सब कुछ धोखाधड़ी है। जो data typing work उन्होंने आपको दिया है वह वास्तविकता में मौजूद नहीं है। वे विदेशी देशों के लोगों के व्यक्तिगत विवरण उनके बैंक खाते का विवरण हमें ऑनलाइन डेटा टाइपिंग नौकरी के रूप में देते हैं। और इस प्रकार के कार्य वास्तविक में मौजूद नहीं हैं। सरल और सामान्य ज्ञान यह है कि, अन्य देश अपने नागरिकों के व्यक्तिगत विवरण और उनके खाते का विवरण किसी अन्य देश के नागरिकों को ऑनलाइन डेटा entry form filling work को भरने के लिए क्यों देंगे? हमारा भारत देश कभी भी अपनी नागरीकोंकी व्यक्तीगत विवरणे किसी अन्य देश की लोगॊंको कभी नही देगा. क्यॊंकी ये मामला सभी देश के नागरीकोंकी security का सवाल हे. ये लोग जो आपको data entry का work provide कर रहॆं हॆ वो illegal हॆ. वे कभी reality मे exist नहीं करता. ये data entry वाले लोग सिर्फ पॆसोंके लिये फर्जी agreements ऒर फर्जी वकील के जरीये नोटिस भेजके लोगॊंको डराधमकाकर लोगॊंसे पॆंसे हडप रहें हॆ. लोग उनकी बातॊंपर सच मानकर उनको पॆसाभी दे रहॆं हें क्योंकी लोगॊंको ये Fraud के बारे में कम पता हॆं. ऒर वो fraud लोग आम लोगोंको इसतरहा blackmail करते हॆ जिससे आम लोगॊंको उनकी बातॆं सच लगे ऒर फिर लोग उनको डर के मारे पॆसा भरदेते हॆ. ये उनका कामधन्दा सब Fraud हे. कोई भी इसमे ना फसे ऒर उनको पॆसे ना भरे. अगर किसीने पॆसे भरदिये हों तोह सिधा police station मॆ जाकर इन fraud लोगोंके खिलाफ FIR दर्ज करवायें. पोलिस आपको पॆसे उनसे लॊटवायेगी ऒर उनको सजा दिलवायेगी. इनसब Data entry fraud का Mastermind एक ही हॆ वो हॆ नितेश विजयकुमार खवानी जो सुरत वापी ऒर अन्य जगह सें गुजरात से ये fraud धंदा अभी भी चलवारहा हॆ.
Don't be afraid and dont pay any money to such companies. They all are fraud and fake. The data typing Work which they giving to people are also totaly fake and fabricated. I got some information regarding this online form filling data typing jobs main culprit nitesh khawani that, already FIR had registered against this Nitesh khawani in Jalgaon Maharashtra by a lady student. And Jalgaon session court rejected nitesh khawani' bail application. This is the main evidence that he is genuinely doing a fraud in all over india and taking money from evry poor students by giving fake fabricating court notice, fake Advocate notice and threatening to file civil or criminal suit if we refused to pay money to that data typing companies. Jalgaon session court already proved that nitesh khawani has got catches in such criminal activities. I request you to take action against this person. He also harassed me for money and threatening me to finish me my carrier. I can proved that criminal action is taken against fraud nitesh khawani in Jalgaon Maharashtra also FIR has registered against him in Jalgaon cyber crime police station. Everybody search on ecourt website to get Jalgaon session court order which proves that nitesh khawani is really a fraud man and shows his active involvment in such crime and still he is doing same fraud present time also in a cool mind having intention to cheat, harass people to take money from them.
File Complaint against them on this link
I[censored] paid any amount to that fraud companies, contact jalgaon cyber crime police station and send them your writing complaint letter by post or by email regarding this data typing fraud with ur amount loss which u paid to that fraud data typing companies. Jalgaon cyber crime police are very clever, brilliant and helpful. they know about this type of data typing fraud. They will surely help u to get back your money from fraud data typing companies . Otherwise file complaint on this website
National cyber crime portal will surely take action on your complaint and will recovered your money.
Don't be afraid and dont pay any money to such companies. They all are fraud and fake. The data typing Work which they giving to people are also totaly fake and fabricated. I got some information regarding this online form filling data typing jobs main culprit nitesh khawani that, already FIR had registered against this Nitesh khawani in Jalgaon Maharashtra by a lady student. And Jalgaon session court rejected nitesh khawani' bail application. This is the main evidence that he is genuinely doing a fraud in all over india and taking money from evry poor students by giving fake fabricating court notice, fake Advocate notice and threatening to file civil or criminal suit if we refused to pay money to that data typing companies. Jalgaon session court already proved that nitesh khawani has got catches in such criminal activities. I request you to take action against this person. He also harassed me for money and threatening me to finish me my carrier. I can proved that criminal action is taken against fraud nitesh khawani in Jalgaon Maharashtra also FIR has registered against him in Jalgaon cyber crime police station. Everybody search on ecourt website to get Jalgaon session court order which proves that nitesh khawani is really a fraud man and shows his active involvment in such crime and still he is doing same fraud present time also in a cool mind having intention to cheat, harass people to take money from them.
File Complaint against them on this link
I[censored] paid any amount to that fraud companies, contact jalgaon cyber crime police station and send them your writing complaint letter by post or by email regarding this data typing fraud with ur amount loss which u paid to that fraud data typing companies. Jalgaon cyber crime police are very clever, brilliant and helpful. they know about this type of data typing fraud. They will surely help u to get back your money from fraud data typing companies . Otherwise file complaint on this website
National cyber crime portal will surely take action on your complaint and will recovered your money.
My frd Planning to Join this part time job. So please give us some suggestions.
Rameshqcomp's reply, Aug 11, 2020
Brother don't go for this fraudulent company. They are continuously speaking about the project with you and get good impression for getting payment from your side after that they had not attend the calls from you.
Kalaivani T's reply, Aug 11, 2020
They are all fraud. If you have free time read this company review. 99% people are gave a bad comments.
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[protected] It is my mail id and my mobile no is [protected]...
I need your help to get the payment from them..
Please provide your mail id, it was protected (not shown)..
[protected] It is my mail id and my mobile no is [protected]...
I need your help to get the payment from them..
Kalaivani T's reply, Sep 18, 2020
[email protected]
ஏமாந்தவர்கள் தொடர்பு கொள்ள
ஏமாந்தவர்கள் தொடர்பு கொள்ள
யாரும் பணம் கொடுத்து ஏமாற வேண்டாம். இவர்கள் கொடுத்துள்ள முகவரி தவறானவை. முதலில் ரூ 1500 கட்ட வேண்டும். நாம் செய்த வேலை 50% தவறாக உள்ளது. ரூ 1100 செலுத்தி 2 வது வேலை எடுங்கள் அப்போதுதான் முதலில் பார்த வேலைக்கு குறைந்த பட்சம் ஊதியம் கிடைக்கும் என்றும் இல்லையென்றால் . முதலில் செலுத்திய ரூ 1500 பெற்றுக்கொள்ளலாம் என்பார்கள். பிறகு நமது இனைப்பை முழுவதுமாக துண்டித்து விடுவார்கள். நானும் இவர்கலால் ஏமாற்றப்பட்டேன். பிறகு இவர்களை பற்றி அருகில் உள்ளவர்களிடம் நன்கு விசாரித்தேன். இவர்களிடம் பலபேர் ஏமாந்தது தெரியவந்தது. முக நூலில் தேடினேன் இந்த நிறுவனத்தின் உரிமையாளரின் அலைபேசி எண் கிடைத்து. உரிமையாளரிடம் எடுத்துக் கூறினேன் பிறகு நான் செலுத்திய பணம் மட்டுமே கிடைத்தது.