I have received a call from Fino Solutions for work from home online job of entry captcha on 29/01/2022. I have to enter 5, 000 Captcha's within 5 days they have taken a photo of my Aadhar card and my digital signature and made an agreement . They sent me login id and password. But, Unfortunately i was unable to complete my given work because I got COVID. There after, I got a call from name person addressing himself as an advocate of Gujarat Court, India. The person who made the call for me started saying that I need to pay 6, 500/- as a compensation for not completing the given work or else they will be filing the case against me. I had told them the reason that I'm suffering with COVID and requested them to give some more time to finish the work. They denied my request and started saying that I need to play 6, 500/- in 5 minutes. They made me hurry, that i should be paying that 6, 500/- or else they told me to attend the court along with parents. They completely disrupted my mental equillibrium because of their serious attitude. I pleaded them, and they end up the call on serious note saying "Come to the Gujrat Court, India along with your parents ".They even told me that, I will be arrested by the police. Then they told me they filed a case on me and to with-draw that case they told me to pay around 41 thousands of rupees. Later, When I searched about captcha works providing company jobs, I came to know it's fake. Now they were saying that they will take legal action against me what should I do please suggest me and help me out to this situation. I got call from this no[[protected]]
I came to know that the company is fake. I'm feeling tensed, because they may me force to pay the money . Was this information helpful? |