Verified Support
Sep 19, 2019
HDFC Bank Customer Care's response Dear Customer,
If you not using the demat account, we request you to submit application for closure of demat account and reversal of charges on prorata basis.
We would like to inform you that the regulatory guidelines stipulate that Demat accounts can be closed only on receipt of valid closure requests received from the customer.
Hence, we request you to please submit the closure form to any of our branches offering depository services. The form has to be duly signed by all the account holders.
The form has to be submitted to the branch in person (at least one of the account holders) incase of transfer cum closure cum waiver request. To process the same, we request you to submit any one self attested copy of valid proof of identity which is mandatory for all the holder(s) viz PAN card, passport, Voter ID card, Driving license etc.
There are no closure charges involved if the closure constitutes transfer of securities to another Demat account having identical name(s), identical PAN and order. For example, there are no off market transaction charges if all the securities are transferred from the Demat account in the name of Mr. Ramesh Tandon to another Demat account which is the name of Ramesh Tandon.
The off market transfer charges in such a case shall be waived, subject to submission of the following documents by the account holder during closure:
Annexure Q (copies enclosed) duly filled & signed by the account holder(s) with target DPID and client ID correctly filled up
Duly certified (signed and stamped by the receiving DP) Client Master List (CML) or Original Crystal Report (CR) in case of CDSL Accounts obtained from the target Participant with whom the client has opened a new Demat account or maintains a Demat account
Statement of Holding of the source account duly self-attested by the account holder.
All unused delivery instruction slips (DIS) to be cancelled and surrendered along with the Annexure Q
IMPORTANT: If all the above requirements are not met the waiver of off market charges will not be extended to you and you will be charged for the transfer to the other Demat account as per the tariff schedule agreed at the time of opening of Demat account.
We request you to provide de-linking instructions separately for e-broking/online trading account.
You may also contact HDFC securities at [protected] to get additional clarifications.
Also, Kindly note that, Demat account held in sole name with nil holdings and no outstanding Demat charges can be closed based on email insctruction from your registered email id to [protected] along with your 8 digit demat account number (can be viewed under HDFC Bank Net Banking>>>Demat Tab) and DP ID
Please find the soft copy of the demat closure request form below:
For the complete address and contact details of our Demat service providing Branches, Please visit the following URL
HDFC Bank Customer Assistance
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