CSD Canteen — Non receipt of any product

Address: Ambadi

Dear sirs,

I am an Air veteran having served in the Air Force for more than 18 years.

We have our Ex-servicemen card issued at Kannur which is about 40 kms from my home. Since there are thousands of card holders from with in 15/20 kms they have opened an extension counter with very limited items and managed by few Army staff and cash counters by 2 ladies staffs.

Due to Corona containment the area was blocked for 15 days and after lifting the restrictions the extension counter was kept closed for long days, the reasons are not known.

Now the canteen is opened since 27 to 30 (incl) 04 days and they started booking on telephone. Although they have 2 telephones one is kept in abeyance and only one made available for booking. We don't know per day how many bookings they entertain.

Below are the number of attempts I made through two telephones since 26 Aug 30, 2020.

On 26th - 27 + 13 attempts

On 27th - 63 +54 attempts

On 28th - 41 +19 attempts

On 29th - 6 +8 attempts (due to unwell)

On 30th - 18 +26 attempts

Presently they issue liquor to only 70 card holders per day. If suppose 2500 holders are available how many days they will take to supply only liquor. It shows their in efficiency in managing the system. They entertain only 2 persons inside when they finish they open the shutters and entertain next 2 persons. Such arrangements they made lots of time wastage and all eligible persons can't have their share. Either the present system should be changed or leadership or will have to make other arrangements to distribute the product to the eligible members with limited time taken and more appropriate way so that everyone can have their share without much hurdles and difficulties.

Since February 2020 I am not in receipt of any liquor although I had visited number of times. Even other products hardly they receive very little quantity and they distribute to on first come first serve basis. Few people get intimations through their near and dear. I am above 71 with permanent Cat C and had a fracture on my left leg on 19th May hence I can't visit regularly.

Once they get the product they should limit the quantity as per the total number of persons ( card holders) attending the canteen. This can be seen from their average total billing for the last few months.

Why the liquor quantity is not available should be found out. Suppose x, y, z are not arrived in first 2/3 weeks their quota should be available with the canteen.

I hope you will initiate remedial to improve the present delivery system and to make available of basic needs to all card holders of this area. At Kannur they have lots many items in their inventory and stock. Out of the inventory items even 10% is not being sent to extension counter. Due to long distance and containment in various places we can't travel to Kannur to fetch the items.

Thanking you in anticipation for your timely and corrective intervention to make delivery of basic needs to all card holders in this area.

Warm Regards,

Sashidharan M

Ex - Sgt

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