HDFC Bank — I've already resolved payment overdue charges of my hdfc credit card but I still get pending charges sms.
Vinay Vadluru
Mar 19, 2023
Mar 20, 2023
This thread was updated on Mar 20, 2023
Address: Hdfc bank, ville parle east
This thing is haunting me again. So I got a hdfc credit card in 2018 but I've closed my account soon before even registering. But I got pending charges sms so I made a complaint and after multiple phone calls, visiting bank, drafting emails it finally got resolved in 2022. Now again from 4/5 months the pending charges sms started coming from HDFC. This is already resolved I have the complaint resolved sms from HDFC i don't know why this is happening again. This was already a frustrating thing to resolve this issue in the first place now I don't want to do it again. But it's effecting my cibil score and my mental health.
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