they have asked to fill in the quessionaire and give details for the job offer.plz let me know whether these people are genuine or fake.
i have attached the mail sent by them.
JOB REF: 008/013L/UKVA/T4-VA
1: Business Development Executives
2: Cargo jobs
3: Ticketing & Reservations Officers
4: Aircraft Maintenance Jobs
5: Sales Executives /Purchase Executives
6: Account Officers/ Finance Officers
7: Cabin Crew Jobs (Heathrow and Glasgow)
8: Ground Staff
9: Marketing Executive
10: Customer Service Executives
11: Project Manager/ Asst.
12: Director of Sales & Marketing
13: Operations Manager/Asst.
14: Staff Nurse
15: Database Administration Executives
16: Warehouse/ Store Manager
This is to inform all Interested Expatriates that VIRGIN ATLANTIC AIRWAYS,UK is in need of expatriates that
can work in various field, and we've gone through your CV/Resume together with your qualification through our Job Provider, so all interested candidate should answer the ONLINE INTERVIEW below and send it with an application / Cover letter together with him/her CV/Resume and send it to through email Attachment: Email: ( jimmyrobert.[protected]@ gmail. com ) ( OUR LABOUR RECRUITMENT CONSULTANT).
1. Briefly describe your ideal job?
2. Why did you choose this career?
3. What goals do you have in your career?
4 How do you plan to achieve these goals?
5. Can you work well under deadlines or pressure?
6. Tell us about a time when you failed to meet a deadline. What were the Repercussions?
7. Do you have reference list?
8. Why do you want to work here?
9. Have been recruited online before?If yes,state the name of the company.
10. Why should we hire you over the others waiting to be interviewed?
11. What is your Current Monthly Salary Package (convert to US$) ?
12. How soon can you travel down to start your new Job?
13. What three Specific Job Positions do you target from VIRGIN ATLANTIC AIRWAYS (UK)?
14. Give us full details on the Following;
(A.) Full Name
(B.) Permanent Mailing address
(C.) Current Mailing Address
(D.) Tel/Mobile Number(s)
15. What is your Country of Nationality? Is it different from your Present Location? If yes please state your Current resident Country.
16. What are your Future Plans for VIRGIN ATLANTIC AIRWAYS (UK), if Permanently Employed?
REQUIREMENTS: All applicants are to possess all of the following:
(1) Should possess at least a diploma in any of the stated fields or Must have obtained tutorials on
the above said in any institution or center of training.
(2)Must be computer literate
(3)Must have at least six (6) months experience in the above said profession or that which is related to the profession.
(4) Must have a valid international passport and ready to travel within 1 month of receiving contract documents.
BENEFITS/PERKS: All applicants that have qualified or viewed successful to take up the job based on
the scrutiny of their Curriculum Vitae would enjoy and share in the following benefits:
(1)He /she would be paid an attractive salary ranging from GBP 3,500 - 15,000 per month after tax
deductions depending on his/her qualifications
(2)The job offered would be a family status one and as such would be entitled and privileged to come
with his family.
(3)Free medical care and free family accommodation fully furnished.
4) Educational assistance based on family status employment
Contract Period/duration: This is a 4 years contract but subject to renewal
based on the services of the employee
Location: London (UK) .
Accommodation: Virgin Atlantic Housing Estate
Please Note Behind: Entry of application close as soon as possible since the date of job commencement for successful candidates will start soon.
Due to this impending urgency, no interview shall be conducted and we regret that only candidates who are
short-listed will be contacted.
Contact: Mr Jimmy Roberts
Email: jimmyrobert.[protected]@gmail. com
Phone: 44 [protected]
Virgin Atlantic Airways . Registered Office: 120 campden Hill Road,
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Job Offer — As a store manager job in virgin atlantic air ways in heathrow airport uk
Dear sir, I received a job offer as a store manager in virgin atlantic airways heathrow airport in London which is job ref. no.*YOUR JOB OFFER SUMMARY BELOW...
> *
> *
> JOB REF: 008/013L/UKVA/T4-VA*
> *JOB CODE: 008/013L/UKVA/242*