Address: Shakti Nagar, Rewari |
I applied for HSRP Sticker for my vehicle no. HR36AD1156 through online order on HSRP Haryana website.
- My order was accepted and status showed as "Success" on 2nd May.
Later on 3rd May it was cancelled without any reason.
- My second order was accepted on 5th May.
Later on 6th May it was also cancelled without any information/reason.
- My 3rd order was accepted on 9th May.
On 10th May it was also cancelled.
- All orders were put after confirmation through customer care email of HSRP.
I received again an email from customer care and I was advised to put order again by changing payment mode.
So today I again put order with change online payment mode.
So even after so many request I still have not received HSRP sticker through online orders.
Even refund against the payments which I made on each order, has not been received back.
All order payment receipt copy attached for your reference. Was this information helpful? |
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