Dear Sir,
We thank you for choosing HDFC Bank for routing your export remittances and trust you have been satisfied with our services.
As you are aware, all exporters, who receive advance remittance from buyer(s) outside India, are under regulatory obligation to ensure that the shipment of goods is made within one year from the date of receipt of advance remittance, and the documents covering the shipment are routed through the AD Category – 1 bank through whom advance remittance is received.
As per our records, there are export advances received in your account, against which no export documents have been submitted to us till date.
You are requested to –
• for advance receipts listed below, which are more than a year old, submit the related export documents alongwith the relative GR/ Shipping Bill/ EDF/SOFTEX, without further delay.
• for all other advance receipts listed below, submit the related export documents alongwith the relative GR/ Shipping Bill/ EDF / SOFTEX at the earliest and in any case before expiry of one year from the date of receipt.
Kindly quote our Inward Ref. No. in all future correspondence.
Please note that RBI has details of all advance export remittances and the same is monitored by them. Customers who have not submitted the documents within the stipulated time may feature in the “caution list” circulated by RBI.
In case of any discrepancy in the below details, or, any other doubts/queries in this regard, please feel free to write to your Relationship Manager or Trade Branch officials with full details.
Yours faithfully
These reminders are coming even after submitting the originals at the bank. Proof has been sent to bank by mail and no response to the mails sent
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