Address: Pune, Maharashtra |
Dear Honey
Thanks for your Mr Barton Feed Back regarding Salary
You trailing mail also good
I want to clear something tailing mail fusion employee every on have salary problems
Why ? -Just thing our company business Development is not Developing on proper way
If you fwd only Borton feed back no problem, your trailing mail very different to all
Dear Rakesh,
Mr. Barton wanted me to keep you informed that one month salary is done for PRA team and we are releasing another month’s by this coming week, please bear with us since Priya is on leave due to a sudden death of her relative and she is out of station. We are taking all measure to release it at the earliest.
Thank you for your co operation.
Warm Regards,
Honey Newton
Asst.Manager-Business Development
"Bringing it all together"
Fusion India Project Management Pvt. Ltd.
43/39, 2nd Cross, Promenade Road
Frazer Town, Bangalore, 560005
Mob.: [protected]| Tel.:+[protected] | Fax.: +[protected]
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[protected] Forwarded message[protected]
From: "jwbarton fusionconsulting" <[protected]>
Date: 13 Feb 2014 16:51
Subject: Re: Salary issues - Reg
To: "Patel Townsville Fusion Consulting" <[protected]>
Cc: "sheriff fusionconsulting" <[protected]>, "Rajesh Bhakta - Fusion Bhakta - Fusion" <[protected]>
Dear Team:
I understand the problem and I am sorry that it has become like this. I am collecting two months from Patel now and I promise it will go to catch all of you up to date.
1) No issue over salary makes it alright to skip work without notice. EVER. This hurts the company and cripples our ability to collect from the client. Strikes are not part of the system and will not be tolerated. If you are unhappy with anything at the company, you can resign if necessary and serve your notice period and go with our warm wishes and goodwill... but ad hoc, instant vanishing from site, and coming and going as you please is not acceptable.
2) This is the last mail that I will reply to a GROUP. The only group is Fusion, not Townsville. If you want to be a single group, we can make everyone the same salary, and promotions will be based on years served, not performance - just like a union. I am sure that is not appealing to you. I am happy to discuss issues with each of you individually, you are all part of this family and I like each one of you - but you are each part of Fusion, not any other group! Please understand that this is serious.
I will advise in maximum two days on the release of one month salary, and by next week the next month, which will then bring everyone up to date!
Team, you are doing good work, but please do not shake the boat. I am there for you, I promise.
"Bringing It All Together"
Joshua Barton, Managing Director
Fusion India Project Management Pvt Ltd
43/39, 2nd Cross Promenade Road
Mobile:+91 [protected]
On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 3:52 PM, Patel Townsville Fusion Consulting <[protected]> wrote:
Dear Mr.Joshuwa,
On behalf of all the Staffs members from Townsville Project site, we would like to keep you inform about the problems faced by each of our member. Due to non payable of salary on time.
1. We have not paid house rent/PG accommodation. because of this the landlord threatened to the vacant the premises.
2. Since the project is far away from the main town people needs to commute from far of places;for which they don't have money for daily petrol and personal expenses.
3. Our children's school fees has to be paid.
4. Our daily food expenses.
5. Medical expenses for family and ailing parents.
6. Day to day basic expenses.
7. Monthly loans availed by some of the staffs.
In such a scenario we are not able to concentrate on work because of the above mentioned reasons, despite all such problems we have not boycotted our work on the interest and name of the company.
But we will not be able to sustain without salary.This will not continue in long run.Take immediate decision and we request you to pay all pending salaries.
Note: We need to be paid salary on or before 10th of every month without fail as per the company manual.
All Staffs
Townsville Project site team
Fusion India Project Management Pvt Ltd
43/39, 2nd Cross, Promenade Road
Frazer Town, Bangalore-560005
Tel.:+[protected] | Fax.: +[protected]
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