Today i have gone for openning an account with Vijaya Bank. I thought it would be simple and does not take more than an hour of time.
But the staff at Vijaya Bank, Mothinagar, Hyderabad baranch were not at all cooperative and i was not treated fairly(as mentioned in their site).
I have gone to the bank at 10 AM to open an savings acount. First i was told there were no forms available for account openning, later after several trials and discussions with the staff at last i managed to get a Account openning form at 12:30.
Then i have filled up the form and gone to submit it with the required documentation, they told "it lunch time, come after lunch hours".
After lunch hours when i have gone to submit filled up application form the staff were saying "why you have came to submit the form in the afternoon?".
Now i want to ask Vijaya bank management one question, when you are not even providing a better service to the people who are starting a relationship or business with you then what you will do with the people who are already holding relations or accounts with you?
Try to provide better service to people if you expect business from people. If the same thing will continue then soon the time will come when you have to come out of your bank in search of business and do marketing, requesting people to open accounts in your bank.
Vikram Was this information helpful? |
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