Address: Honey Technology, located at SH 56A, Gandhi complexRajmahal Road, Mehsana, Gujarat 384001 | Website: |
I registered too many sites for work from home job and finally i got a call from honey technology and job is to fill 600 forms within 6 days and i took the job without any registration fees. They told after completion of work they will pay me 25 rs per form so 600 forms amount is 15000 and they will deduct 4200 rs as a registration fees. I completed the work within the time period. They have to send the accuracy of forms within 72 hours (Qc report). They didn't send me a qc report and i waited for 1 week still they are cheating on me. They are not replying to my mails and messages and not answering to my phone. [protected] this is the helpline number of honey technology. Please do the needful.
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