Address: 382475 | Website: dopagent.indiapost |
I m working as mpkby agent for last 9 yrs at sardarnagar post office, ahmedabad.382475. Befor cbs system i was submitting all rd installments regularly without any defaults.
The agent portal is many times not working on the last submission days which is a major problem in cbs system. As an agent i m finding it difficult to complete my work on time as per govt. Norms upto 15th of every month.
Generally agent portal is not functioning on or after 12th of the every month
For next 7 to 10 days constantly. I m not able to submit my regular collection in time in my clients rd accounts due to portal malfunctioning.
As per india post norms after 15th of every month the dopagent portal is calculating default amount against delayed rd installments. Actually it is because of non functioning of agent portal and not because of delayed payment by depositors or irregular agent services.
These kind of dopagent portal services are highly dissatisfactory and not very pleasing for postal investors,
The default paid for this reason is not repaid by the postal department even after higher authority orders to the sub postmaster nor by the depositors to me.
The depositors are highly dissatisfied because of this kind of irregularities
And it is difficult to convince them about my regularity and sincierity about my agency work.
Please remove the default system whenever the dopagent portal is not working on the last submission days. Was this information helpful? |
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