Am Leena Narayan. I had contacted Ms.Ruchi from Public Inotech after seeking an ad in Later Ms.Ruchi and subsequently Mr.Vikram spoke to me for one week. After quite delibaration I decided to start working and paid Rs.2500 to the company on 31.05.18. Mr. Vikram insisted to pay on 31st May as that was month ending. Now I couldn't start working immediately due to personal issues. I requested to begin working only on 14-06-18. I got the work of 100 pages to be completed by 19-06-18 by 5pm. By 16th June after completing around 15 pages I realised I couldn't continue to work further due to other commitments. On 17th I spoke to Mr. Vikram about the same and informed via email to him about non continuance of the work. Subsequently after speaking to him he agreed to pay back Rs.1500 by 4th July 2018 via phone
.He has never confirmed via email . Since that day until today 17th July 2018 his phone is switched off and never replied to any of my e-mails. Am trying to attach all the email conversation for all to see; but the site isnt allowing for the same. Was this information helpful? |
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