Dear Bob
As I stated in my prior letter. My resignation was due to many significant t
hings that did Not include my churches growth as being a reason for departur
e from the company. Yes church growth has been taking place with many lives being blessed weekly through God's glory. Let me set the record straight... m
y P.I. License was not renewed and there are no records with Sled that prove
s otherwise . I did email the Corporate Licensing Department to check on the
status of the license as I have done each year prior to the expiration. Aundria Bond responded a day or so later stating the license renewal was at Sled
d and the SLED licensing department Advised them that I could continue worki=
ng cases. I accepted this on good faith. After ample time to have received my license from SLED I called Mrs. Connors, the head of the Regulatory Division at SLED. Mrs Connors completed a detailed search through every file that
her office has and determined that G4S had NOT submitted the annual renewal as Aundria and Rainey had assured me that had been done. I had Mrs. Connors
check and recheck the files. No record was found of my License Renewal. I
completed 11 cases in South Carolina with no record of my license being renewed during this time in good faith. G4S dropped the ball and now UNUM and several large Company's are going to be very unhappy. If you wish to convince people that I left due to MY CHURCH growth this is absolutely the wrong wa
y to play this issue off. Not to mention that for two days my glasses were broken and I could not see clearly to drive and carry out the duties required
of the job in surveillance and reporting.. I had to make an appointment to replace them and try to fix them along with another eye appointment. When I broke a Molar and needed to get to a dentist you gave me a good idea of just how uncaring you could be by calling me at home and putting me through the ri
nger because the next days cases was so much more important than my tongue b
eing slashed open. Each time I have needed a day here and there for legitimate reasons and AFTER WORKING 70 hours a week at times or more... it was as if my integrity was questioned and I have no business requesting eye and, dental appointments, Or sick Time for a day... you guys run the Investigators
like cattle. I have had no vacation, paid time off for years and was forced
to cash it in each year due to no work each year to try and stay afloat financially. What type of consideration is this for any man who has to work in an either over loaded schedule or completely empty schedule year in and year out. It's a seesaw each year.
I have a car that has 81 thousand miles on it now and there was 0 miles on it purchased in 2016. I will be paying this note for 5 more years and it already has that many mile
Bob, your attitude has been very cruel to put it mildly. You can't see the hours and work load I have carried with professional quality work. I am a merely a work horse you thought you could slap the whip across my back for the Company gain. I am not an investigator who does not know what I'm doing, yet any consideration I needed as a family man and father was not reciprocated. I
even had to stay in hotels that were sub standard.. brought home bed begs and my wife and I were eaten alive due to your ridiculous expectations in PRIME TIME hotel rates to save G4S a buck. Well it ended up costing ME over 10=
00 dollars to replace sheets and getting pest control. The origination was found in my bag I carried to the hotel where drug deals, parties, and prostitution was going on out side while trying to rest and do my report. I told Bagwell that these substandard places were never conducive for safety or putting out quality work. I Never had this issue with Michael Brumfield as the Manager. You lost a top quality professional when you lost him. His work ethic was very good and he had a conscience when having to carry out orders from
corporate. He always stood up to bat for his investigative team.
I even opened up my Church for you to use as a Phone location for Court Testimony to try and save the Company a few hundred dollars. You gave Bagwell a hard time about that initially then decided to use it and never even sent a
note of appreciation or a small gift as I or most would have done to thank t
he Ministry. There are so many very significant and legitimate reasons as to
the decision for my resignation. Some are insights into management and othe
rs are due to grading systems and their flaws on and on. I'm not really su
re why I have tried to stick this job out as long as I have but I will tell y
ou that G4S is not set up for fair reciprocating agreements and lacks great
ly in respect for the investigators. It is a meat grinder job with NO incent
ives. The morale of the investigator is never never taken into consideration
Do not tell people that I quit due to my CHURCH again Bob. You are wrong. I am a working Pastor. If this is the way you can cover your own conscience, it will not be sufficient
In retrospect I clearly should have made this decision at the forefront of coming on board with G4S when I consider the first few months that the Company guaranteed a great bonus upon my class completing training, a large bonus
was promised of 1500.00 . 3 increments of 500.00. Well Maurice Hargraves had been notified me it was cancelled after the first 500.00. My family had counted on this to make it through those first difficult months as an investigator on a severely limited pay check from the company. That took the wind out of our sails right at the beginning.
I was advised during the pre employment field interview that due to my many
years in Law Enforcement as a Supervisor for the State of South Carolina my
hourly wage would be close to 25.00 hourly within 2 years.
At the time I resigned I was still a little over 17.00. Just a bit off wouldn't one say.
But one thing that has stuck with me ever since the second day of that very short time of training in Raleigh. A brief but insightful comment made by the
head training as we walked across the street in front of the Corporate offi
e. The head of training was speaking casually and pointed to a Caucasian male seated alone by a table at the left side of the Corporate Office Building. He commented very matter of factly. See that fellow sitting over there? That is one useless human being! His name is Paul Malone. We kept walking in the direction of of the Corporate building front ingress and continued on with training. That one comment has stuck with me in such a negative way. I have had numerous opportunities to work with Paul and respect him as a Leader in his field. I really never wanted to bring this topic to light out of respect for him. But there
are issues that are just not conducive for this Investigator to be associat
ed with any further. with G4S Compliance and Investigations.
Although I have never personally spoken with Micheal Malone but through channels each time I would like to thank him for extending an ear during an overloaded season. He is a Gentleman and a Scholar as we say.
Kind Regards
James E Reese
Field Investigator
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