Oct 09, 2018
Updated by ajitpaul latest communication is below with Gold souk team:-
On Mon, Oct 8, 2018 at 1:17 PM Ajit Paul <ajit.[protected]@gmail.com> wrote:
hi Kamaya,
if there is no golf course then why do u still call it golf link project and this is clearly cheating from you guys.
i have told you 100 times that the only reason i bought this land considering it is part of golf project ans now you are saying that it was never part of this project.
why are you guys fooling your customers, i still have that beautiful red book, which was given me to me as part of welcome kit.
please talk to your management and request them to stop fooling and cheating their customers before your leave this organization.
initially i was involved with Ritu, then shikha and then shashank and bhupinder- looks like most of them have either left the company or moved elsewhere.
i hope you have accepted this fact that you are cheating us all.
hi Neeraj,
your comments please?
Regards, Ajit Paul
Sent from my iPhone
On 08 Oct 2018, at 09:12, kamya arora <[protected]@agsgroup.in> wrote:
Dear Mr. Paul,
Answers to your query are mentioned in the trailing email.
From: Ajit Paul [mailto:ajit.[protected]@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, October 05, 2018 4:55 PM
To: kamya arora
Cc: rajeev bajaj; [protected]@golflinks.in; adv.[protected]@gmail.com; [protected]@encorepropertymanagement.co.in
Subject: Re: QRDIS01509056 : Intimation of new ROI due to no construction
hi kamaya, waiting for your response please
Regards, Ajit Paul
Sent from my iPhone
On 03 Oct 2018, at 13:00, Ajit Paul <ajit.[protected]@gmail.com> wrote:
hi kamaya, just to add - your demand letter also states - golf links by gold souk..
pls read it and confirm the answers to my queries raised in previous email.
Regards, Ajit Paul
Sent from my iPhone
On 03 Oct 2018, at 12:58, Ajit Paul <ajit.[protected]@gmail.com> wrote:
hi Kamaya,
you are not answering my query and just reminding me about payment for the project called golf links...
where is the golf course in the plan?
Sir, it has already been informed to you that Course was never a part of 32 acres plotted scheme.
where is the club house?
The construction for the club would start simultaneously when we are offering the possessions as it’s a plotted scheme and the services shall be provided simultaneously but as you can see in the plan there is already a provision for the commercial site where the club will be constructed.
when did you put up the electrical wires etc?
The electrical wires have already been installed in the provision and is complete now.
pls stop asking for money when you guys have done nothing and still fail to answer my above queries...
pls stop cheating public.
you have sent me demand letter in oct 2017 but i have been asking for answers from 2015. let me remind you that i bought my property in march 2013 in your project Golf links... i can you the project booklets and design which was handed over to me during the time of booking when Ritu was there.
i have been telling you this from last 5 years but you are not ready to accept that you have cheated me and many others.
Regards, Ajit Paul
Sent from my iPhone
On 03 Oct 2018, at 11:50, kamya arora <[protected]@agsgroup.in> wrote:
Dear Sir,
We wish to inform you that the plan of 32 acres township is same as it was earlier when you booked the plot.
The demand letters has already been sent to you, which is due from October, 2017.
You are requested to please clear the due amounts as there has been loan from DHFL on your property, you are requested to please direct your bank to release the payment as the delivery time is coming closer now.
Team CRM
From: Ajit Paul [mailto:ajit.[protected]@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2018 6:01 PM
To: kamya arora
Cc: adv.[protected]@gmail.com
Subject: Re: QRDIS01509056 : Intimation of new ROI due to no construction
hi kamaya, it’s been more than a month now and i m still waiting for foe your feedback.
Regards, Ajit Paul
Sent from my iPhone
On 20 Aug 2018, at 10:21, Ajit Paul <ajit.[protected]@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Kamaya,
Waiting for your response please?
Regards, Ajit Paul
Sent from my iPhone
On 16 Aug 2018, at 14:45, Ajit Paul <ajit.[protected]@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Kamaya,
Just to remind you that pls share your response by tomorrow (7th working day).
Regards, Ajit Paul
Sent from my iPhone
On 09 Aug 2018, at 13:39, Ajit Paul <ajit.[protected]@gmail.com> wrote:
Sure, will wait for your response in next 7 days.
And also pls confirm if you are demanding the money for golf links project?
Is this the same project which is still in the same shape as it was in 2013?
What are you demanding money for?
There is no golf course, you have sold land to super tech, all your customers are running after you guys demanding their money and most importantly I have taken that plot considering your Golf link town ship not that you will give me small peice of land in the middle of no where and also in some awaaasyognaaaa Project which you guys never communicated.
I have send many messages to Rajeev and me Gupta but no one is responding in my money back request?
Regards, Ajit Paul
Sent from my iPhone
On 09 Aug 2018, at 07:48, kamya arora <[protected]@agsgroup.in> wrote:
Dear Sir,
We will revert to your query within 7 working days as we need to check the terms of tripartite agreement with DHFL as it has been clearly mentioned in the agreement the possession of the project is 36 months with the grace period of 6 months.
And, inspite of sending several reminder to you for the payment we have not yet received any till date.
The complete details of your plot shall be shared with you in a few days after the same is discussed with the management.
Team CRM
From: Ajit Paul [mailto:ajit.[protected]@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2018 4:17 PM
To: kamya arora; Amit Gupta; rajeev bajaj; [protected]@agsgroup.in
Cc: adv.[protected]@gmail.com
Subject: Re: QRDIS01509056 : Intimation of new ROI due to no construction
Hi Team,
Can someone please confirm and reply?
Regards, Ajit Paul
Sent from my iPhone
On 07 Aug 2018, at 14:45, Ajit Paul <ajit.[protected]@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Team,
Can you please confirm?
Regards, Ajit Paul
Sent from my iPhone
On 07 Aug 2018, at 06:54, Ajit Paul <ajit.[protected]@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Kamaya, Amit and Rajeev,
Pls see the below email from DHFL, who is going to bear this cost?
Regards, Ajit Paul
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: DHFL Response <[protected]@dhfl.com>
Date: 07 August 2018 at 06:04:39 SAST
To: Ajit Paul <ajit.[protected]@gmail.com>
Subject: QRDIS01509056 : Intimation of new ROI due to no construction
Dear Customer,
We value your relationship with DHFL.
With refer to your concern on your loan application no.01089856 . In this regard, we would like to inform you that the developer as well as the project was selected by you.
Post selection of the developer and the project you approached DHFL for a home loan.
The loan has been sanctioned basis your income eligibility and disbursed as per your request.
We would like to inform you that as per the terms of the Loan Agreement executed by you, you are liable to ensure timely repayment of loan to DHFL. In case of delay in construction/ possession, you need to take up the matter directly with developer. However, you need to ensure timely repayment of the EMI.
We therefore request you to make the payment towards the EMI/PEMI due on your loan Application Number 01089856, as per the scheduled dates. Any delay in the payment will attract the penalty.
For further queries or clarifications, please feel free to call us at[protected] or write to us at <[protected]@dhfl.com>.
Looking forward to your co-operation in helping us serve you better.
Manoj k
Customer Service Team, DHFL
You can now access your Loan Account Statement and IT Certificate online. Click here https://my.dhfl.com/wps/portal to login with your User ID and password.
From: Ajit Paul <ajit.[protected]@gmail.com>
Sent: 03 August 2018 11:40
To: DHFL Response
Cc: adv.[protected]@gmail.com
Subject: Re: QRDIS01509056 : Intimation of new ROI due to no construction
Hi, what would I need to do in this case when builder has not given me the possession and I have already filed a legal case against them.
And DHFL is also not sharing the necessary approvals for the town ship against which mg plot loan was approved.
Unfortunately I m suffering in this scenario.
I have been requesting DHFL from last 4 months to share the necessary approvals which they failed to provide.
I m marking mg lawyer as well in this email.
Regards, Ajit Paul
Sent from my iPhone
On 03 Aug 2018, at 07:15, DHFL Response <[protected]@dhfl.com> wrote:
Dear Customer,
Thank you for writing to us.
We refer your concern regarding Rate of interest in your Application No 01089856. In this regard we would like to remind that you have opted for a Plot Loan. As per Plot Loan Undertaking executed by you prior to disbursement of loan, you need to commence construction within a period of 36 months from the date of disbursement and inform our branch upon completion of construction. Failing which we would align the Rate to commercial after period of 36 months.
For further queries or clarifications, please feel free to call us at[protected] or write to us at <[protected]@dhfl.com>.
Looking forward to many more opportunities to be of service to you.
Customer Service Team, DHFL
You can now access your Loan Account Statement and IT Certificate online. Click here https://my.dhfl.com/wps/portal to login with your User ID and password.
From: Ajit Paul <ajit.[protected]@gmail.com>
Sent: 02 August 2018 11:16
To: DHFL Response; Seema Kumari Singh; Sanjeev Kumar
Subject: Re: Intimation of new ROI due to no construction
I hope this has been done and communicated?
Pls confirm?
Regards, Ajit Paul
Sent from my iPhone
On 31 Jul 2018, at 12:29, Ajit Paul <ajit.[protected]@gmail.com> wrote:
Pls advise ur account team accordingly.
Regards, Ajit Paul
Sent from my iPhone
On 31 Jul 2018, at 07:49, Ajit Paul <ajit.[protected]@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi team,
Pls note that I have not taken them possession from the builder therefore you guys should not charge me any higher interest rate.
Regards, Ajit Paul
Sent from my iPhone
On 30 Jul 2018, at 18:29, Ajit Paul <ajit.[protected]@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi response team,
Can you please share where it says that I have to start the construction in 3 years?
Regards, Ajit Paul
Sent from my iPhone
On 30 Jul 2018, at 15:20, Ajit Paul <ajit.[protected]@gmail.com> wrote:
Pls help me get the answer?
Regards, Ajit Paul
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Ajit Paul <ajit.[protected]@gmail.com>
Date: 30 July 2018 at 15:13:42 SAST
To: DHFL CustomerInformation <[protected]@dhfl.com>
Subject: Re: Intimation of new ROI due to no construction
The plot / township is not ready and I have already filed a legal case against the builder.
I have requested you to provide the necessary approvals for the township which you have failed to provide.
Looks like you are also involved with Gold souk, let me speak to my lawyer right away.
Regards, Ajit Paul
Sent from my iPhone
On 30 Jul 2018, at 15:07, DHFL CustomerInformation <[protected]@dhfl.com> wrote:
Intimation of new ROI due to no construction towards Application No:01089856
This is in reference to your Loan account no. which was sanctioned on for Rs.5696441/- and disbursement of 3475937/- was done on towards the purchase of Land.
As per the terms and conditions of the loan agreement, you were required to start construction o[censored]nit within a period of three years from the date of disbursement. As per the information available with us, the construction on this plot of land has not yet been started.
Hence the rate of interest on your loan shall be revised equivalent to non-housing loan category, as required under the
directives of National Housing Bank (wholly owned Subsidiary of RBI). For indicative purpose, the rate on your loan on the basis of existing rate structure shall be revised W.e.f 1st July 2018.
Existing Rate of Interest (%): 10.12% * New ROI % (W.e.f. 1st July ’2018): 11.5%
For any further clarification you can contact to the branch or you may also revert to us at [protected]@dhfl.com by quoting your loan account number.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
*Authorized Signatory
* Since this is a system generated letter, hence does not require any signature.
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<Ajit paul.pdf>
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Neeraj Singh
1, The Seven Lamps Retail, Lamps Avenue, Sector 82,
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