Hi all,
I was working in YKROK. That's true its the worst daycare center anyone has ever seen. Nothing is on time. No salary.No ethics. We all use to work here like an but no recognition. These people give waste food to kids, who so ever come late(kids who come from school in afternoon). They trust only those who are cheaters and know how to manipulate things.
Please dont put ur kid in YKROK. Its a request from me to all parents
I was working in YKROK. That's true its the worst daycare center anyone has ever seen. Nothing is on time. No salary.No ethics. We all use to work here like an but no recognition. These people give waste food to kids, who so ever come late(kids who come from school in afternoon). They trust only those who are cheaters and know how to manipulate things.
Please dont put ur kid in YKROK. Its a request from me to all parents
Hi People, i have not get a chance to read everything. But just wanted to share our experience about YKROK, MARTIN THANGAMANI, SUMAN KAPOOR.
Please dont work for them as a vendor, they will not give your money till infinity.
All they will do it fool around you for every next day, next month, they have not released the salaries, not the person is admitted in hospital, Suman kapoor is on leaves and what not.
If this comment cant make you stop working for them, then nobody can.
If you still wish to know more and would want me to share the mails. you can reach us @ [protected]
Please dont work for them as a vendor, they will not give your money till infinity.
All they will do it fool around you for every next day, next month, they have not released the salaries, not the person is admitted in hospital, Suman kapoor is on leaves and what not.
If this comment cant make you stop working for them, then nobody can.
If you still wish to know more and would want me to share the mails. you can reach us @ [protected]
Hey guys, am not sure what grudges are you people trying to come out with to settle scores and tarnish the image of YKRK and the gentleman Mr. Bharat Kapoor? Like me there are many people would rubbish your all claims. I personally know Bharat and i have understood him to be as a gem of a person, soft in his voice and by heart too. I request all of you not to indulge in such defamatory talks and adverse publicity as this won't be going to long. Truth requires no evidences and false allegations could not stand up long.
Vinay Chaturvedi
Vinay Chaturvedi
I joined in YKROK as a Center Head, Pune. This people made me leave my job within 8 days by introducing additional rules after joining.
First of all, they called us from Pune to Bangalore for so called Training. And asked us to arrange everything like Transport, Accommodation from our Pockets. We thought, this is genuine company, so we did. (The amount was supposed to be reimburse after 3 months of joining).
Training was for 2 days. When we went there, they kept us waiting till half day. In later second half we come to know the exact time .e. working hours 9-7:30 (which was told 9-6 at telephonic round) We had no choice as we've already invested in travelling and accommodation.
They asked us to sign one bond. (1 year bond about Resignation and all) We had no choice.
When I actually resume on duty, I come to know about new rule that Half of my salary for the First month which was around 10000/- will not be given, as they want to keep it as Security Deposit.
So this is my question ...You are so particular about your security, but what about the Employees ????????
Are you providing any security to them?
What if you continue introducing new rules every month for not giving our salaries.
None of your employee is satisfied ( atleast in Pune Center ).
When we asked about the Salaries, we have been told to get new enrollments as Company has fund problem. So this was the solution (new enrollments) given by your Regional Manager.
Do you have any idea how Employees are treating children when they are depressed for not getting salary on time?
Are they really following curriculum?
Are they really following food menu?
I request you to please look into this instead of increasing number of Centers.
And please train your people to give complete and true information henceforth.
First of all, they called us from Pune to Bangalore for so called Training. And asked us to arrange everything like Transport, Accommodation from our Pockets. We thought, this is genuine company, so we did. (The amount was supposed to be reimburse after 3 months of joining).
Training was for 2 days. When we went there, they kept us waiting till half day. In later second half we come to know the exact time .e. working hours 9-7:30 (which was told 9-6 at telephonic round) We had no choice as we've already invested in travelling and accommodation.
They asked us to sign one bond. (1 year bond about Resignation and all) We had no choice.
When I actually resume on duty, I come to know about new rule that Half of my salary for the First month which was around 10000/- will not be given, as they want to keep it as Security Deposit.
So this is my question ...You are so particular about your security, but what about the Employees ????????
Are you providing any security to them?
What if you continue introducing new rules every month for not giving our salaries.
None of your employee is satisfied ( atleast in Pune Center ).
When we asked about the Salaries, we have been told to get new enrollments as Company has fund problem. So this was the solution (new enrollments) given by your Regional Manager.
Do you have any idea how Employees are treating children when they are depressed for not getting salary on time?
Are they really following curriculum?
Are they really following food menu?
I request you to please look into this instead of increasing number of Centers.
And please train your people to give complete and true information henceforth.
children with no toilet facility in this particular YKROK center.
Commode seat broken, flush not working, water not draining. Toilet is
not working for more than a year.
Commode seat broken, flush not working, water not draining. Toilet is
not working for more than a year.
Subramanya Nagaraj...If bharat/Suman can't able to manage any thing and the top management is like nothing in the company than no one wants to stay in this company. YKROK's pune centers are also very poor in service. We found that they are serving 10 days old vegetables and breads to kids. They had a nurse in pune who is only 12th pass and she is giving medicines to kids. YKROK SUCKS!!!
All written about YKROK is true. I've admitted my infant in YKROK Eon, Pune centre with lot of hopes and false impression given by them. On a very third day I had to take my kid home as no staff was present. Two who are there are not taking care of infants. Don't know how they manage with 1:3 ratio.
For my 7 months infant kid, they tried to clean his potty making him stand. At this age he cant even sit without support. They tried feeding him very hot ragi and he screamed and started crying like anything. They will call you or a person accompanied with you when child cries and will not try to console child. They can not even meet basic hygiene requirement. Do not clean their hands before feeding, do not clean potty and face of children. Never washed toys and list is unending. Above all if you cancel admission, no refund but they will make sure you pay fees in advance for three months. No people sitting in B'lore picks up the phone. No one accountable for work going on in Pune centres.
For my 7 months infant kid, they tried to clean his potty making him stand. At this age he cant even sit without support. They tried feeding him very hot ragi and he screamed and started crying like anything. They will call you or a person accompanied with you when child cries and will not try to console child. They can not even meet basic hygiene requirement. Do not clean their hands before feeding, do not clean potty and face of children. Never washed toys and list is unending. Above all if you cancel admission, no refund but they will make sure you pay fees in advance for three months. No people sitting in B'lore picks up the phone. No one accountable for work going on in Pune centres.
One of the worst Child care in India. Even if your search on Google with 'your kids r our kids' you only find complaints on the first page, not even there website. This is hilarious. Suman Kapoor (biggest cheater of ykrok) and Bharat is just a so called MD, that he can't even have the rights to grant a leave to there employees.
In Pune center, they are providing fugue food and vegetables to children. Even expired milk is given to children.
In Pune center, they are providing fugue food and vegetables to children. Even expired milk is given to children.
They are not releasing the payments of the vendors. as a proof of sai traders, This invoice is 2 to 3 years old but yet the payment is not released. SHAME ON YKROK...
Observations :
We have observed that there are insect ridden and expired food items in the center. This is being fed to children upon explicit instruction of the center head. The items observed are listed below (see photos for evidence)
Insect infested Masoor Dal : Allegedly, The cook was asked by the center head to wash the dal to get rid of the insects and then use it for meal preparation for the children
Very old Poha with cobweb like formations within: There was a packet of Poha with cobweb like formations. This was used last week.
1 month old expired Bread packet ( this observation was done some days ago, but was not reported, because we thought it was probably there by mistake and was yet to be discarded).
Blatant disregard of YKROK nutritionist's menu : The food menu being followed at this center is very different than the one being recommended by the nutritionist. This was brought to the center head's notice. We recieved a response that since our child is at the cusp of moving into toddler section the menu is customised to suit his specific need. Especially since he is not yet trained to chew the food meant for toddlers. Although the justification seems valid. I believe the policy should be binary, either the child gets food for infants or food for toddlers. Furthermore, , if there is a special case where the menu has to be customised, any such changes should be explicitly approved by the nutritionist. The nutritionist in his/her capacity can always review all such requests together and if needed can recommend a common special menu/ guidelines for all such cases.
Intentionally lying to parents, in writing, about the food consumed by child : As highlighted in the call the entry in the Sameer's Communication Diary does not correctly reflect the food fed to the child. Sameer was fed poha, inspite of explicitly instructing not to feed him Poha due to allergy. The diary does not mention poha. We came to know only after Sameer had a reaction and vomitted the entire day's food, late night on Friday. The undigested poha was clearly visible in the vomit. This is the first instance when Sameer has vomitted after eating YKROK food since his enrollment in Nov 2012. This apparently has happened only after the change in local management.
Previously resolved issues opening up again : Multitude of minor issues, which were resolved earlier, like missing belongings on daily basis, lapses in maintenance of hygiene are re-occuring with alarming frequency. We had spent awfully long time resolving these issues. This is yet another indicator of mismanagement/callous attitude of the center manager.
Security concerns & Malpractices : We do visit the center once on a while to ensure that all is well. More than once we observed couple of people lounging around without apparent purpose (a young female and a man), presumably relatives/acquaintances of the staff. The said duo was observed ordering the center's staff to bring food and beverages for their consumption from the kitchen. We enquired at the building security (being handled by Magarpatta) and learned that the said people often come to the center and are in the center premises for hours together at a stretch. As per our understanding this violates atleast two of the prime rules/USP of YKROK viz
Security : If the said members are part of the staff of YKROK, we have never been introduced to them nor were we made aware of their presence. (In fact once the center management were so busy with these people that our visit went completely un-noticed).
If these visitor's are NOT
- Part of the staff or,
- Relatives of any of the wards or,
- Wards themselves or,
- Prospectives
they have no business being in the center for so long and so often.
This observation combined with another minor violation, that the kids sometimes venture right upto the security desk at the exit of the center, is a very big security concern for the safety of our children. To highlight the gravity of the situation I would just refer the management to the numerous child abuse cases we hear about these days in the news.
Malpractices :We do understand that center staff could sometimes have personal issues and could bring their kids, once in a while to the workplace, to manage such issues. This can be allowed once in a while for genuine cases. However one of the person's observed (the male person) is definitely an adult and does not require any such care.
Secondly these people should not be allowed to order the center staff for their petty needs. The center staff should cater solely and exclusively to the wards of the center.
6. Assignment of caretaker to every child as done in past is not followed any more : We had worked out a way of having one responsible person for every kid. This person would know all the details of the child and its activities during the day and would also be responsible for ensuring that all the belongings of the child are in place during check-out in the evening. This was observed to be very helpful in addressing the point #4 mentioned earlier, both for the parents as well as the center staff. This practice has been abruptly stopped without any notice.
7. Threats by the Center head to the Center staff : Many times in the recent past when we tried to communicate with center staff. Each and every member of the staff communicated with us with reservations about what is being comunicated, we later learned that the center staff always wanted to communicate with us openly, however the center head has been allegedly threatening them to not to do so. The staff has been allegedly threatened that if they do communicate the issues or practices of the center with YKRO higher management she would get them fired. Apparently the center head has been throwing around the name of Suman, and that she has been authorized to take any decision for the center including arbitrarily firing the staff.
This is believable to us because earlier the same staff had been communicating with us very openly.
We have observed that there are insect ridden and expired food items in the center. This is being fed to children upon explicit instruction of the center head. The items observed are listed below (see photos for evidence)
Insect infested Masoor Dal : Allegedly, The cook was asked by the center head to wash the dal to get rid of the insects and then use it for meal preparation for the children
Very old Poha with cobweb like formations within: There was a packet of Poha with cobweb like formations. This was used last week.
1 month old expired Bread packet ( this observation was done some days ago, but was not reported, because we thought it was probably there by mistake and was yet to be discarded).
Blatant disregard of YKROK nutritionist's menu : The food menu being followed at this center is very different than the one being recommended by the nutritionist. This was brought to the center head's notice. We recieved a response that since our child is at the cusp of moving into toddler section the menu is customised to suit his specific need. Especially since he is not yet trained to chew the food meant for toddlers. Although the justification seems valid. I believe the policy should be binary, either the child gets food for infants or food for toddlers. Furthermore, , if there is a special case where the menu has to be customised, any such changes should be explicitly approved by the nutritionist. The nutritionist in his/her capacity can always review all such requests together and if needed can recommend a common special menu/ guidelines for all such cases.
Intentionally lying to parents, in writing, about the food consumed by child : As highlighted in the call the entry in the Sameer's Communication Diary does not correctly reflect the food fed to the child. Sameer was fed poha, inspite of explicitly instructing not to feed him Poha due to allergy. The diary does not mention poha. We came to know only after Sameer had a reaction and vomitted the entire day's food, late night on Friday. The undigested poha was clearly visible in the vomit. This is the first instance when Sameer has vomitted after eating YKROK food since his enrollment in Nov 2012. This apparently has happened only after the change in local management.
Previously resolved issues opening up again : Multitude of minor issues, which were resolved earlier, like missing belongings on daily basis, lapses in maintenance of hygiene are re-occuring with alarming frequency. We had spent awfully long time resolving these issues. This is yet another indicator of mismanagement/callous attitude of the center manager.
Security concerns & Malpractices : We do visit the center once on a while to ensure that all is well. More than once we observed couple of people lounging around without apparent purpose (a young female and a man), presumably relatives/acquaintances of the staff. The said duo was observed ordering the center's staff to bring food and beverages for their consumption from the kitchen. We enquired at the building security (being handled by Magarpatta) and learned that the said people often come to the center and are in the center premises for hours together at a stretch. As per our understanding this violates atleast two of the prime rules/USP of YKROK viz
Security : If the said members are part of the staff of YKROK, we have never been introduced to them nor were we made aware of their presence. (In fact once the center management were so busy with these people that our visit went completely un-noticed).
If these visitor's are NOT
- Part of the staff or,
- Relatives of any of the wards or,
- Wards themselves or,
- Prospectives
they have no business being in the center for so long and so often.
This observation combined with another minor violation, that the kids sometimes venture right upto the security desk at the exit of the center, is a very big security concern for the safety of our children. To highlight the gravity of the situation I would just refer the management to the numerous child abuse cases we hear about these days in the news.
Malpractices :We do understand that center staff could sometimes have personal issues and could bring their kids, once in a while to the workplace, to manage such issues. This can be allowed once in a while for genuine cases. However one of the person's observed (the male person) is definitely an adult and does not require any such care.
Secondly these people should not be allowed to order the center staff for their petty needs. The center staff should cater solely and exclusively to the wards of the center.
6. Assignment of caretaker to every child as done in past is not followed any more : We had worked out a way of having one responsible person for every kid. This person would know all the details of the child and its activities during the day and would also be responsible for ensuring that all the belongings of the child are in place during check-out in the evening. This was observed to be very helpful in addressing the point #4 mentioned earlier, both for the parents as well as the center staff. This practice has been abruptly stopped without any notice.
7. Threats by the Center head to the Center staff : Many times in the recent past when we tried to communicate with center staff. Each and every member of the staff communicated with us with reservations about what is being comunicated, we later learned that the center staff always wanted to communicate with us openly, however the center head has been allegedly threatening them to not to do so. The staff has been allegedly threatened that if they do communicate the issues or practices of the center with YKRO higher management she would get them fired. Apparently the center head has been throwing around the name of Suman, and that she has been authorized to take any decision for the center including arbitrarily firing the staff.
This is believable to us because earlier the same staff had been communicating with us very openly.
A very poor school run by unprofessionals. This Bharat Kapoor is a cheat, please do not begin work before taking the advance.
Worst Daycare of all Time...
Hello bharat/suman,
Stop putting your invaluable comments over here. Its of no use my dear. How long you will comment ?? Behave like a human, you are running a CHILD CARE.. !! not a butchers shop. So behave in that manner, your reply for each comment looks like ur the employee of butcher shop.
Grow up man.. bharat ... money is not all in life, let others also live their life. Dont put hands on poor peoples lunch box.
Stop putting your invaluable comments over here. Its of no use my dear. How long you will comment ?? Behave like a human, you are running a CHILD CARE.. !! not a butchers shop. So behave in that manner, your reply for each comment looks like ur the employee of butcher shop.
Grow up man.. bharat ... money is not all in life, let others also live their life. Dont put hands on poor peoples lunch box.
LPG GAS LEAKING into the ykrok child care
. Teachers seriously dont know how to handle kids.nor understand kids psychology. they expect kids to behave like robots or dumb. Kid updates are very poor.multiple reminders required for 1 single thing..
. Teachers seriously dont know how to handle kids.nor understand kids psychology. they expect kids to behave like robots or dumb. Kid updates are very poor.multiple reminders required for 1 single thing..
Well, I'm here to review the YKROK management. However, by looking at the complains its quite clear they are cheaters. Mostly, complaints are from employees and vendors. Let me talk about the parent view.
If you just want to dump your kid to anyone, for the sake to go to work, think YKROK. However, if you love your kid a little and care about him then think twice to go to YKROK. I had extremely bad experience to YKROK. For them parents are money making machine, every quarter sign a cheque, and that's it. If you see any issue and talk to the staff there. Staff would tell you they are helpless, you need to reach to the management or Mr. Kapoor. Who is like a Big Boss, nobody see him, only listen over phone. And that guy would play around words, talk tons of rubbish about his profile and experience and eventually, no solution to your problem. If you still ok to compromise, then carry on. Otherwise, think wisely before joining or if you are already there, then ask yourself are you justifying to your kid?
If you just want to dump your kid to anyone, for the sake to go to work, think YKROK. However, if you love your kid a little and care about him then think twice to go to YKROK. I had extremely bad experience to YKROK. For them parents are money making machine, every quarter sign a cheque, and that's it. If you see any issue and talk to the staff there. Staff would tell you they are helpless, you need to reach to the management or Mr. Kapoor. Who is like a Big Boss, nobody see him, only listen over phone. And that guy would play around words, talk tons of rubbish about his profile and experience and eventually, no solution to your problem. If you still ok to compromise, then carry on. Otherwise, think wisely before joining or if you are already there, then ask yourself are you justifying to your kid?
Customer satisfaction rating Customer satisfaction rating is a complex algorithm that helps our users determine how good
a company is at responding and resolving complaints by granting from 1 to 5 stars for each
complaint and then ultimately combining them all for an overall score.
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44/1a Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore, Karnataka, India - 560029
So guys anyone joining for ops manager, center manager, center head id YKROK beware. don't spoil your future as you are wasting your time & do not get noticed at all.
Unkown ( I do not want to mention my name coz they might blacklist me )