Unit Trust of India Children growth Fund — TO CHANGE YOUR ADDRESS
WE HAVE TO CHANGE OUR ADDRESS FROM OLD TO NEW Please do some thing to get me my money, this mail has already been sent to Delhi Zonal offices but neither satisfactory response received nor any concreate action has been taken to get me my money despite my repeated reminders.
Please do some thing so that I should not have to go ahead for the same.
Thanking you.
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Sps Sawhney <[protected]>
To: isw.[protected]; isw.[protected]; pradeep.[protected]
Sent: Thursday, 1 January, 2009 7:25:06 AM
Subject: Fw: Redemption amount of -UTI -CHILDREN CAREER PLAN
Mr.Pradeep Shenoy
Please take necessary action, since no respose received from Karvy.
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Sps Sawhney <[protected]>
To: Pradeep Shenoy <pradeep.[protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, 24 December, 2008 10:10:48 PM
Subject: Re: Redemption amount of -UTI -CHILDREN CAREER PLAN
No response got from Karvy yet, Please take necessary required action pl.
sps sawhney
From: Pradeep Shenoy <pradeep.[protected]>
To: [protected]
Cc: [protected]
Sent: Wednesday, 17 December, 2008 7:49:10 PM
Subject: Fw: Redemption amount of -UTI -CHILDREN CAREER PLAN
scheme is being dealt by M/S karvy, forwarded for further action
----- Original Message -----
From: Sps Sawhney
To: isw.[protected] ; isw.[protected] ; pradeep.[protected]
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2008 9:11 PM
Subject: Redemption amount of -UTI -CHILDREN CAREER PLAN
My Daughter Manpreet Kaur has completed 18 years of age but we did not receive the redemption /maturity value oif the above plan. The details of same is given below.
Name o[censored]nit Holder - Manpreet Kaur
Date of Birth - 09.11.1990
Rep By - Swaran Pal Singh
Address - H.. No. 177, Bhola Nath Nagar Idgah Road, Shahdara Delhi-110032
Folio No.[protected]
email address - [protected]
Kindly arrange to make the payment of maturity amount at the earliest as it has been already delayed.
Thanking You,
Swaran Pal Singh
Please do some thing so that I should not have to go ahead for the same.
Thanking you.
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Sps Sawhney <[protected]>
To: isw.[protected]; isw.[protected]; pradeep.[protected]
Sent: Thursday, 1 January, 2009 7:25:06 AM
Subject: Fw: Redemption amount of -UTI -CHILDREN CAREER PLAN
Mr.Pradeep Shenoy
Please take necessary action, since no respose received from Karvy.
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Sps Sawhney <[protected]>
To: Pradeep Shenoy <pradeep.[protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, 24 December, 2008 10:10:48 PM
Subject: Re: Redemption amount of -UTI -CHILDREN CAREER PLAN
No response got from Karvy yet, Please take necessary required action pl.
sps sawhney
From: Pradeep Shenoy <pradeep.[protected]>
To: [protected]
Cc: [protected]
Sent: Wednesday, 17 December, 2008 7:49:10 PM
Subject: Fw: Redemption amount of -UTI -CHILDREN CAREER PLAN
scheme is being dealt by M/S karvy, forwarded for further action
----- Original Message -----
From: Sps Sawhney
To: isw.[protected] ; isw.[protected] ; pradeep.[protected]
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2008 9:11 PM
Subject: Redemption amount of -UTI -CHILDREN CAREER PLAN
My Daughter Manpreet Kaur has completed 18 years of age but we did not receive the redemption /maturity value oif the above plan. The details of same is given below.
Name o[censored]nit Holder - Manpreet Kaur
Date of Birth - 09.11.1990
Rep By - Swaran Pal Singh
Address - H.. No. 177, Bhola Nath Nagar Idgah Road, Shahdara Delhi-110032
Folio No.[protected]
email address - [protected]
Kindly arrange to make the payment of maturity amount at the earliest as it has been already delayed.
Thanking You,
Swaran Pal Singh
I had purchased on 24.05.1999 certificate no. [protected] under Children's Gift Growth Fund-1986 in the name of my daughter Ms R Gayathri but so far I have not received an communication from your Unit Trust of India.
My address has been changed to R Ramasubramanian, 50 / 1 C/3 Durai Raj Street, Near Annai Velakani School, Palavanthangal, Chennai 600 114.
Kindly let me know how much my fund value as on 31.03.20096 ? Till today I have not received any intimation from your side .
Please do some thing to get correspondent above address also communicate time to time intimation and please change my address as per your record.
Please do some thing so that I should not have to go ahead for the same.
Thanking you.
R Ramasubramanian
My address has been changed to R Ramasubramanian, 50 / 1 C/3 Durai Raj Street, Near Annai Velakani School, Palavanthangal, Chennai 600 114.
Kindly let me know how much my fund value as on 31.03.20096 ? Till today I have not received any intimation from your side .
Please do some thing to get correspondent above address also communicate time to time intimation and please change my address as per your record.
Please do some thing so that I should not have to go ahead for the same.
Thanking you.
R Ramasubramanian
I had purchased 500 Units under the Unit Trust of India - Children's Gift Growth Fund Unit Scheme 1986 (Clause 8) . Certificate Reference number[protected] for my son's education. The units were purchased in the name of Kumar Sahil Shree Karmarkar (date of birth - 22 Oct 1988)
I would like to bring to your notice
1) My son has completed 20 years on 22 Oct 2008 and is now eligible to getting the sum assured
2) My address has changed to
99, Brahminwadi,
KAS Road
Matunga (East)
Mumbai - 400 019
Request you to kindly assist me in knowing the status of the maturity and when can I expect the cheque from yourself
Thanks and regards
Shibani Shree Karmarkar
I had purchased 500 Units under the Unit Trust of India - Children's Gift Growth Fund Unit Scheme 1986 (Clause 8) . Certificate Reference number[protected] for my son's education. The units were purchased in the name of Kumar Sahil Shree Karmarkar (date of birth - 22 Oct 1988)
I would like to bring to your notice
1) My son has completed 20 years on 22 Oct 2008 and is now eligible to getting the sum assured
2) My address has changed to
99, Brahminwadi,
KAS Road
Matunga (East)
Mumbai - 400 019
Request you to kindly assist me in knowing the status of the maturity and when can I expect the cheque from yourself
Thanks and regards
Shibani Shree Karmarkar
i had complained about our amount kept with childrens plan before one week. my daughter's name is BOLE ROHITA SAI SATYASRI. till now i didn't received any reply from you.
can i know the position.
i had complained about our amount kept with childrens plan before one week. my daughter's name is BOLE ROHITA SAI SATYASRI. till now i didn't received any reply from you.
can i know the position.
Certificate No.[protected] dt.03.09.1991 (in the name of Mugdha Shripad Kulkarni)
I have purchased the above mentioned certificate which is likely to be matured on 02.01.2012. At the time of purchase, I was residing on the above address. Now I have shifted my family at Pune on the address given below :
C/o Shri.S.N.Diwakar
Shripad-A, Appartment,
Plot No.59, Tulshibaugwale colony,
Lane No.3, Sahakarnagar No.2,
Pune : 411 009. (Mobile No.[protected])
It is therefore requested to please make further correspondence on my new address.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
( Shripad R. Kulkarni )
The above correspondence has been made three months back, but still it seems no action has been taken.
I have purchased the above mentioned certificate which is likely to be matured on 02.01.2012. At the time of purchase, I was residing on the above address. Now I have shifted my family at Pune on the address given below :
C/o Shri.S.N.Diwakar
Shripad-A, Appartment,
Plot No.59, Tulshibaugwale colony,
Lane No.3, Sahakarnagar No.2,
Pune : 411 009. (Mobile No.[protected])
It is therefore requested to please make further correspondence on my new address.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
( Shripad R. Kulkarni )
The above correspondence has been made three months back, but still it seems no action has been taken.
dear, sir I had purchased Children's Gift Growth Fund Unit Scheme 1986 for my sister brinda panchal, the details are as follows:
certi no:[protected]
date of purchase:18/01/1991
date of maturity:13/09/2008
name of applicant :priyank panchal
ahmedabad, gujarat
Please let me know the status of above and how should I get my money back if it has been discontued.
Yours faithfully,
priyank panchal
certi no:[protected]
date of purchase:18/01/1991
date of maturity:13/09/2008
name of applicant :priyank panchal
ahmedabad, gujarat
Please let me know the status of above and how should I get my money back if it has been discontued.
Yours faithfully,
priyank panchal
Dear, sir I had purchased Children's Gift Growth Fund Unit Scheme 1986 for my daughter Nithya, the details are as follows:
certi no:[protected]
date of purchase:28/07/90
date of maturity:15/07/09
name of applicant :K.V Bhavani
Kushalnagar Works, Kudige.
Please let me know the status of above and how should I get my money back.
Yours faithfully,
K.V Bhavani
certi no:[protected]
date of purchase:28/07/90
date of maturity:15/07/09
name of applicant :K.V Bhavani
Kushalnagar Works, Kudige.
Please let me know the status of above and how should I get my money back.
Yours faithfully,
K.V Bhavani
Dear sir,
I purchased two CGGF-1986 certificates for my son Nirvik Aanan Das as follows:
(1) Cert. No.:[protected]
Name of applicant : Dr. Anup Kr Das
Date of purchase : 03/01/92
(2) Cert. No.:[protected]
Name of applicant : Dr. Anup Kr Das
Date of purchase : 01/01/93
Date of Maturity : 12/10/2012
Please let me know how to get the money on completion of his 18 yeaars of age, i.e. 12/10/2009.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. A.K.Das
I purchased two CGGF-1986 certificates for my son Nirvik Aanan Das as follows:
(1) Cert. No.:[protected]
Name of applicant : Dr. Anup Kr Das
Date of purchase : 03/01/92
(2) Cert. No.:[protected]
Name of applicant : Dr. Anup Kr Das
Date of purchase : 01/01/93
Date of Maturity : 12/10/2012
Please let me know how to get the money on completion of his 18 yeaars of age, i.e. 12/10/2009.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. A.K.Das
I have to mention my Address change, I have all the information through post and have not received any information.
kindly guide for a proper route to get the necessary changes done.
kindly guide for a proper route to get the necessary changes done.
I have noted about the Address change through a letter to Unit Trust of India but so long I have not received any sought of communication from UTI.
My Old Address is : 'Jeet' Nishdha Society, Market Yard Pune 411037.
New Address: Wonder City, 'G' buliding, flat no 104, Katraj. Pune 411046.
kindly let me know when we get the required and necessary doc. and how long will take to make the meagre changes in the address, it may so happen till the addaress gets changed the maturity date will show up.
Thank You
Sujeet Ozarkar
My Old Address is : 'Jeet' Nishdha Society, Market Yard Pune 411037.
New Address: Wonder City, 'G' buliding, flat no 104, Katraj. Pune 411046.
kindly let me know when we get the required and necessary doc. and how long will take to make the meagre changes in the address, it may so happen till the addaress gets changed the maturity date will show up.
Thank You
Sujeet Ozarkar
Sub: Maturity Payment of 390 Unit of Children Gift Growth Fund
Ref: Scheme name CGGF86
Certificate No.:[protected]
The subject unit has been matured on 13th Nov. 09. You are requested to please send the maturity payment thru payee a/c cheque in the name of my daughter Ms Bhawana Bajaj at below note address.
Ms Bhawana Bajaj
C/o Sh. R.K. Bajaj
402, Guru Ram Dass Nagar,
Laxmi Nagar,
DELHI – 110 092
I also furnish particular of bank account of Ms Bhawana Bajaj.
Name: Bhawana Bajaj
S/A No.:[protected]
Punjab National Bank,
Laxmi Nagar,
DELHI – 110 092
Your immediate action in this regard is highly appreciated.
Ref: Scheme name CGGF86
Certificate No.:[protected]
The subject unit has been matured on 13th Nov. 09. You are requested to please send the maturity payment thru payee a/c cheque in the name of my daughter Ms Bhawana Bajaj at below note address.
Ms Bhawana Bajaj
C/o Sh. R.K. Bajaj
402, Guru Ram Dass Nagar,
Laxmi Nagar,
DELHI – 110 092
I also furnish particular of bank account of Ms Bhawana Bajaj.
Name: Bhawana Bajaj
S/A No.:[protected]
Punjab National Bank,
Laxmi Nagar,
DELHI – 110 092
Your immediate action in this regard is highly appreciated.
I would like to bring to your notice
1) My date of maturity is 13/08/2010
2) My address has changed to
4A Huzuri Mall Lane,
Kolkata- 700014
Request you to kindly assist me in knowing the status of the maturity and when can I expect the cheque from yourself
Thanks and regards
Ravi Jaiswal
1) My date of maturity is 13/08/2010
2) My address has changed to
4A Huzuri Mall Lane,
Kolkata- 700014
Request you to kindly assist me in knowing the status of the maturity and when can I expect the cheque from yourself
Thanks and regards
Ravi Jaiswal
Hi, I want to know about the Children's Gift Growth Policy Fund-1986. The date of maturity is 10/12/2009 and my agent told me that I'll be getting rs.27k instead of rs.75k. Kindly reflect on the issue that how much has to be invested to receive the amount of rs.27k from 10/02/1997 to 10/12/2009.
I bought 100 units in 19.04.93 vide certificate no.[protected] but we don't received any receipt and annual growth chart because my adress is changed our new adress is 11/32 c-8 sitanagar rambagh agra-6
Please clearify me what is the current amount of our investment and what I have to do for the redemption of it.
Please clearify me what is the current amount of our investment and what I have to do for the redemption of it.
My self Ku. Sneha Arun Yadgire, my father purchases uti children gift growth fund on date 02/07/94 and it is mature on date 23/05/2010.Certificate no. is[protected].
& our address is also changed . Changed address is given below:-
Ku.Sneha Arunrao Yadgire
Pratap chouk,
Old city,
At post Telhara,
Tq- Telhara, Dist-Akola.
Pin-444 108.
Email Id:-
Plz, kindly tell me what i will do for money?
My self Ku. Sneha Arun Yadgire, my father purchases uti children gift growth fund on date 02/07/94 and it is mature on date 23/05/2010.Certificate no. is[protected].
& our address is also changed . Changed address is given below:-
Ku.Sneha Arunrao Yadgire
Pratap chouk,
Old city,
At post Telhara,
Tq- Telhara, Dist-Akola.
Pin-444 108.
Email Id:-
Plz, kindly tell me what i will do for money?
I have purchased 700 units o[censored]TI CGGF in 1995 in the name of my daughter. Please let me know the status of my unit. Unit certificate numbers is [protected].
Respected sir/ Madam
I have applied for childrens gift growth fund unit scheme . how much money can be expected from the bank . we are planning to cancel the fund so please tell us the amount that can be received from the bank .
our certificate No[protected]
No o[censored]nits- 500
name of the unit holder - R Vijaya lakshmi
Date of birth- 17/03/1992 Date of maturity- 17/03/2013
Name of applicant R Sunitha
Address - R Sunitha
house No 15/587
Water works road
Ananthapur (Dt)
I have applied for childrens gift growth fund unit scheme . how much money can be expected from the bank . we are planning to cancel the fund so please tell us the amount that can be received from the bank .
our certificate No[protected]
No o[censored]nits- 500
name of the unit holder - R Vijaya lakshmi
Date of birth- 17/03/1992 Date of maturity- 17/03/2013
Name of applicant R Sunitha
Address - R Sunitha
house No 15/587
Water works road
Ananthapur (Dt)
My daughter has completed 20 years as on 20.7.2010. I have not received any communication about CCP Folio no.[protected]old folio no.[protected] Kum Archana N Rao, rep. by M.S. Nagaraja. In this regard I had written several letters to UTI Chennai. I had not received any response from the UTI. Kindly look in to the matter and do the needful please. my email address : [protected]
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+91 22 2654 6200
'GN' Block, Bandra Kurla Complex Bandra (E), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India - 400051
My address has been changed to Sushil Kumar Gumber, H.No.329, New Kundan Puri, Civil Lines, Ludhiana - Punjab 141 001.
Kindly let me know how I can receive my money? Till today I have not received any confirmation from you.