[Resolved]  Twinkle Group — Are the TWINKLE GROUP OF COMPANIES good for investment ?

I heard from some of the agents about this company and their investment plans (may be their marketing policy). They say that, this company has bussiness in almost all fields like food,clothing,tourism,etc (except finance). They also say that the money invested by people in this company is NOT invested in any finance company or shares etc. so there is least chance of any risk. These agents have successfully managed to collect members from various places(even from rural places ) So any one knowing anything about this company or related to it, please guide me ...guys there are thousands of people who've invested their provident fund, retirement ,VRS money in this company...I would be really grateful to you if you could help me by any means...and definitely I'll alert those people if it's really a fraud one..
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Aug 14, 2020
Complaint marked as Resolved 


i a new join twinkle group so please give me some information send my email add. [protected]@gmail.com
मला कंपनी बद्दल काही माहिती हवी आहे.
१ जर कंपनी investment म्हणून पैसा घेते तर sebi चे rules का लागू होत नाही?
२ कंपनी कोणत्या rules ने tax बेनिफिट देते?
३ कंपनीच सरकार तर्फे odit झालं आहे का? त्याचा odit अहवाल आहे का?
४ सरकार तर्फे हा अहवाल पाहायला मिळेल का ?
Today my Maid Servant who lives in a Chawl in Dharavi told me about Twinkle star & asked if it is safe to invest her savings. I had never heard about this company so far. I researched about it on the net. My conclusion is that it is another Money Circulation Scheme waiting to go bust anytime. Why people fail to understand that there is no shortcut to getting rich. Shortcuts may look rosy & may give returns to the early birds who help in attracting others, but all others & many among the early birds who keep investing again and again loose out with all others.This is a PONZI scheme similar to what one SHERIGAR from BEST in Mumbai did some years back till Mumbai Police took action.

This is bhushan.We r living in panvel city. just before two years one of the agent of your firm has reached to my mummy and told her one saving plan, she took three policies on her, her husband & my name. It was[protected] when the policies were enrolled & the maturity is this year march end. We have the all entry card with us, but the agent has given only two certificates. Total amt on maturity is 40, 000/- per policy but the agent is offering us a lumpsum of 80, 000/- where the amt should be at least 1, 20, 000/-. The branch name is VASHI, Enrollment no:E2396841, certificate no:Eom[protected] this is one of the policy details plz do the needful.

Do you think there is a need of making complaint in consumer forum & police station?

cont no:[protected]
hello sir

can we change of agent in Royal Twinkle star club.

let me know
my email ID - [protected]@gmail.com
Hi to all...
Twinkle group is one of the trusted company i ever seen in this field. Billions of people have invested their money in this company over the years, because this is one of the well established company. People trust this company because of its management, interaction with clients, achievements. They provide wide range of services like hospitality, wind energy, computers, apparels, textiles, entertainment, construction, tours & travels and many more. Those who are doing work in this company they are really happy & enjoy their life. If you ask any of their employee they will tell you how they are satisfactory with this company & i also one of them. They never cheat with any of their client & till now they have given a maturity approximately 2000 crore & that is really amazing wow!!!. Have a good day.
me twinkle madhe AM chya post var aahe tari ek pls ek reqwest karte ki tumi online pement
chi soy karavi karan khup lok mala teech vichartta ki tmuchya kampni madhi onlin pement ka hot nahi?
maza 2 varshach mulga aahe mala wadala brach la yeta yet nahi. ghari coumputer aahe. zar online pement chi soy zali tar bar hoyli.
There is so many comments from many people for twinkle scheme
only satisfied and logical answer from Jiya Gala.
in short read only her comments She is absolutely right
Thanks Jiya.

Thanks & regards
Satish Khandagale
I m thinking of joiing this group but have fear as i had been faced to fraud companies earlier. Please advise if this company is genuine and good to join. Pls mail me at [protected]@yahoo.com
can i get the companies balance sheet and the income-tax return data so as to ensure the safety of my investments
can i get information where i can veiw the companie's annual report
Why mahadev mhaskar has not answered this?please answer...

Hi all, (who is leagal owner of the company)
please give the correct answer of following questions.
1.If the company have good business turnover and financial position then why this company still not authorised, registration or have licence from rbi?
2.I want know that if the company will have financial problem and get lot of loss, then what is guarantee (like the other financial company have with rbi) for refund the amount (with interest ) which invested?
3.Why this company started to business of collect the money from people even they have good business turnover and financial position? ------salman
M also agree with salman question, yes if you are say company have very good business and turnover so y they don't show balance sheet & profit and loss account on the web site. Why they don't publish the rbi liance? before 2 day one of the twinkle agent meet me and say twinkle is now citrus, I said y like this. He is like twinkle paid lot of tax and that is wastage so due to the reason twinkle is now cirtus . I realy shock!!even I demanding to him u have any registered certificate or any letter which is mention change of comany name, he say noooo. I clearly say boss business is going on certified letter which is authorized by goverment not boli bacchan or trust.. so pls guys i[censored] entered any business go deeply in to the busiess. Otherwise say thank you sir for give me a knowledge. Regards, malhar.

Recently an executive had a word with me and I visited this website. Can you please clear this doubt as ?s are in my minds as well. Reply over here only so that every one can able to get this
if this twinkle group is said to have an captial worth 8000 cr why they have an tie up with bajaj and ifco tokyo for insurance ...why can not they have their own insurance company...they say they have purchased 2 banks...which are they...

yes this company is excellent for investment projects and company gives guarantee of investments .

i heard this but not belived in it at all, after 3 long years have ssen so many people gets returned investments and benefits too.. i am happy wid this..

for further details
please contact on [protected] .
Accounts manager of event management
hi this is leha baswanth i invested money in 2007 and i lost my papers and gr number this is my number please call me or reply
I invested in royal twinkle star club 500 ruppies per month from 30 May 2009 but after 3 years means 2011 marketing exclusive not came till today.his name is kisan b. phadtare & I don't know we're are he living.can one help me what I do?
What is security of money if I invest in Twinkle Group (Royal Twinkle Star Club Ltd)
प्रिय मित्रांनो,
सुवर्ण संधी आपल्यासाठीच.
ज्या बंधू-भगिनींनी आतापर्यंत नोकरी, धंदा, अफाट मेहनत घेऊनही काही आर्थिक प्रगती होऊ शकली नाही, आणि यापूढेही होईल की नाही अस दिसत नाही.परंतू मित्रांनो, एक पर्याय आहे, तुमच्याकडे जिद्द, चिकाटी, असेल, यापूढे तुमच भवितव्य तुम्हाला उज्वल घडवायच असेल तर सिट्रस(टि्वंकल ग्रुप) कंपनीमधे(पार्ट टाईम)काम करा. नक्कीच आपल जीवन सुखी, सम्रृध्दी बनऊ शकता.जिवनातील गरजा पुर्ण करू शकता. जिवनात बदल घडऊ शकता.
माहीतीसाठी संपर्क करा.
संतोष सुर्वे.
विश्वास आपका परिश्रम हमारा
I was joined this company 8 year ago for just 1 month. My joining decision to this company simply because of some brainwashing done from seniors agents and may be lack of maturity in early age of collage life.

I had attended few meeting and do some research their after stop working for this company. Only my own investment and 5000 investment of relative was remain this company.

Fortunately, I had closed my investment sometime later and got the amount after deducting agent commission. Nominee of my relative also got return the investment amount after maturity & insurance amount from New India assurance co.

I left this company because i don't want to take any risk of money which I may be invested hard earn money of relatives, friend and well wishers.

I still thinking that this company is money circulation scheme waiting to go bust anytime. And I am glad to move out of this chain. Now I am working in reputed finance institute as Manager.

I am writing this review because yesterday one agent met me for joining their team and investment of 50K for achieving promotion target. I have asked few questing on financial plan, earning of company, regulators, Rating and listing of any of group company on stock exchange. But they don't have any information

Be careful and do the research before making any investment of hard earn money. There is no shortcut to became rich in short span of time. This kind of scheme do well till the time inflow is on. Once inflow dry & pressure of refund of maturity builds surely it will take no time to collapse. There are many option available for investments like Mutual Fund, Insurance, IPO, Equity (for long term only), Corporate FD (top rated by rating agencies like CRISIL, CARE)

Hello sir., madam.
I Rupali s Velaskar.i was open an account in u r group.(last 3 yrs ago.) But after my marriage m not able to access my account.so i decided i closed my this account.n i want my money back.sorry to inform u that.during my marraige tym i lost my all twinkal account data.so i request you to please closed my account and give me money back as early as possible.i deposited money to mrs.Taksale.(dombivli -east.)..
My contact no.is [protected]
I hope u sloved this query as early as possible.
Waiting for u r possitive reply.
Thanking you.

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    Twinkle Group Phone
    +91 25 1645 2107 [Kalyan]
    +91 25 2525 6251 [Palghar]
    +91 21 6622 4936 [Phaltan]
    Twinkle Group Address
    214-215, Block E, Lalitha Towers, Jetalpur Road, Vadodara, Gujarat, India - 390007
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