dear sir/madam I too was offeredthe post of civil engineer . I also need some answers if this is real or not..coz it's unbelievable. We should research on this matter and let's help each other for whatever we can validae from embassy/consulate etc. please inform me about this offer.whether it is true or joke.also let me know from where it can be confirmed.

thanks andregards
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Aug 13, 2020
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I receive mail Dr. Saleem Ali regarding Job Total Petroleum, kindly varify either its fake or real.

sir please tell me that i have found ur mail for offer letter.
is it true because i and prfessional friends tells me that this is only a joke will u guide me through out the procedure it is rite
mujadad hussain
senior welding inspector
sir i got a offer letter from the toatl petroleum company dakar sengal as a job reference ARI 67/21563 dated 11.06.2008 send by Mr Robert petter as a senior project manager offered the salary 22, 950 US $ per month as a home take so please kindly help me in this regard this is fake ororiginal because so many this typeof fake was coming i want theclarification from you
I too have received a offer of Employment from Total Petroleum Company. Unbelievable salary and terms have been offered without any logic. if I proceed ultimately they will be asking for processing fee. I am of the opinion that some groups are involved in such fraudlent work to earn money whatever they get.
Dear sir,
i want to know about the below offer letter recieved, it is fake or fraud. Please tell me as quick as possible.

Dear Fedaye Mohammed,

This is an affirmation that your experience and qualifications where found successful for the requirements of TOTAL PETROLEUM COMPANY, IN London, UK. Please find attached herewith, relevant document containing the Prototype of your Contract Package for your perusal and approval. Upon thorough review and acceptance of this Contract Package, Firstly, Send us a Scanned Copy of the Acceptance page.

Secondly, You are to make contact immediately with Global Visa Rite Services in UK who will embark on the Processing of your Paper work, Immigration documents for the immediate re-location to your duty Post and Job Commencement in record time.

Global Visa Rite Services in United Kingdom will on conclusion of Procurement of your relevant Employment Visa & Resident Permit Documents, assist you in your Visa Application and as well, the Hard Copies of your Contract Document(s) will be delivered to you through them within 72hrs.

This is in line with the Expatriate Statuary Law o[censored]nited Kingdom in compliance with the U.N. Terrorism Act. You are to immediately contact the address given below:


International Global Visa Rite Services.
37-39 A, King Street,
Southall Middlesex, UB2 4DQ, U.K,
London. Our Ref: Str/Twp-nisng05-07
Contact Person: Murphy Klaude
Email: [protected]@global-visarite.com
Phone: [protected]
Designation: Employment Work & Residence Permit/United Kingdom, E.U Affairs.


TOTAL PETROLUEM COMPANY, IN LONDON(UK) will forward a Confirmatory Letter of Job offer to the UK Embassy/Consulate in your home country after you have acquired your Works and Residence Permit from International Global Visa Rite here in UK.

There will be a mandatory Orientation/Training Exercise for all Newly Employed Expatriates which will take place within the Work Metropolis of TOTAL PETROLEUM COMPANY, IN LONDON(UK) of the facility Plant in UK and this Programme will start 7 days on arrival for work sign-on.

For more information contact US the TOTAL PETROLEUM COMPANY, via Email and with the contact below:

Name: Mr. Frederick Ahmed
E-mail address: company_totalpetroleum.[protected]@oued.info
Address:Unit 78 Hills Drive Circle - Green
Hemisphere GHJ875 - London,
ZIP code: London.UK +44

Should you require more information, Please feel free to contact the Human Resources Manager through phone.


Anticipating for your works and residence permit from the Global Visa Rite.

Thanks and Best Regards

Name: Mr. Kelvin Roland
Human Resources Manager
E-mail address:hr.totalpetroleum.[protected]@oued.info
Address:Unit 78 Hills Drive Circle - Green
Hemisphere GHJ875 - London,
ZIP code: London.UK +44
Dear Sir,

I received below email from Total Petroleum Senegal. I think its fake. Please see and confirm.


This is to inform all Interested Expatriates that Total Petroleum Senegal is in need of expatriates that can work in various field, and all interested candidate should answer the ONLINE INTERVIEW below and send it with an application / Cover letter together with him/her CV/Resume and furnish us with the information below:

1. Briefly describe your ideal job?
2. Why did you choose this career?
3. What goals do you have in your career?
4. How do you plan to achieve these goals?
5. Can you work well under deadlines or pressure?
6. Tell us about a time when you failed to meet a deadline. What were the repercussions?
7. Do you have reference list ?
8. Why do you want to work here?
9. Why should we hire you over the others waiting to be interviewed?
10. What is your Current Monthly Salary Package?
11. How soon can you travel down to start your new Job! ?
12. What three Specific Job Positions do you target from TOTAL PETROLEUM COMPANY DAKAR SENEGAL?
13. Give us full details on the Following;

(A.) Full Name
(B.) Permanent Mailing address
(C.) Current Mailing Address
(D.) Tel/Mobile Number(s)
14. What is your Country of Nationality? Is it different from your Present Location? If yes Please state your Current resident Country.
15. What are your Future Plans for TOTAL PETROLEUM COMPANY DAKAR SENEGAL, if Permanently Employed?

REQUIREMENTS: All applicants are to possess all of the following:

(1) Should possess at least a diploma in any of the stated fields or Must have obtained
tutorials on the above said in any institution or center of training.

(2)Must be computer literate

(3)Must have at least six(6)months experience in the above said profession or that which is
related to the profession.

BENEFITS/PERKS: Al! l applicants that have qualified or viewed successful t! o take up the
job based on the scrutiny of their Curriculum Vitae would enjoy and share in the following benefits:

(1)He/She would be paid an attractive salary ranging from USD[protected] per month after tax deductions depending on his/her qualifications

(2)The job offered would be a family status one and as such would be entitled and privileged to come with his family.

(3)Free medical care.

4) Educational assistance based on family status employment OTHER EPHEMERALS OF

Contract Period/duration: This is a 12month contract but subject to renewal based on the services of the employee
Location: Capital City OF Dakar Senegal.
Accommodation: Total Housing Estate Senegal

Please Note Behind: Entry of application close as soon as possible since the date of job commencement for successful candidates will start soon. Due to this impending urgency, ! no interview shall be conducted and we regret that only candidates who are short-listed will be contacted.

Contact: Dr. Salim Ali
Phone: [protected]


i received a OFFER OF EMPLOYMENT AND AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT FOR SERVICES for the post of Sr. Environment Engineer with out submitting my resume & apply for any post in this company
this is jayson, me too receive and even comply
all the requirements you ask, please do inform me if these is true
or just a fraud.because i am very sincere of working with you.
please anwer me.

Total petroleum company Senegal — offer letter(pls this true or fruad)

From The Desk Of Dr. Salim Ali
The Management Of Total Petroleum
Oil Company, Dakar Senegal
Address Unit 21-56 San Dakar Senegal
State, ZIP code Dakar Senegal 221


This is an affirmation that your experience and qualifications where found successful for the requirements of TOTAL PETROLEUM COMPANY, IN DAKAR SENEGAL. Please find attached herewith, relevant document containing the Prototype of your Contract Package for your perusal and approval. Upon thorough review and acceptance of this Contract Package, Firstly, Send us a Scanned Copy of the Acceptance page.

Secondly, you are to make contact immediately with Senegal Air Fly Travel Services in Dakar Senegal who will embark on the Processing of your Paper work, Immigration documents for the immediate re-location to your duty Post and Job Commencement in record time.

Senegal Air Fly Travel Services in Dakar Senegal will on conclusion of Procurement of your relevant Employment Visa & Resident Permit Documents assist you in your Visa Application and as well, the Hard Copies of your Contract Document(s) will be delivered to you through them within 72hrs.

This is in line with the Expatriate Statuary Law of ECOWAS in compliance with the U.N. Terrorism Act. You are to immediately contact the address given below:

Senegal Air Fly Travel Services
120 Las-Scalars Avenue, Dakar Senegal
Name: Alhaji Usman Yusfu Dantata
Email: [protected]@airflytravelsuk.com
Web Site: www.airflytravelsuk.com
Phone: [protected]
Designation: Employment Work & Residence Permit/ African Affairs/ Aliens Registration

Designation: Employment Work & Residence Permit/ African Affairs/ Aliens Registration


TOTAL PETROLEUM COMPANY, IN DAKAR SENEGAL will forward a Confirmatory Letter of Job offer to the Senegal Embassy/Consulate in your home country after you have acquired your Works and Residence Permit from International Global Visa Rite here in Dakar Senegal.

There will be two weeks mandatory Orientation/Training Exercise for all Newly Employed Expatriates which will take place within the Work Metropolis of TOTAL PETROLEUM COMPANY, IN DAKAR SENEGAL of the facility Plant in Dakar Senegal and this Program will start 7 days on arrival for work sign-on.

For more information contact the Human Resources of TOTAL PETROLEUM COMPANY, IN DAKAR SENEGAL through phone and with the contact below:

Name: Mr. Robert Peter
E-mail address [protected]@sn-total.net
Phone number [protected]
Address Unit 21-56 San Dakar Senegal
State, ZIP code Dakar Senegal 221
Human Resources Manager Company Management.

Should you require more information, Please feel free to contact me immediately.


Anticipating for your works and residence permit from the Global Visa Rite

Thanks and best regards

Name: Dr. Salim Ali
E-mail: [protected]@sn-total.net
Phone: +[protected]
Address Unit 21-56 San Dakar Senegal
State, ZIP code Dakar Senegal 221
Career Manager Of Total Petroleum

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I got similar offer from Salim ali for Total sn. I usually get offers like these every day. I laugh at them. Employement is not so easy now a days. The Employer never select some body offering such a huge salaries, based on silly questions they send as 'Online Interview'. If the employer who is ready to pay 20, 000 usd or more per month, what should he be expecting from the employee?. if he really need you, can't he call you on phone to access your abilities? and can't he bear the expenses of your Visa or travel documents? is there any government provide workpermit to employee on his request . it is Employer to request for your Visa/Work permit.

So please dont believe these fake offers and lose money.

As I always get these mails. I enjoy and feel happy that I could waste some of their time waiting for my money.


Hear is my mail to Dr.Salim Ali, Senagal

Dear Mr.Salim Ali,

Frankly to say, I doubt your offer as a fraud/ job scam because.

1. Your mail ID is of gmail.com
2. Big companies like Total sn should have it's own website and all responsible officials communicate from the company website not from gmail or yahoo or any other personal ID.
3. You are registered with time jobs as air456 airflytravels which is no where concerned with totalsn.

If Iam wrong, please reply how do I serve Totalsn and how you are authorized for employing people.I know very well that the employees doesn't pay any money against registration/ Visa/procurement of travel documents etc.

I hope I made you to understand my views very clearly,

With regards,
hi guyz
i just got dis mail today which almost left me confused and amused.I really want to know weather its a fraud or what?
I received an offer for an emplyment from one Dr. Salim Ali who assumed to be a manager in your company requesting me to pay some fee inorder to get my work permit from Senegal Air Fly Travel Services, below is his contact address:

From The Desk Of Dr. Salim Ali
The Management Of Total Petroleum
Oil Company, Dakar Senegal
Address Unit 21-56 San Dakar Senegal
State, ZIP code Dakar Senegal 221

Please kindly use your good office to tell if that is geniuely from Total or not before I commit any money to it.
Sir I have received an offer from Total Petrolium Senegal as follows but i can't trust that, because there is lot of fraud work. Hence please confirm whether it is fraud or true.


S.Shaji kumar

Dear Prospective Expatriates,


This is to inform all Interested Expatriates that Total Petroleum Company
Senegal is in need of expatriates that can work in below fields, and you are
advise to go through it carefully:

Job #1: Civil Engineering

Job #2: Dy.Manager - Planning

Job #3: Design & Drafting Supervisor

Job #4: Enior Estimation Engineer/Reservoirs engineering

Job #5: Equipment Operators-Inspectors/Rotating Equipment Engineer

Job #6: Head of Controls & Instrumentation/Unit Head Project Controls

Job #7: HSEQ Engineer/ HSE Training Superintendent/HSE Manager

Job #9: Installation Maintenance-Repair/Instrumentation & Control Engineer

Job #10: Lab Technologist/Technical System Specialist/Technical service
Manager/Technical Draftsman/Technical Data Collector

Job #11: Lead Planning Engineer/Lead Engineer - Control Systems/lead QA/QC
Engineer/Lead Piping Engineer/Lead Civil & Structural Engineer

Job #12: Sr.Mechanical Engineer/Mechanical Superintendent/Mechanical Piping
Supervisor/Mechanical-Welding Inspection(QUALITY CONTROL)

Job #13:Project Control Manager/Project QA Engineer/Sr. Project Controls
Engineer/Process engineer/Piping Designer/Project HSE Advisor/Pipinig
Welding-NDT Inspection

Job #14:QA/QC Inspector/Quality Inspection Coordinator

Job #15:Site Engineering/Senior Electrical Engineer/Sr. Electrical QC
Inspector/Senior Process Control Engineer/Senior Electrical Designer/Sr.Rotating
Equipment Engineer/Safety Engineer

In any area you fine your Expates, write an application / Cover letter and send
it together with your CV/Resume through email attachment and Answer below
OFFICIAL ONLINE INTERVIEW Immediately with all sincerity, and send it back:

1. Briefly describe your ideal job?

2. Why would you choose this career?

3. What goals do you have in your career?

4. How do you plan to achieve these goals?

5. Can you work well under deadlines or pressure?

6. Tell us about a time when you failed to meet a
deadline. What were the repercussions?

7. Do you have reference list?

8. Why would you like to work here?

9. Why should we hire you over the others waiting to
be interviewed?

10. What is your Current Monthly Salary Package?

11. How soon can you travel down to start your new

12. What three Specific Job Positions do you target

13. Give us full details on the Following;

(A.) Your Full Name:

(B.) Permanent Mailing Address:

(C.) Current Mailing Address:

(D.) Tel/Mobile Number(s):

14. What is your Country of Nationality? Is it different from your Present
Location? If yes Please
state your Current resident Country.

15. What are your Future Plans for TOTAL PETROLEUM COMPANY SENEGAL, if
Permanently Employed?

REQUIREMENTS: All applicants are to possess all of the following:

(1) Should possess at least a diploma in any of the stated fields or Must have
obtained tutorials on the above said in any institution or center of training.

(2)Must be computer literate

BENEFITS/PERKS: All applicants that have qualified or viewed successful will
take up the job based on the scrutiny of their Curriculum Vitae would enjoy and
share in the following benefits:

(1)He/She would be paid an attractive salary ranging from USD12,[protected] per
month after tax deductions depending on his/her qualifications.

(2)The job offered would be a family status one and as such would be entitled
and privileged to come with his family.

(3)Free medical care.

4) Educational assistance based on family status employment OTHER EPHEMERALS OF

Contract Period/duration: This is a 12month contract but subject to renewal
based on the services of the employee.
Location: Capital City OF Dakar Senegal.
Accommodation: Total Housing Estate Senegal

Please Note Behind: Entry of application close as soon as possible since the
date of job commencement for successful candidates will start soon. Due to this
impending urgency, no interview shall be conducted and we regret that only
candidates who are short-listed will be contacted.

Best Regards.

Contact: Dr. Usman Yusfu
Email: totalcompany.[protected]@gmail.com

This e-mail was brought to you by Cosmo Mail
i received offer from TOTAL SENEGAL to work as CFO and i am not sure cause of all these complaints, so anybody may help if he reachs the truth.

services — Total petroleum company Senegal

I also have received agreement from total petroleum company senegal and been told to contact International Global Visa Rite Services to acquire Senegal residence and work permit clearance paper at the cost o[censored]SD1485. Anybody know about this company? is it Fraud ?
i got a selection order mail from HIMARK and MNC INDIA JOBS in COIMBATORE to pay sum of 550, 750rs . after seeing all these posts i feel its a scam so shall i drop it .do reply .

Employment offer from Total Petroleum dakar senegal — Verify the Offer it is true or fraud

HSE Manager
Dear sir/madam I too was offered the post of HSE MANAGER from TOTAL Petroleum company Dakar Senegal . I also need some answers if this is real or not..coz it's visa process required have to spend some amount by us. We should research on this matter and let's help each other for whatever we can validae from embassy/consulate etc. please verify and inform me about this offer as earlier as possible to proceed or not .whether it is true or fraud .also let me know exactly from where it can be confirmed.

Offer from

1. Unit 21-56, San Dakar Senegal State, Zip code Dakar Senegal221, Phone no. +[protected]
Job Offering No. Ref ARI 67/21563

2. NO e mail address and Website address given

3. Offer signed by HRD Manager- Lewis Taylor dt 1/09/2008

4. Another sign by Legal Adviser Bar Willy Jones dt 1/09/2008

Some signature is there Im not sure,
Please I need correct information for proceeding this offer

they given

visa rite contact info

Contact person; AlHaji Idrees Mhmd
120 Las - Scalars Avenue
Dakar senegal
Email [protected]@global-visarite.com
Ph no. =[protected]
Designation Employment works & residence permit/african affairs registration

Thanks and Regards
Ph no +[protected]
The bellow response was sent to me after i responded back saying that i feel their mail is a hoax... i received the exact mail with job description and offer as many received on fraudwatchers.com, but my question is how could they manage to make a deal with senigal airlines which i was asked to contact?

There is no question this a hoax.. but a darn good one... we need to do something about it.

From The Desk Of Dr. Salim Ali
The Management Of Total Petroleum
Oil Company, Dakar Senegal
Address Unit 21-56 San Dakar Senegal
State, ZIP code Dakar Senegal 221

Dear --------,

Thanks for your mail, after proper verification by the International Department, we confirm that you are one of the successful candidate that was chosen to join the team, you have to sign the contract agreement and contact Senegal Air Fly Travels for your works and residence permit, which shows that you are ready to join the team, while we will take care of your traveling documents together with your flight ticket and your hard copies documents has been send to Senegal Air Fly Travels for confirmation and reference, so you have to contact them as soon as possible for your works and residence permit.

So, kindly contact Senegal Air Fly Travels immediately for your works and residence permit, which shows that you are ready to join the team, while we will take care of your traveling documents & flight ticket.

Note: Its our duty to furnish you with your works and residence permit, traveling documents together with flight ticket, but last year after preparing papers for most of our expatriates, they will later decline the offer due to one reason or the other, that i why we made it mandatory that all our prospective expatriates most procure their works and residence permit, which shows that him/her is ready to join the team and any money which you spend in the preparation of your papers will be reimbursed to you during your first month upfront salary together with other monetary benefits.

Anticipating for your works and residence permit from the Traveling Agency.

Thanks and best regards

Name: Dr. Salim Ali
E-mail: [email][protected]@sn-total.net[/email]
Address Unit 21-56 San Dakar Senegal
State, ZIP code Dakar Senegal 221
Career Manager Of Total Petroleum
This Fake dont go for it.

This Fake dont go for it.


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