Address: Chennai, Tamil Nadu |
This is with regard to the indecent behavior of autodriver belonging to the auto number TN-01 L-2205 near Vidyodaya School during the evening of a day in Jan 2013( date not exatly known). This auto driver when asked for the rates from Thirumalaipillai Road till ashok Nagar demanded almsot 170 Rs. And when the particular aged lady of public got flared up due to the unreasonable rates that was demanded he simply got out of the auto near Zion Shopping complex started abusing her and her family in bad words and even challenged one of the male members of the family to stay on the spot till he brought more men for assault.
I wish the concerned authorities to take notice of the auto driver and curb his arrogant behavior ( even though the reporting has been late without the exact details of date. This episode occurred during late evening around 7-7:30 pm in Thirumalaipillai Road , T Nagar)as he may prove to be a criminal.
Kindly do the needful.
Shankar Was this information helpful? |
transportation — dirty seats in Kerala State Road Transport Corporation
My friend was travelling Kottayam to Kuttikkanam as part of official work. His shirt got all dirts from the seat. It seems that this bus must have washed around 2 years back or something. Infact i cancelled all my programmes. so that i have lost my shirt, my one day work and ofcource valuable appointment as well. See attached picture it will depict the seriousness of the issue.