I wanted to work for online work from home recently. It was 800 forms for 8 days. Their condition was 90% accuracy for 720 forms and they would pay me 20000. If i failed the accuracy, then i have to pay them penalty of 3900. Now, when i check the qc report, most of the details were correct. They were finding faults in small errors such as '-', 'capital letters', 'spaces' etc. This company seems to be fraud as i have a feeling they were messing up with my work and they wanted me to pay for the penalty which is not true. The helpline is not supportive as they are one team and so is the legal department. I put in a lot of efforts ensuring no spelling mistakes. But they added to find more mistakes so that i would fail the qc. Please take necessary action.
They also gave me a signed agreement pdf file, acceptance letter and call verification audio. They were trying to prove that they were genuine. But somehow i find them as a fraud or tampering with the work that i did for 8 days. Was this information helpful? |
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