying way much more for the commodities. Was this information helpful? |