Aug 09, 2020
Updated by MalaniBorkar883 This is my order number
Amount rs
Rs 1558
Delivery date
28 july 2020
And this dal 2 order
This is two order number
Rs 814+814=1628
I had ordered this 2 gulab oil container and flipkart seller had given this product in poor condition not put support with each other due to transportation in transit the product is totally damage and oil has leakage we can't accept this lekage oil in covid pandemic condition so i had requested flipkaart from day 1 when i had received and esclate many times... Finally they are sending me mail lots of return from u r end so we are closing u r account... Ok fine close my account what about the damage product that they had given to me who will give refund of damage product we can't damage product
And this 2 order
This is moong dal and chana dal which flipkaart had given to us i. This product all black insect kernel are they i had esclated the issue to flipkaart and they had investigate they told we will take necessary action and waited me for 10 days for resolution and finally account has been closed from thier end and money had stuck... This is unfair from flipkart end..
I m requesting to consumer court and social media platform raised my complaint against flipkart and tell them to give me resolution and don't back out from my complaint i had shared my content to all my friend and family member so they also will raise voice on behalf of me and all public will stand for my complaint flipkart will know what customer voice... I want money from flipkart with the compensation loss that they had frusted and harrassed me mentally
Aug 09, 2020
Updated by MalaniBorkar883 This is my order number of flipkart
I had ordered 10 kg rice i don't expect that flipkart will give in poor condition not even in box that also i had neglected
The product which i received is 1 kg packet of 10 qty she. I open it i saw there is huge insect of black which is black kernel when i had open the packet in that small insects were there i had taken the images and now i m attaching the images please check it
This product is hazerdous to our health and also harmful for anyone we are living in invisible enemy of corona which can't see but affect human organ system badly but this product small insects which are live and affect our body who will responsible
Please take this back all and refund my money back
And also there is one request after this order seller had made this order out of stock it means when time of giving the order he doesn't have the stock he had given old stock he doesn't have the stock
I m attaching the images please check it from u r end investigate the matter and refund my money back
And after continually esclating to flipkart [protected] and grievances department of flipkart.. My account has been blocked by flipkart and refund and returned had both stuck i want my. Money back with loss of compensation
I will fight against flipkart till my last breath i m esclating this concern to all social media platform and consumer court to get justice and take necessary action against flipkart who had taken request to closed my account
I will recommend my all friends circles not buy any product from flipkart
And this matter i m esclating to sachin bansal sir and binny bansal sir in their respective email id... Let see who win flipkart customer care or customer of india