Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation [Hsbc] — receiving of mail from id hsbc. atm banking. [protected]@mail.com containing account information for fund transfer

Address: 630206

Hsbc bank plc
28 borough high street, london
Se1 1yb, united kingdom.
Dated: fri, 1st november, 2019.

Attn: dear beneficiary mr. L. William rose premkumar;

We the board of directors and the staff management of hsbc bank london, re-affirm upon the donation fund of madam mrs. Agnes edna dolby, inheritance fund the sum of £2, 500, 000.00 gbp {two million five hundred thousand great britain pounds only} for charity work/project in india, which was transferred in our hsbc atm prepaid mastercard, here in london, united kingdom, in your name mr. L. William rose premkumar, as the rightful beneficiary to our dear customer mrs. Agnes edna dolby, in india, with hsbc atm mastercard prepaid a/c: 90287342, atm mastercard number: [protected], expiry date: 11/33, iban: gb16midl[protected], sort code: 401100, bic: midlgb22, which is in your country right now in hsbc bank indian zonal headquarters new delhi, india.

We the hsbc bank london, want to inform you to comply for your hsbc atm prepaid mastercard registration with our branch in your country in india, through our indian database network inter-switch electronic system to enable your hsbc international atm prepaid mastercard register in the database system over there in india, so that your atm mastercard we start working perfectly in any atm machine in your country india, for you to start making withdrawal from your hsbc atm prepaid mastercard. Kindly go ahead and make the deposit payment for the registration process of your atm mastercard, is very important and vital that your hsbc atm prepaid mastercard is registered in our head branch in your country new delhi, india.

Note: follow mr. Steve boris, directive as instructed by hsbc indian branch new delhi, and make the deposit of rs.49, 999/-inr, for the registration fee. After the registration process of your atm card, you will receive your foreign hsbc atm prepaid mastercard in your home address in india immediately to avoid cancellation with hsbc indian zonal branch on tuesday 5th of november 2019.

Thanks for being with us.

Yours sincerely,
Mr. Noel quinn
Chief executive director.

Working days: monday to friday. Time: 9am to 4pm
Saturday banking: 10am to 4pm
Any views of this e-mail are those of the sender except where the sender specifically states them to be that of hsbc bank or its subsidiaries. The message and its attachments are for designated recipient (S) only and may contain privileged, proprietary and private information. If you have received it in error, kindly delete it and notify the sender immediately. Hsbc bank accepts no liability for any loss or damage resulting directly and indirectly from the transmission of this e-mail message.

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I received a mail from Mrs Agnes Dolby, Thank for this above disclaimer. This disclaimer is save my money. Thank to HSBC bank. Hats off

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