My new gas application no 80389788
I applied on 25/11/19
Company fitted pipeline in home n fitted gas meter but till date not connected from main line
Yesterday company person came n informed that our gas meter is rong fitted it is not our meter n he wants to take back.
I want to know about detail
I applied on 25/11/19
Company fitted pipeline in home n fitted gas meter but till date not connected from main line
Yesterday company person came n informed that our gas meter is rong fitted it is not our meter n he wants to take back.
I want to know about detail
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+91 26 1406 5000 [Bharuch]
+91 79 6673 7400 [Corp Office]
+91 28 1619 0501 [Rajkot]
2, Shanti Sadan Society, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India - 380006
I resides by rent. Please guide us, that what are these two items and to whom it should pay?