Hindustan Pencils Private Limited — Nataraj Pencil Packing Part Time Work from Home Fraud

Address:510, Himalaya House, Palton Road, Mumbai – 400 001, India.


Complainant- Ms. Prachi Hasija D/o Sh. Divya Hasija, aged about 24 years, R/o G-34, Gaurav Apartments, Saket, New Delhi- 110017
Accused Persons- 1. Manjeet Singh S/o Rai Singh, aged about 31 years R/o Silana (259), Jhajjar, Jhajjar, Haryana- 124103
2. Sahil Sharma aged about 35 years having Phone No.- [protected]
3. Gouthre Raj Kumar
4. Pawan Kumar Pandey, Seelampur, New Delhi- 110053
5. Mukesh Sharma
6. Vinay Agggarwal
7. Ratan Sethi (Mobile No. [protected])
8. Abhijeet Bhandari (Mobile No. [protected])
9. Rajkumar (Mobile No. [protected])

1. That Hindustan Pencils Pvt. Ltd. is a Company (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) incorporated under the Companies Act, 1930 dealing with the manufacture of pencils, writing materials and other stationery items. That the Company makes writing implements under the brands Nataraj and Apsara and claim themselves to be the largest pencil manufacturer in India.

2. That the agents in the name of Nataraj Company (hereinafter referred to “agents”) are providing Work from Home part time opportunities to people around the country wherein the people are required to pack the boxes of pencils and pens belonging to the Company in return for a handsome salary. That rather than delivering the material at my residence as promised, the said agents of the Company duped me of my hard earned money in the name of delivering the material belonging to the Company to me for the necessary packing.

3. That it is on 14.02.2022 that I for the first time learned about the fraud business being run by the agents on Facebook. That the contents of the said Facebook post provided for a part-time work from home opportunity for packing of pens and pencil boxes belonging to Nataraj Company. That for the said purpose the said agents were required to deliver 15 days’ worth material belonging to Nataraj Company at my residence and on receiving the said material I was required to pack the same into boxes and deliver it to the said agents.

4. That it was stated by the said agents that I will also be provided an advance of Rs. 15, 000/- (Rupees Fifteen Thousand Only) and thereafter will be provided Rs. 10 (Rupees Ten Only) for each box packed by me. That the total amount to be paid was to be based on the total boxes packed by me after deducting the amount paid as advance by the said agents representing themselves as the agents of Nataraj Company. That after the completion of work an option was also provided to to order more material in the future from the said agents who apparently are the employees/agents of Nataraj Company and the said material ordered can be over and above the 15 days period as provided earlier. It is important to note herein that the agents are duly using the name of Nataraj Company (Hindustan Pencils Pvt. Ltd.) for their illegal motives and there are numerous posts similar to the post seen by me on various social media platforms providing for part-time work from home opportunities and luring the people all over the country to invest their hard-earned money for their illegal motives. That it was assured by the agents that the said amount invested by me will be refunded to me by the delivery boy on the date of delivery.

5. That after learning about the said work from home opportunity on 14.02.2022, I sent a Whatsapp message to the agents on the mobile number [protected] provided by them in the Facebook post and the message was sent for the purposes of applying for the said opportunity which was immediately responded to by one of the agents. Thereafter, the agents started calling me on a regular basis and it was only on 18.02.2022 that I answered the call received from one of the agents. That during the said call the said agent talking to me asked me to send my identity documents which includes Aadhaar Card, Pan Card and passport size photo through Whatsapp on the number provided and also to transfer Rs. 750/- (Rupees Seven Hundred and Fifty Only) on account of registration and preparation of my account with the Company. It is important to note herein that I was also asked to share with the agents the screen shots of all the transactions herein showing the amount being transferred in the belowmentioned account belonging to one of the agents. That the said amount Rs. 750/- (Rupees Seven Hundred and Fifty Only) to be paid by me was apparently a discount provided by one of the agents namely Sahil Sharma (Staff Manager) of Nataraj Company and who had also provided his ID Card to me over Whatsapp. That the said ID Card of Mr. Sharma clearly mentions his contact details (Mobile No. [protected] which is currently active) and also clearly mentions the name of Nataraj Pencil which proves that the name of the Company was being used by the agents to carry out the illegal activities and make illegal gains. That it was stated by Mr. Sahil Sharma that the people who wish to do the said part-time work are required to pay an amount of Rs. 1, 050 (Rupees One Thousand and Fifty Only) and I was being provided a special discount. That being duped by the same I on 20.02.2022 paid an amount of Rs. 750/- (Rupees Seven Hundred and Fifty Only) from the Canara Bank Account bearing No.[protected] in the belowmentioned bank account belonging to one of the agents. That the payments made to the said agents are apparent from my bank account details and the screenshots sent to the agents confirming the payment. That the amount was paid in the account belonging to one of the agents, the details of which are mentioned hereinbelow-

Bank Name: SBM Bank
Name: Gouthre Raj Kumar
Bank Account Number: [protected]
IFSC Code: STCB0000065

6. It is important herein that before providing the abovementioned Bank details, I was asked to transfer the amount through Gpay to one on the agents namely Ratan Sethi (Mobile No. [protected]) and due to transaction failure the same could not take place. Therefore, I was asked to transfer the amount through Gpay to another agent namely Abhijeet Bhandari (Mobile No. [protected]) which could not take place once again and finally I was asked to transfer the amount through Gpay to Rajkumar (Mobile No. [protected]). That due to the failure of the abovementioned illegal transactions, the abovementioned Bank details were provided to me. That all of the agents mentioned hereinabove are collectively involved in the said illegal business in the name of Nataraj Company.

7. That thereafter, on 20.02.2022 itself another voice call was received by me wherein one of the agents asked me to make a further payment of Rs. 2, 500/- (Rupees Two Thousand and Five Hundred Rupees Only) as security towards the salaried. That on my refusal to pay the said amount, the said agent threatened me that in case of failure to transfer the said amount, the salary will not be credited for the work done by me and further, the amount already paid shall be forfeited and transferred to an NGO. Also, I was being told that the payment of said amount is mandatory and in terms of the rules of the Nataraj Company which were at no point of time provided to me despite being asked on several occasions and further, an assurance was also given that the said amount will be refunded to me at the time of delivery. That once again being duped by the assurance given by the agents, I paid the said amount in the abovementioned bank account belonging to one of the agents.

8. That for the refund of the abovementioned amount and for the delivery of the necessary material belonging to Nataraj Company, I was to be provided with the contact number of the delivery boy by the agents. That a contact number [protected] which apparently belongs to the delivery person was provided to me. That thereafter, I was informed that the delivery person along with the concerned material has left from Uttam Nagar, Delhi for the purposes of delivery at my residence being the delivery address provided to the agents.

9. That after sometime, I once again received a call from the said delivery boy of the agents stating that the GPS of the truck which was being used to deliver the said material has stopped and a sum was required to be paid by me to revive the said GPS of the truck carrying the material belonging to Nataraj Company. That a serious objection with respect to the said amount for the revival of the GPS system to be paid by me was raised as the said truck belongs to the agents and apparently carried the material belonging to Nataraj Company. That once again an assurance was given that the said amount will be refunded by the delivery boy at the time of delivery of material as stated hereinabove. It is imperative to mention herein that the said delivery person was allegedly carrying an amount to the tune of Rs. 50, 000/- (Rupees Fifty Thousand Only) alongwith Nataraj Company’s credit card with him for the purposes of refunding the said amount to me. That on being asked the amount to be paid to the concerned agent, he did not deliberately mention that the same was to paid separately that is Rs. 6, 100/- (Rupees Sixty One Hundred Only) plus Rs. 99/- (Rupees Ninety Nine Only) and I herein had collectively paid an amount of Rs. 6, 200/- (Rupees Sixty Two Hundred Only) to the agents in the abovementioned bank account. That an objection was raised by the agents on the amount collectively being paid to the agents and to which a suggestion was made by me that the same may be adjusted, but the same was blatantly refused by the agents being against the rules of the Company. That at this point, I was once again asked to pay the said amount on the assurance given by the agents that the same may be refunded at the time of delivery.

10. That the fraudulent activities of the agents had not stopped at this juncture. After, a few minutes on the same day another call was received by our Client to deposit an amount of Rs. 12, 500/- (Rupees Twelve Thousand and Five Hundred Rupees Only) towards the GST of the goods belonging to the Nataraj Company. That it is noteworthy herein that the payment of GST towards the goods is solely the responsibility of the Company but in this case our Client was asked to pay the said amount. Further, on serious objections being raised by our Client, the agent Manjeet Singh provided his Aadhaar Card bearing No.[protected] along with Pan Card bearing No. CXJPS6916D to our Client and also provided an assurance that the said amount was to be refunded at the time of delivery. That the said charging of illegal amounts and the refund procedure was clearly stated to be in terms of the rules of the Company which were at no point of time provided to our Client. That our Client trapped in the threats of the agents and for fear of its amount paid being forfeited paid an amount of Rs. 12, 500/- (Rupees Twelve Thousand and Five Hundred Rupees Only) to the agents in the abovementioned bank account.

11. That once again after a few minutes a call was received by me from one of the agents demanding further illegal payment towards the delivery charge. That an amount of Rs. 14, 449/- (Rupees Fourteen Thousand Four Hundred and Forty Nine Only) was demanded towards the hard work of the delivery person for delivery of the material belonging to the Nataraj Company at my residence. That at this juncture a serious objection was raised by me towards the demand of enormous amount towards delivery and I in return demanded for the rules of the Company, receipt for the payments made and also asked for the current location of the said delivery person. That after hearing the said demands, the agent over the phone at the point of time became aggressive and started using abusive language and further, threatened me with threats relating to the forfeiture of the said amount. That I under the threat of the agents made a payment of Rs. 15, 000/- (Rupees Fifteen Thousand Only) which was over and above the amount claimed by the agents but rather that adjusting the said amount towards the amount claimed, the agents used abusive language and asked to make a payment once again of the exact figure that is Rs. 14, 449/- (Rupees Fourteen Thousand Four Hundred and Forty Nine Only). That it is pertinent to mention herein that it was only at this juncture that an objection towards the exact figure was raised by the agents being in terms of the imaginary rules and regulations that to of Nataraj Company. That an objection was not raised by the agents at an earlier occasion wherein the agents were paid an amount of Rs. 2, 500/- (Rupees Two Thousand and Five Hundred Only) contrary to the claimed amount of Rs. 2, 499 (Rupees Two Thousand Four Hundred and Ninety Nine Only) and there was no response from the agents to the same when the said objection was raised me. That from the abovementioned facts the illegal activities of the agents are crystal clear.

12. That after the abovementioned payments being made by me towards the delivery no payment whatsoever could have possibly be raised by the agents for delivering the goods. Even after this the goods were not delivered and further illegal demands were being raised which had no concern whatsoever with the delivery of goods. It is important to note herein that one point of time due to the continuous objections being raised by me, the agents in clear terms stated that no payment whatsoever will be released to me if the goods are delivered and the same will put an end to their process of extortion. It is for this reason that continuous illegal amounts were being raised by the agents without delivery of any material/ goods whatsoever. That at this point of time another illegal demand not related to the delivery of goods was being raised by the agents. That an amount was being raised for preparation of a payment slip for the release of refund amount to me towards the illegal payments being made to the agents. That on this account an amount of Rs. 21, 500/- (Rupees Twenty One Thousand and Five Hundred Rupees Only) was sough. That serious objections were being raised by me for payment being demanded towards preparation of payment slip which is totally concerned me and no amount whatsoever can be raised on the said basis by the agents. That once again an assurance was given by the agents that the delivery of goods shall take place within a span of 10 minutes after the transferring of the said amount and also that the said amount was to be duly refunded by the Nataraj Company. That again on the said assurance of the agents, an amount of Rs. 21, 500/- (Rupees Twenty One Thousand and Five Hundred Rupees Only) was paid.

13. That after a few minutes of transferring the said amount another illegal demand was being raised by the agents for payment towards the mail amount to the tune of Rs. 25, 000/- (Rupees Twenty Five Thousand Only) and the said amount was to be paid for release of the goods to me which is clearly baseless. That at this point of the time the payment was denied to the agents as I had no funds left for the payment towards the illegal demands of the agents. The agents were repeatedly asked to deliver the said goods and the payment was to be cleared on receipt of goods but no heed was paid to the same by the agents as there was no intention whatsoever to deliver the said goods and all of this was game play on the part of the agents to dupe me of my hard earned money.

14. That since the abovementioned amount was denied to the agents, I had received numerous calls from the agents wherein threats were hurled towards me and my family members. That it was on the said day that is on 21.02.2022 after giving numerous threats to me, the agents succumbed to their threats and admitted the duping of money from the innocent people in the name of Nataraj Company for their personal gain. That on the said date the agents had assured that the entire amount shall personally be refunded by the head of the agents namely Mr. Pawan Kumar Pandey personally to me by 9:00am on 22.02.2022. However, till the present date no amount whatsoever has been refunded by the agents. That the abovementioned agents have collectively defrauded me in the name of providing part-time work from home jobs and the name of Nataraj Company was be used. That it is to be noted herein that some of the mobile numbers out of the total are presently active.

That it is requested that necessary action be taken action the fraudsters mentioned hereinabove and similar fraudsters which are operating in gangs all over the country and duping the innocent people of their hard earned money.

That the total consolidated amount to which our Client is entitled is mentioned hereinbelow for your kind reference:-
Registration Fees: Rs. 750/-
Security towards salaries: Rs. 2, 500/-
Resumption of GPS system: Rs. 12, 400/-
GST towards goods: Rs. 12, 500/-
Delivery amount wrongly paid: Rs. 15, 000/-
Delivery amount: Rs. 14, 499/-
Payment towards preparation of slip: Rs. 21, 500/-
Total Amount: Rs. 79, 149/-


Prachi Hasija
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    510, Himalaya House, Palton Road, Mumbai – 400 001, India.
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