Address: Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala |
Hi HDFC Bank,
My name is Rinu Thomas. My account number is [protected]. This was my salary account and now I am not using it as a salary credit account. I have been settled in London for the last 6 months and am having some issues with this account now. Amount 29.5 is getting deducted and I don't have any idea about this. This is very bad and unprofessionalism as a reputed worldwide bank shouldn't be doing this. Request to reverse the charges. I am having 2 loans with you so that I am keeping this account. If things are happening the same and I am debiting hidden charges, I should transfer my loan to another bank which leads me to close an account with you. Also you are holding an amount of 29236 rupees for something I couldn't understand. I need that money back in my account as well. I tried many times to connect with you and did not find a solution. As I am abroad I send my siblings to the bank. but the bank said they do not know the proper reason and they asked me to come to India which is hard on these days.
Only after I get a solution from your side, I can add my loan amounts every month. Do something immediately or else I should think of having an account with you. Also I should say HDFC has a bad connection with people who live abroad.
Thank you
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