from Bidyadhar Nayak <[protected]
to [protected],
date Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 8:03 AM
Honorable Minister
Paying you highest regards putting my Grievance below for your kind consideration.
I and my son Sarthak Nayak are under deep depression not being considered for an educational loan in favour of my son who has been qualified in CET conducted by Indian Maritime University, Chennai and also has been allotted institution for his admission into IMU Mumbai(TS Chanakya).
My Identification:- I am Bidyadhar Nayak S/O Bholanath Nayak age 42 years an ex-serviceman of Indian navy residing at House No-5037, Ex-Servicemen Colony, Dumuduma, Bhubaneswar since 2004. I have not any other source of income except the only pension drawing from UCO Bank Main Branch, Bhubaneswar.
CET Details:-The Common Entrance Test conducted by IMU on 19 Jun 2010 and my son appeared the same at Visakhapatnam Centre. He appeared the Counseling at IMU Chennai on 19 July 2010. IMU Chennai allotted seat for admission into IMU Mumbai and directed to report on 04 Aug 2010.
Accordingly we arranged reservation to start on 02 Aug by Konark Exp from Bhubaneswar.
Being I am poor in economy, approached UCO Bank Main Branch, Bapuji Nagar, Bhubaneswar for an educational loan of Rs 200000.00. My application processed by the Branch and forwarded to Zonal Office Bhubaneswar in time. Zonal office Bhubaneswar further called over phone and demanded the affidavit from Notary and the same submitted by me. I explained there my requirement and date of admission and movement details and requested Chief Officer to consider my case for availing the loan in time to face the requirement.
On 02 Aug I approached the Zonal Office (Chief Officer Mr Kedarnath Mohanty, Loan officer Mr Pradhan). Mr Pradhan said your loan not granted by Zonal Manager Mr N. Shivasambu Rao.
To know the reason I wanted to meet him and placed a visiting card through proper channel . I was called inside by his staff. While entering Mr N.Shivashambu Rao insulted me without listening my grievance.
My train left for Mumbai and I could not get the loan.
Now we father and son in a bad situation and under great shock.
In the entire process of documentation for the above loan I personally realized that though it is named Educational Loan, in fact the reality is something else.
Your highness, today it is my problem. Like me thousands must be suffering due to such defunct system and carelessness by Senior officials of the Bank.
Request with folded hands consider my case and render me the justice.
Thanking You.
Best Regards.
Bidyadhar Nayak
to [protected],
date Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 8:03 AM
Honorable Minister
Paying you highest regards putting my Grievance below for your kind consideration.
I and my son Sarthak Nayak are under deep depression not being considered for an educational loan in favour of my son who has been qualified in CET conducted by Indian Maritime University, Chennai and also has been allotted institution for his admission into IMU Mumbai(TS Chanakya).
My Identification:- I am Bidyadhar Nayak S/O Bholanath Nayak age 42 years an ex-serviceman of Indian navy residing at House No-5037, Ex-Servicemen Colony, Dumuduma, Bhubaneswar since 2004. I have not any other source of income except the only pension drawing from UCO Bank Main Branch, Bhubaneswar.
CET Details:-The Common Entrance Test conducted by IMU on 19 Jun 2010 and my son appeared the same at Visakhapatnam Centre. He appeared the Counseling at IMU Chennai on 19 July 2010. IMU Chennai allotted seat for admission into IMU Mumbai and directed to report on 04 Aug 2010.
Accordingly we arranged reservation to start on 02 Aug by Konark Exp from Bhubaneswar.
Being I am poor in economy, approached UCO Bank Main Branch, Bapuji Nagar, Bhubaneswar for an educational loan of Rs 200000.00. My application processed by the Branch and forwarded to Zonal Office Bhubaneswar in time. Zonal office Bhubaneswar further called over phone and demanded the affidavit from Notary and the same submitted by me. I explained there my requirement and date of admission and movement details and requested Chief Officer to consider my case for availing the loan in time to face the requirement.
On 02 Aug I approached the Zonal Office (Chief Officer Mr Kedarnath Mohanty, Loan officer Mr Pradhan). Mr Pradhan said your loan not granted by Zonal Manager Mr N. Shivasambu Rao.
To know the reason I wanted to meet him and placed a visiting card through proper channel . I was called inside by his staff. While entering Mr N.Shivashambu Rao insulted me without listening my grievance.
My train left for Mumbai and I could not get the loan.
Now we father and son in a bad situation and under great shock.
In the entire process of documentation for the above loan I personally realized that though it is named Educational Loan, in fact the reality is something else.
Your highness, today it is my problem. Like me thousands must be suffering due to such defunct system and carelessness by Senior officials of the Bank.
Request with folded hands consider my case and render me the justice.
Thanking You.
Best Regards.
Bidyadhar Nayak
yesi also facing same problem
ucobank — education loan
sir I have applied for education loan Rs 150000/- student & his father agree to sign as borrower & coborrower but branch insist for signature his mother as guranteer and they also required on blank cheque book I think as per govt guidelines guranter is not required kindly adviceUCO Bank — ACCOUNT SE PAISE KAT LIYE GAYE
ek week pahle maine state bank atm se 200rs nikale pr paise nikale nahi aur account se rupaye kat liye gaye I paid one lac interest for my education loan but cannot get interest certificate for it because the A/C is closed.
How can i show this for IT Return fillling.
Earlier i used to take interest certificate using UCO bank online portal but since my account is closed i cannot take the report and the same is not possible to take from the branch.
Any suggestion or help will save my 30000 tax for income tax return.
How can i show this for IT Return fillling.
Earlier i used to take interest certificate using UCO bank online portal but since my account is closed i cannot take the report and the same is not possible to take from the branch.
Any suggestion or help will save my 30000 tax for income tax return.
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+91 79 2657 7660
+91 79 2657 6954
UCO Bank Head Office, 10, B T M Sarani, Kolkata, West Bengal, India - 700001
ucobank — educational loan
i am a student of electronics and communication wants immediate disposal of my education loan pending before uco bank online registration no.UCOEDU0901881 and my younger brother educational loan for medical education pending before uco bank online registration no.UCOEDU01878.REPLY BY M-[protected] TO CHINTAN JOSHI email: [protected]
M-[protected] TO MANAN JOSHI email: [protected]